University Center that Contribute to the Legal Security of Elderly
A Case Study of Cabaiguan, Sancti Spiritus, Cuba
The perspective of old age in accordance with the new social reality that serves as a guarantee for the full exercise of their rights and freedoms encouraged researchers from the Cabaiguan Municipal University Center with the aim of evaluating actions that contribute to the legal security of the people of the third age from the management of a Cuban university center. It was based on qualitative methodology, through theoretical and empirical, analytical-synthetic, and inductive-deductive methods of the theoretical level and the empirical level of observation. The case study was used and the sampling was intentional non-probabilistic, since there is a coincidence between the population and the sample. The actions conceived, guaranteed greater protection to this age group in the full exercise of their rights in the territory, who despite having the same rights as other people, including that of not being discriminated against based on age, subject to impediments that hinder their full inclusion, integration and participation in society. The Cabaiguan Municipal University Center is inserted in the Program of Universities for the Elderly in Cuba, although it has carried out different actions and has managed to contribute to training in the municipality, it has the challenge of achieving greater inclusion of the elderly in the activities through different alternatives, which could be community patios, achieve greater dissemination and motivation of said people to join and a better socialization of lived experiences.
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