The Importance of the Inclusive Pedagogical Approach in Teacher Training Programs


Over the last few years, our society has undergone a great transformation, where diversity and heterogeneity have acquired a greater role. Faced with this context, it must be social imperative to provide a response from the educational system that, in addition to being adequate, is effective. In this sense, educational inclusion is the best means to achieve this, under the premise that the involvement and participation of all its agents is the only alternative for the transformation of educational centers. However, this cannot be achieved without adequate training of teachers, who are the main educational agents in the teaching process. The objective of the present work is to analyze the programs of initial teacher training, as well as continuous training, as well as continuous training, with the aim of discerning if the knowledge and skills that they develop are sufficient. to face the new demands presented by the Spanish educational system. Methodologically, we have carried out a review of the literature, which has been complemented with an analysis of different teacher training programs in the Community of Madrid. The results achieved show a necessary updating and revision of these training programs, which are insufficient, in order to provide an adequate and congruent response, which accommodates all students, without any distinction whatsoever

Keywords: Inclusive education, Teacher trainning, Lifelong learning


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How to Cite
Carrascal Moraga, M., Maneiro Dios, R., & Revesado Carballares, D. (2022). The Importance of the Inclusive Pedagogical Approach in Teacher Training Programs. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(288), 160-175.
Review Articles