Coping Strategies to Competitive Stress in Swimmers of the Swimming Club 'ESNNAT'


In the present research, a study was conducted on the stress coping strategies employed by swimmers of the Swimming Club “ESNNAT”, identifying the stress levels that are normally generated in swimmers during a competition, using as a population 41 swimmers, whose age ranges from 8 to 24 years of age. It is very important to know the levels of stress that is generated at the time of a competition, since knowing them there is less risk that swimmers may end up presenting a state of chronic stress or mental exhaustion in the competition which can affect physical and emotional health, quality of life and physical performance if effective strategies to combat it are not applied. The instrument that I applied to collect the data was the questionnaire FUSIES (Sources, Symptoms, and coping Strategies to stress, by its acronym in Spanish), which allows to measure the perception of stress in swimmers before start a competition, under a Likert scale of 1= never and 5 = extreme with a Cronbach's Alpha of 0.95. For the statistical validation of the information collected, the SPSS 21 program was used, which allowed us to calculate the stress level of the population according to the stressors block and the symptoms presented by swimmers in a competition.

Keywords: Strategies, Stress, Swimming, Competition


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How to Cite
Núñez Jacome, S. P., Ligña Zambrano, B. X., & Yépez Herrera, E. (2021). Coping Strategies to Competitive Stress in Swimmers of the Swimming Club ’ESNNAT’. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(277), 76-93.
Research Articles