Analysis of the offensive of the Brazilian Women's Football Team in the FIFA World Cup 2019
This research aim was to analyze the offensive tactical actions of the Brazilian women's soccer team during four matches at the FIFA® World Cup 2019. For data collection, the games were made available by the InStat® platform and systematically observed and recorded from television broadcasts. All data is modeled and analyzed using the Python 3.7 freely accessible computer language. The game variables were the time of the attack, numbers of contact with the ball, number of balls received / number of passes, speed of transmission of the ball, place of the ball recovery possession, a form of the ball recovery possession, place of finished the offensive action and outcome of the offensive action. The descriptive statistics, and the Chi-Square and Kruskal-Walls tests were used (p <0.05). Significant differences were found only for the variables ball speed (p=0.031) and the place of recovery of ball possession in the central defensive variable (p=0.047). With this study, we can conclude that the Brazilian team maintained its priority for intercepting the opponent's actions in the last third of the field, mainly through the left corridor, and at times the team waited for the opponents in their field of play. It also found that the speed of transmission of the ball was a significant factor during the group phase for the team classification.
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