Contributions of Concurrent Training to the Autonomy of Hypertensive Elderly: A Literature Review


Introduction: Systemic arterial hypertension has been highly prevalent among the elderly, becoming a worrying public health problem, considering the outcomes that may culminate in the health conditions and autonomy of the affected. In this context, concurrent training has been recommended as non-drug therapy to assist in its treatment. Objective: To investigate the effects of concurrent training for the autonomy of hypertensive elderly, through a literature review. Methods: This is a systematic literature review conducted in the Latin American and Caribbean Literature, Scientific Electronic Library Online and Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online databases. Results: After searching 511 scientific manuscripts were found. Of these, six articles were selected for this review, meeting the proposed objective and criteria. Concurrent training has been shown to be effective in decreasing blood pressure and stiffness, improving body composition, fitness, and increasing HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) cholesterol levels. Conclusion: It was found that concurrent training may be an efficient non-pharmacological strategy for promoting and maintaining autonomy of hypertensive elderly, as it has been shown to be effective in promoting important morphological, physiological and metabolic repercussions within the respective population.

Keywords: Resistance training, Exercice, Personal autonomy, Aging, Arterial pressure


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How to Cite
dos Santos, L., Pedreira, R. B. S., Carmo, T. B. do, Sena, E. L. da S., Yarid, S. D., & Boery, R. N. S. de O. (2021). Contributions of Concurrent Training to the Autonomy of Hypertensive Elderly: A Literature Review. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 25(272), 121-134.
Review Articles