Psychomotor program for the development of mathematical skills through the use of videogames
Objective: Assess the effect of a psychomotor treatment through videogames on the development of mathematical addition and subtraction skills in fourth grade primary school children. Method: 28 children of both sexes (divided into experimental and control group) were studied, all evaluated in Pre-Test-Post-test by the Coarse Motor Development Test, version 2 (TGMD-2) and the Test of Understanding Mathematical Skills (CMAT). In the experimental group, a total of 20 sessions scheduled (5 days a week) of 15 minutes of physical exercise dictated by the Xbox 360 Kinect Body and Brain Connection video game were applied. Results: The gross motor performance was similar in both groups, since the 12 skills assessed in the TGMD-2 were favored in the Post-test results in both groups, however, in the case of the CMAT the addition and subtraction skills were significantly favored only in the experimental group, the average in addition increased from 6.6 ± 3.6 to 8.3 ± 3.5 and in subtraction from 6.0 ± 3.6 to 8.5 ± 2.8. Conclusion: The use of video games (as in the case of Body and Brain Connection) only produces significant changes in the development of Mathematical Skills of addition and subtraction and not in gross motor skills. These results agree with other research in affirming the flattering effect that a program produces through the use of videogames applied in the development of academic skills.
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