Effects of Acute Caffeine Supplementation on Heart Rate in Athletes and Sportspeople

A Systematic Review in Endurance Studies


Caffeine is a substance used as an ergogenic resource by athletes and sportsmen. As it acts on the Autonomic Nervous System, one of its main mechanisms of action is antagonism against adenosine receptors. This antagonism results in stimulation of the sympathetic system and, consequently, in the release of catecholamines, which, as they have stimulatory reflexes, increase heart rate levels. The aim of this review study was to verify the effects of acute caffeine supplementation on the heart rate of athletes and sportsmen in physical endurance sports. 251 articles were found from a search in five databases: CAPES, Pubmed, Lilacs, Scielo and Google Scholar journals portal. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 9 articles were selected and were part of the final analysis. The results showed that some factors, regardless of the dosage used, are determinant for individuals to present different behaviors in relation to heart rate. Among the factors, emphasis is given to the different training protocols, levels of metabolism and conditioning of the participants.

Keywords: Caffeine, Ergogenic effect, Physical endurance, Heart rate


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Author Biographies

Reginaldo José Carlini Junior,


Silvia Alves da Silva,


How to Cite
Carlini Junior, R. J., & Silva, S. A. da. (2022). Effects of Acute Caffeine Supplementation on Heart Rate in Athletes and Sportspeople: A Systematic Review in Endurance Studies. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(291), 182-196. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v27i291.2980
Review Articles