Methodology Based on the Project Method to Develop Autonomy in the English Learning


Introduction: Autonomy, an essential human beings’ necessity to assume with social responsibility and awareness, their own learning, (Holec, 1981); it has become a challenge for education, to achieve a high degree or autonomous level in students, not only in learning, but also in the acquisition of languages ​​and the use of technology. Objective:To demonstrate that the methodology based on the project method develops autonomy in the student’s English language learning. Methods: It was carried out through a quantitative approach; according to its purpose; it is applied, experimental, pre-experimental design; descriptive, explanatory and correlational. For data collection, a 30-question questionnaire was applied as instrument, to a sample of 48 students; through the survey as a technique. Results:Relevant and significant differences were obtained in the results before and after applying the experiment, resulting in a sig. = .000 <0.05; so H0 was rejected, and Hi was accepted. Conclusions:Demonstrating that the methodology based on the project method not only significantly develops the autonomy in the English learning, but also develops the dimensions, levels, contextualized attitudinal training and the didactic implications; consequently, students will graduate with a high development in their autonomy, independent in their learning at the height of the demands of the professional model of the XXI century.

Keywords: Learning autonomy, English learning, Project method


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How to Cite
Feriz Otaño, L., Balladares Atoche, C., López López, J. E., Viteri Guevara, X. O., & Campoverde López, J. S. (2022). Methodology Based on the Project Method to Develop Autonomy in the English Learning. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(284), 13-26.
Research Articles