Techniques of psychological intervention to elevate the concentration of the attention in Cuban boxers

  • Marisol Suárez Rodríguez Provincial Center of Sports Medicine, Havana
  • Yaneivis Soler Prieto Provincial Center of Sports Medicine, Havana
  • Marta Cañizares University of the Sciences of Physical Culture and Sport "Manuel Fajardo"


This objective of this work is to describe a set of techniques of psychological intervention, which proved to be effective to elevate the levels of concentration of the attention of a group of Cuban boxers of the category 15-16 years. A total of eight integrated techniques are presented in three groups. A group that includes techniques for the internal concentration, another for the external concentration and a last group that includes collateral techniques for the development of the concentration of the attention.

Keywords: Concentration of the attention, Techniques of psychological intervention, Boxers
How to Cite
Suárez Rodríguez, M., Soler Prieto, Y., & Cañizares, M. (2018). Techniques of psychological intervention to elevate the concentration of the attention in Cuban boxers. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 22(238), 2-13. Retrieved from
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