Elderly Women and Physical Activity: Correlation between Cognitive Status and Education Levels


Object: verify the possible relation between the level of schooling and the cognitive state active elderly women and insufficiently active. The sample was composed by 544 Brazilian elderly women, with average age of 68,9 (±6.64), average study time in years was 5,17 (±4.1). 74.4% of the elderly women were classified as active and 54.6% of the sample presented cognitive deficit. The questionnaires utilized was: Sociodemographic IPAQ and Mini Menthal State. The frequencies relative and accumulated were presented, Pearson's correlation coefficient, analysis of variance two way and the t-test of Student adopting as significance p <0.05. There was an association between cognitive score and the time of schooling, being stronger in elderly women. The ANOVA of two factors demonstrated difference in cognitive score means with categories of schooling (F=14.287; p<0,000) and between the level of physical activity (F=4.709; p<0,030), Bonferroni test indicated that only in the elderly active group there is a difference in mean cognitive score in relation to the categories of schooling. In t-test analysis for independent samples, physically active elderly women at the elementary school show better cognitive score (t=24.20; p<0,04) compared to the insufficiently active elderly women. The schooling and physical activity proved to be important factors related with cognitive surplus in the sample. Concludes that physical activity seems to exercise a relevant role in cognition and could cooperate to cognitive maintenance in the elderly. Thus like the schooling may have important function in front of the cognition.

Keywords: Physical activity, Elderly, Cognition, Schooling


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How to Cite
Gomes, F. R. H., Gasparotto, G. da S., Oliveira, V. de, & Vagetti, G. C. (2020). Elderly Women and Physical Activity: Correlation between Cognitive Status and Education Levels. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 25(265), 59-72. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v25i265.2087
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