Support House to Children of Migrants São Geraldo: an Experience Report
This report aims to explain about the work done in the support house over two years, affirming the importance of the project for the participating children, for the author and for future students of physical education who can live this experience. Addressing the behavioral issue, considering that this project was a closer experience of a school context for the children, in addition to the social and cultural situations that, because they are daughters of migrants, have different habits and customs. The Program of motor development for children of migrant families had as its general objective to be applied to early childhood children and its specific objectives: (a) To improve motor patterns in mobility skills; (b) Improve motor patterns in stabilization skills and (c) Improve motor patterns in manipulation skills. The development of the basic motor skills of children from 2 to 4 years old was stimulated. Three motor skill classes were addressed: (1) manipulation; (2) stabilization; and (3) mobility, with weekly frequency of three sessions, lasting up to 50 minutes. The materials used were toys and equipment belonging to the support house, recyclable materials were also used. The observational method was used to verify the development of children during the project, and among its results obtained through the activities offered, the development presented by the children participating in the program, from improvements in motor skills, improvements in autonomy gain, in activities of daily living and socialization.
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