Physical activity level and cardiorespiratory capacity in asthmatics
Asthma can lead individuals to reduce their level of physical activity due to difficulties in performing daily tasks, so the study aims to assess the level of habitual physical activity and cardiorespiratory capacity of adult individuals with asthma. Descriptive study, with 3 male subjects (P1, P2 and P3). The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and the Six-Minute Walk Test (6MWT) were applied. Data were expressed as mean and standard deviation. The individuals had a mean age of 38.66±4.93 years, mean height of 1.67±0.05 meters, mean weight of 81.73±3.30 kg. Regarding the level of physical activity, P1 was classified as very active, P2 as active and P3 as irregularly active. The distance covered in the 6MWT was 518.66±149.63 meters. Individuals with a level of physical activity similar to those of non-asthmatics and with a cardiorespiratory fitness lower than that of healthy adults were observed.
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