Aspects of Sport Dentistry in Soccer Clubs in Rio de Janeiro


Currently, the available literature on Sports Dentistry and studies related to soccer players and oral health are still scarce, and basically refer to the use of mouth guards and trauma. Objective: To evaluate the existence of a Dental Surgeon (DS) in the medical department within the Soccer Clubs of the State of Rio de Janeiro that participate in the Carioca Championship Series A and Series B1. Method: The research was carried out by sending a questionnaire in the form of Google Form by e-mail. The professionals responsible for the medical department (MD) first answered a general questionnaire. Results: 31 clubs participated in the research, of which only 8 had DC, of these clubs 25% performed in the base, 12.5% in the professional and 62.5% in both. Conclusions: It was concluded that 25.81% clubs had DS in the MD, with a greater predominance in Serie A clubs.

Keywords: Soccer, Oral health, Disease prevention, Dentist


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How to Cite
Gonçalves, V. P. D., Ferreira, T. T., Valentim, J. do R., Santos, T. B. dos, & Azevedo, M. M. A. (2021). Aspects of Sport Dentistry in Soccer Clubs in Rio de Janeiro. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(277), 114-124.
Research Articles