Basic Morpho-Functional Parameters of Athletic Performance Evaluated in Sports


Athletic performance is multifactorial, but it's based on physical preparation, which comprises a set of morpho-functional or physical parameters (components, factors), which are assessed by tests and measurements. Although sports demand specific training and tests, there are basic tests that concern most sports, which should be assessed considering the normative and descriptive data of the tests, depending on age and sport. The aim of this article was to determine and review the basic morpho-functional parameters that need to be measured and assessed in most sports and indicate aspects to consider for the content of the physical tests, for which a bibliographic review was conducted. The morpho-functional parameters determined include anthropometry, body composition, maximum strength, power and muscular endurance, anaerobic and aerobic capacities, speed, agility, flexibility, and balance and stability. In conclusion, it's essential that athletes and coaches try to develop these parameters, assess them and achieve an appropriate level in each one, in order to promote performance in the motor tasks of sport. Any test that assesses each morpho-functional factor of performance must provide reliable and valid information to guide the training process and to be selected in accordance with the metabolic, movement and injury analysis in sport, level, age and gender of the athlete, also depending on the available equipment and environmental factors.

Keywords: Athletic performance, Sports, Physical fitness tests


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How to Cite
Araujo Rivas, M. A., & Hernández Guerrero, A. J. (2021). Basic Morpho-Functional Parameters of Athletic Performance Evaluated in Sports. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 25(273), 175-190.
Review Articles