The Quarantine in the Fight against Pandemics Caused by Respiratory Diseases
This study aims to describe how quarantine has been used to deal with pandemics caused by respiratory diseases in recent decades through a Literature Review on Spanish Influenza, Asian, Hong Kong, Flu A and COVID-19 pandemics in different countries in the world. The information was collected in the MEDLINE, LILACS, PsychINFO, SciELO and Virtual Health Library databases. 34 references were selected and analyzed. Pandemics showed similarities in terms of clinical manifestations. They had social, economic and epidemiological impacts, with high rates of incidence and mortality. Quarantine was used as a control strategy for all and studies show its importance in preventing new cases of mortality and to minimize the burden on health systems. Despite the difficulties inherent in freedom-restricting strategies, the experience of other pandemics and the projections pointed out in research demonstrate that non-pharmacological measures are essential to reduce incidence and mortality during the current COVID-19 pandemic.
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