Concept of Tensegrity in Energy Transfer in the Muscle-Tendon Unit. Literature Review


Tensegrity is a property present in structural systems and can be understood through the study of the forces that act on a given structure. The understanding about the transmission of force that dissipates through the body to the muscle tendon unit (UMT) is important for health and sports professionals, especially for those who work with evaluation, training, prevention and recovery of human movement. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate how the concept of tensegrity is applied in the mechanical force transmission analysis in the muscle-tendon unit during human movement. A systematized literature review was carried out using descriptors (Tensegrity and Elastic Energy) in Portuguese, English and Spanish, in 4 databases (Google Academic, PUBMED, Scielo and Lilacs), and 10 studies were selected. Based on the findings of the selected studies, it was possible to verify that the human body works based on the principles of tensegrity, and the tension is transmitted mainly by the body fascia. The participation of passive tension, as well as the ability to store elastic energy and transfer kinetic energy, allows the movement to be performed with lower metabolic cost, such as occurs in the cycle of stretching and shortening during cyclic movements such as running, jumping and walking.

Keywords: Biotensegrity, Stretch shortening cycle, Tensegrity


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Author Biographies

Nícolas Lourenço de Oliveira,

Beatriz Magalhães Pereira,

How to Cite
Oliveira, N. L. de, & Pereira, B. M. (2024). Concept of Tensegrity in Energy Transfer in the Muscle-Tendon Unit. Literature Review. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(309), 198-210.
Review Articles