Use of Small-Sided Games as a Strategy for Teaching Volleyball at School

A Narrative Review


Small-sided games are alternative ways to change the dynamics and structure of formal games. Manipulations such as: game space, players number, ball possessions, rules, among others, are carried out in order for the player to adapt to different contexts, as well as to encourage initiation and facilitate the learning of tactics and technique inherent to volleyball. The present study aims to identify the literature on the use of Small-sided games in the teaching process of volleyball in the tactical-technical and decision-making, physical and psychological aspects, in school-age children and adolescents. A narrative review was used to critically analyze and interpret the “state of the art” on this topic. The results showed that Small-sided games are an effective tool for learning and stimulate the development of tactical-technical and physical skills, as the stage of motor development and physical capacity of the participants is considered. Thus, when experiencing different game settings in a simplified context, more active participation in the game is provided, while bringing positive affective experiences with volleyball. In addition, decisions are required in an unstable environment, in a situation analogous to the formal game, providing the opportunity to contextualize the technique along with the tactical demand in a simpler context. Small-sided games are an efficient strategy for teaching volleyball at school level, as long as the teacher moderates the learning considering the participants' stage of development and creates a positive climate for learning.

Keywords: Volleyball, Teaching, School


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Author Biographies

Bruce Friederich,

Henrique de Oliveira Castro,

Thiago José Leonardi,

Rodrigo Lara Rother,

Gustavo De Conti Teixeira Costa,

Lorenzo Iop Laporta,

How to Cite
Friederich, B., Castro, H. de O., Leonardi, T. J., Rother, R. L., Costa, G. D. C. T., & Laporta, L. I. (2022). Use of Small-Sided Games as a Strategy for Teaching Volleyball at School: A Narrative Review. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(291), 169-181.
Review Articles