Plyometric Training Influence on the Explosive Strength Development in Parkour


This study aims to assess the adaptations induced by a plyometric training program and how it affects the direction of training called explosive strength in different athletes practicing Parkour, for which a sample study was conducted with a total of 25 athletes (n=25; age=28.5±10.5 years; weight=63±11 kg), male gender. The research was carried out with a group that performed the plyometric training program for eight weeks (20 sessions). Four jumping tests were performed for the assessment of explosive strength, to obtain an initial assessment and a final evaluation at the end of the program, among the tests we had: long jump test without impulse running, long jump test with one step of impulse running, long jump test with three steps of impulse running, vertical jumping test, to process them and make an assessment of the effect of the explosive strength of the lower body of the different Parkour athletes. In part of the results, in the case of the athletes there was a significant improvement in the jump test without impulse running (p=0.000), the jump with one step (p=0.000) and with three steps of impulse running (p=0.000), while in the vertical jumping test the degree of significance did not reach the values expected (p=0.065). It was concluded that broadly the explosive strength is directly proportional to the performance of a plyometric training with a duration of eight weeks.

Keywords: Training, Plyometrics, Explosive strength, Parkour


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How to Cite
Torres Larrea, A. F., & Romero Frómeta, E. (2021). Plyometric Training Influence on the Explosive Strength Development in Parkour. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(283), 80-92.
Research Articles