The Basic Rules of Roulette

  • Francisco Baldinelli Independiente


Roulette is a fairly simple game of chance that is popular in both land-based and online casinos because it offers players an inordinate amount of gaming options. Knowing the rules gives you a better chance of winning. This is a help to understand all the roulette rules and learn how to play roulette games. Both inside and outside bets can be made, the former may be more beneficial but carry greater risk. The croupier is in charge of releasing the ball, determines how long bets can be placed, announces the results, removes losing chips and pays winning bets.

Keywords: Games of chance, Roulette, Online casinos


McGivern, P., Hussain, Z., Lipka, S. y Stupple, E. (2019). The impact of pop-up warning messages of losses on expenditure in a simulated game of online roulette: a pilot study. BMC Public Health, 19, 822.

Newall, P.W.S., Weiss-Cohen, L., Singmann, H., Boyce, W.P., Walasek, L., y Rockloffg, M.J. (2022). A speed-of-play limit reduces gambling expenditure in an online roulette game: Results of an online experiment. Addictive Behaviors, 127, 107229.

How to Cite
Baldinelli, F. (2022). The Basic Rules of Roulette. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(288), 216-220. Retrieved from