Body Composition, Lung Function and Respiratory Muscle Strength in People with Down Syndrome
Objective: To investigate whether there is a correlation in the variables of body composition with lung function and respiratory muscle strength in people with Down Syndrome. Method: Cross-sectional analytic, 26 people with Down Syndrome, 14 female and 12 male. Spirometry was performed to obtain the forced expired volume in the first second (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC) and peak expiratory flow (PEF); manovacuometry for the measurement of maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximum expiratory pressure (MEP) and for the assessment of body fat percentage (% BF) using Dual Energy X-Ray Absormetry (DXA). The Shapiro-Wilk normality test was applied, considering p<0.05 and the parametric test using Pearson's correlation coefficient. Results: Negative correlation (% GC-FEV1), with no significant difference for men (p<0.5244) with highly significant difference for women (p <0.0045); % GC-FVC negative correlation with significant difference (p<0.0137) for women, with no significant difference for men (p<0.4910); PEF negative correlation, without significant difference, in women (p<0.3165) in men (p<0.7165); % GC-PImax negative correlation for women without significant difference (p<0.7871) and positive correlation for men without significant difference (p<0.8307); % GC-PEmax negative correlation, with no significant difference in women (p <0.9070) in men (p <0.11369). Conclusion: People with Down's Syndrome have a higher% BF compared to the reference values for the Brazilian population without Down's Syndrome.
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