The Execution of the Pedagogic Objectives in Athletes of Volleyball Pioneril of the Municipality Cumanayagua


The investigation is directed to solve an existent problem in the Bank of Problems of the Sport Combinate Nr. 1 "Escambray" of the municipality Cumanayagua in the school course 2018-2019 and to be able to determine the causes that motivated the inadequacies in the execution of the pedagogic objectives in athletes of Volleyball Pioneril of the category 11-12 feminine years. For the realization of this work took like sample to the 14 integral athletes of the team of pioneril volleyball of category 11-12 feminine years belonging to the Cocktail Sport Nr. 1, with ages understood between the 10 and 12 years. The 2 trainers of the volleyball area and 2 specialists also participated with vast experience in this sport for evaluating the tests. Different scientific methods were used, as the direct observation to the sessions of training, it interviews the trainers, the revision of documents, plans and teaching program and the mensuration. Objective: to diagnose the behavior of the pedagogic objectives in the athletes of Volleyball Pioneril of the category 11-12 feminine years in the municipality Cumanayagua. Through the conclusions are the evidenced difficulties in the execution of the pedagogic objectives in athletes of the pioneril volleyball category 11-12 feminine years lack auxiliary means in classes for to improve teaching-learning process, errors in the execution quality in the movements during the realization of the technique of each technical element and the lack of confrontation ends with other municipalities.

Keywords: Teaching, Training, Volleyball


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How to Cite
Herrera Jaureguí, L. O., Bravo Polanco, E., & Pérez Castillo, Y. (2020). The Execution of the Pedagogic Objectives in Athletes of Volleyball Pioneril of the Municipality Cumanayagua. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 25(269), 103-115.
Research Articles