The Baseball in Sports Education. An Ethnographic Study in the Colombian Caribbean
The sport of baseball is part of the life of the inhabitants of the municipality of Repelon, Atlantico; however, sports education processes are deficient and back, in some cases, the contextual reality. Therefore, pedagogical alternatives are required that rescue the cultural identity and favor sports training from an early age. Consequently, the objective of this research is to design a sports training proposal from baseball, taking into account the socio-anthropological profile in primary basic institutions in the municipality of Repelon, Atlántico. The research is based on a qualitative approach, from the ethnographic method, using participant observation techniques and non-directed interviews as techniques. Regarding the results, relevance is given to the socio-cultural aspects, recognition of the socio-anthropological profile of the Repelonero; from the sports, the rescue and promotion of baseball; and from the didactic point of view, a pedagogical, didactic and curricular proposal of sports education.
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