Hammer Throw Performance in Athletes of the Chimborazo Province


Introduction: Technical performance is related to a sports system effectiveness, which requires constant study that serves as a basis for making decisions related to management process. Objective: to determine the performance evolution in the hammer throw in the Chimborazo province athletes. Methods: Descriptive-analytical research, studying the hammer throwers population in the Chimborazo province (28 athletes: both genders) in all existing training categories (Minors, Pre-junior, Youth and Senior), evaluating in three moments of the macrocycle the maximum mark reached (period March-August 2012) by means of a launch test. Results: The throws during evaluation the macrocycle was satisfactory, with a gradual increase in the results in three tests applied, the performance in the Minor category (p=0.000), the Pre-juvenile category (p=0.000) being significant, and the Senior category (p=0.007). Conclusions: There was a significant increase in marks, exceeding the final distance in relation to first evaluation.

Keywords: Hammer throw, Athletic performance, Evaluation methods


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How to Cite
Santillán Obregón, R. R., Obregón Vite, G. A., Santillán Altamirano, H. R., & Vásquez Cáceres, M. G. (2021). Hammer Throw Performance in Athletes of the Chimborazo Province. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 25(273), 86-96. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v25i273.2784
Research Articles