Exercise Tolerance in Individuals Post-Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis: an Observational Study
Background: Pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) can cause injuries and deficits in physical functions, which can damage the health of the individual after healing. Objective: To analyze exercise tolerance (ET) of pharmacological post-treatment of PTB in the city of Coari (Brazil) through a 6-minute walk test (6MWT). Materials and methods: Observational, cross-sectional study, which studied 9 male participants. First, there was an assessment of the socioeconomic profile, health and body composition of the participants. The individuals were submitted to the 6MWT, to obtain a distance covered (6MWD). Pearson's correlation and the one-tailed paired T test were used, with a significance level of 5%. Results: The participants had a mean age of 42.4 ± 12.89 years, height of 163.44 ± 2.95 cm, weight 68.99 ± 8.71 kg and a body mass index (BMI) of 25.32 ± 3.07 kg/m². A 6MWD of the individuals surveyed was 460.19 ± 62.93 m. A reduction in the TE of the participants was observed through an analysis between 6MWD and predicted distance (460.19 ± 62.93m/585,07 ± 39.18 m; p = 0.0006), with 55.55% (5/9) showing values below the lower limit of normality. Conclusion: It was found that post-TBP participants studied reducing ET in relation to the predicted values.
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