Changes in Anaerobic Power of Karate Athletes Resulting from the Application of Intensive Interval Training


The aim of this study was to investigate changes in the anaerobic power of karate athletes, resulting from the application of the Intensive Interval Training (IIT) performed in voluntary normobaric hypoxia, and in normoxia. The sample consisted of 21 male karateka, aged between 19 and 28 years. Two experimental groups (EG) were randomly formed, as follows: a) EG-1, composed of 11 subjects, who for six weeks, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, underwent three training sessions lasting sixty minutes each one, for the application of IIT in voluntary normobaric hypoxia; and b) EG-2, formed by 10 subjects, who also underwent the same IIT sessions as EG-1 on the same days and times, with only the physical stimuli being performed in normoxia. At the end of the experiment, the statistical analysis allowed us to observe that both study groups showed significant differences between all the analyzed variables (Absolute Anaerobic Power - PAAbs, Relative Anaerobic Power - PARel, and Fatigue Index - IF), with greater significance occurring in the EG-1 (PAAbs p=0.00; PARel p=0.00; and IF p=0.00), when compared to EG-2 (PAAbs p=0.039; PARel p=0.045; and IF p=0.023). The values found in this study suggest that IIT is an efficient method for optimizing the anaerobic power of karateka and, probably, also of any practitioner of other combat sport, or sports whose procedural form of development is, like karate, also acyclic and intermittent.

Keywords: Intensive interval training, Hypoxic-training, Karate


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Author Biographies

Hélio Franklin Rodrigues de Almeida,

Leonardo Severo da Luz Neto ,

André Ribeiro da Silva,

Jônatas de França Barros,

Jitone Leônidas Soares,

Lucicleia Barreto Queiroz,

How to Cite
Almeida, H. F. R. de, Neto , L. S. da L., Silva, A. R. da, Barros, J. de F., Soares, J. L., & Queiroz, L. B. (2022). Changes in Anaerobic Power of Karate Athletes Resulting from the Application of Intensive Interval Training. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(293), 111-126.
Research Articles