The Inclusive Education and the Right of People with Disabilities in Physical Education Teacher Training
The following article makes an exploratory approach to the right to inclusive education of people with motor disabilities who are undergoing physical education teacher training. For this, the general objective was proposed: to know the ways and procedures carried out by higher education institutions -located geographically in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the Province of Buenos Aires- that dictate teaching careers in Physical Education- to include people with disabilities who choose a teaching career. Methodologically, the semi-structured interview was used and as a data collection mechanism, teaching directors and students from different higher education institutions were interviewed, as well as, different documents that contained explicit references to inclusive education or people with disabilities were used. In relation to the results found, it can be said that, although what was found is in line, with the lack of compliance with the right to inclusive education of people with disabilities in general terms, teaching, the representation it has of being a teacher and The certification of professional studies is evidenced as an inconvenience when it comes to fulfilling the right to inclusive education, not only in the specific field of physical education but in teaching in general.
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