Prevalence of Normal Weight Obesity in University Students in Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, Mexico
The most used method to categorize and define adult´s obesity is the Body Mass Index (BMI). However, this indicator does not help to identify individuals with Normal Weight Obesity (NOW), a syndrome that displays a BMI inside the acceptable ranges recognized by the World Health Organization, associated to a high percentage of body fat. Measure the NOW prevalence in university students when entering the Bachelor's degrees of the Faculty of Health Sciences (FCS), of the Autonomous University of Carmen (UNACAR). A quantitative research was conducted. Students´ general information and data related to height, weight, BMI and body fat percentage was gathered. Data was analyzed using SPSS.v20 software, and continuous variables such as arithmetic average and standard deviation were stated on charts. Total research population was made by 111 first year students; NOW prevalence was of 7.48 % being higher on males (6.3 %) than in women (1.18 %). NOW prevalence in university students is low and was more dominant on the male gender. NOW is an existing condition among university students, further research prioritizing measurement techniques diversification, control points and measurement criteria should be conducted to determine with greater precision body fat excess to get an early NOW diagnosis.
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