Effect of Physical Exercise on the Cognitive Ability of School Children During Compulsory Education

  • Enrique Jiménez Vaquerizo Universidad de Valladolid


The physical activity carried out by children during the schooling period (ages between 6 and 16 years old) provides great benefits that influence their growth and healthy development of the cardio respiratory and musculoskeletal system. In turn, different investigations have established a relationship between physical activity and cognitive development and academic performance. The objective of this work has been to expose current evidence data. The purpose of this document is the general description of the evidence of the effect of physical education interventions on cognitive ability and academic performance of school-age children. To do this, a search strategy was designed, based on the selection of scientific search engines, the identification of keywords using Decs/Mesh descriptors and the establishment of inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results provided a total of eight references that were analyzed and discussed later. After the analysis of the results, and the development of the discussion, although it is possible to establish a relationship between Physical Activity (FA) and an improvement academic in the area of ​​mathematics, that more hours of physical education increase academic performance, confirming the positive effect on neuronal activity associated with attention and memory processes.

Keywords: Physical Education, Physical activity, Cognitive function, Academic achievement, Neuroeducation, Children, Adolescents


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How to Cite
Jiménez Vaquerizo, E. (2019). Effect of Physical Exercise on the Cognitive Ability of School Children During Compulsory Education. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 24(259), 96-106. Retrieved from https://efdeportes.com/efdeportes/index.php/EFDeportes/article/view/1620
Review Articles