Effects of the Conventional Resistant Training Practice on the Knee Stability of Adult Women


The quality of human body movement has been a major concern of science in recent years. In this sense, the knee joint started to receive special attention, as it is a complex and relatively unstable structure that receives frequent overload. Evidence shows that the stability of this joint is influenced by the efficiency of the posterolateral muscles of the hip. The aim of the study was to analyze the movement pattern of the knees in women practicing conventional resistance training, through the Step down test. With the step adjusted to 10% of height, each participant performed three repetitions on a single foot basis with both members. Here, we show that 100% of the participants had some level of dynamic valgus. Therefore, conventional resistance training, exclusively, does not ensure good stability for the knee joint.

Keywords: Resistance training, Knee joint, Joint instability


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How to Cite
Brilhante, R. M., & Brilhante, R. M. (2020). Effects of the Conventional Resistant Training Practice on the Knee Stability of Adult Women. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 25(269), 116-125. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v25i269.2153
Research Articles