Analysis of Teaching Methodologies Applied to Swimming Teachers with Children in Montevideo
A mixed, qualitative-quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive and exploratory study was conducted on the professional practices and teacher training of swimming teachers working with children. Objective: to analyze the methodologies applied by teachers in swimming classes, and how this is linked to the contents developed during their professional training and to the directives of the institutions in which they work. The purposive sample consisted of 50 Physical Education graduates who taught classes to children from 2 to 14 years of age; 25 at the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), and 25 at the National Sports Secretariat (SND) during 2019 and 2020. Inclusion criteria: to be qualified swimming teachers, to work with children in the aforementioned institutions. Research instruments: a checklist and a frequency checklist were used for the non-participant observation; a questionnaire was used for the semi-structured interviews; and content analysis was used for the documentary review. The data were presented in descriptive statistics. Results: In relation to the practices of the sample, there is a dichotomy between what was learned during the training course and the way teachers present teaching. While, during undergraduate training, priority is given to the use of inductive methodologies, which encourage children's participation; when teaching their classes, teachers prefer the deductive method and reproductive styles, such as the assignment of homework, restricting the child's actions to the contents reproduction.
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