From Gym to Personal Trainer: Career Management and Entrepreneurial Opportunities


Introduction: This work was descriptive and exploratory in nature and aims to analyze the work market of the fitness area, especially the circulation of Physical Education professionals who withdraw from the weight room – where the service is collective – for individualized classes. Methods: The intentional sample included 6 professionals who worked as personal trainers in the city of Niterói, State of Rio de Janeiro, and who in recent years dedicated themselves to working autonomously and terminated their employment contracts. The questions that guided the study were: What choices are considered when the professional decides to disconnect from the weight room and will act as a personal? Individual interviews were conducted containing 9 open questions and were about time of education, educational level, age, and income. Results: The material was transcribed and analyzed, emerging three categories, i.e.: a) Remuneration; b) Plastering; c) Showcase. Conclusion: the gains as a personal trainer outweigh those of a bodybuilding teacher. However, it is working as a bodybuilding teacher that many Physical Education professionals can capture their students/personal clients. The fluidity of this job market points to poor pay, career self-management and the daily need for maintenance and conquest of new students/clients.

Keywords: Personal trainer, Labor market, Entrepreneurship, Gym


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Author Biographies

Carlos Henrique de Vasconcellos Ribeiro,

Cláudia da Silva Mendes,

Marcius Vinicius Bordoni,

Jeferson Roberto Rojo,

How to Cite
Ribeiro, C. H. de V., Mendes, C. da S., Bordoni, M. V., Rojo, J. R., & Pereira, E. G. B. (2022). From Gym to Personal Trainer: Career Management and Entrepreneurial Opportunities. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(291), 90-102.
Research Articles