Sports Betting: the Importance of Bankroll Management (Responsible Gaming)

  • Diana Gujer Independiente


Proper bankroll management allows you to play responsibly. It represents not risking personal or family resources in sports betting. A bet should be a hobby to add excitement to a game of the favorite soccer team, trying as much as possible to earn additional money to the salary, always keeping calm and cautious. You should never spend more than 10% of your bankroll. This prevents problems such as gambling disorder, defined as a pathological addiction to electronic or gambling games. Gambling responsibly means differentiating between own money needed for everyday life and money spent on entertainment.

Keywords: Games of chance, Gambling disorder, Bankroll


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Olortegui Saldaña, A. (2021). Conviviendo con la ludopatía: Adicción a los juegos, una mirada desde la Sociología de las emociones. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios sobre Cuerpos, Emociones y Sociedad, 3(37).

How to Cite
Gujer, D. (2022). Sports Betting: the Importance of Bankroll Management (Responsible Gaming). Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(288), 206-210. Retrieved from