Insufficient Exercise, its Impact on Physical Tests Performance of the National Police
Introduction: Physical preparation in police institutions is an essential assumption for optimal functioning, diagnosing its particularities allows future actions to be established that contribute to improvement of the police preparation process. Objective: Analyze whether physical inactivity influenced the annual physical results of the National Police personnel in the Preventive Service of the Guayaquil Southern District. Methods: A representative sample of police officers from the aforementioned location (64 subjects) was selected to survey, applying a questionnaire with fourteen questions, the research being descriptive-analytical. Results: The data analyzed showed that 97% of the respondents agreed that physical inactivity had a negative influence on their physical performance, and as part of this, the additional percentages studied showed difficulties in the directing process of the police force. Conclusions: There is a need to establish intervention strategies with specialized physical activity for the studied police force. It is necessary to make superiors aware of the need to use adequate time within working hours to practice various contents of the preparation that improve the police force physical condition.
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