Effects of Hydrogimnastic on Sleep Quality of Active and Sedentary Pregnant Women


Introduction: The physical benefits arising from the practice of physical exercises have encouraged pregnant women to practice regularly with the aim of improving their general health status. Objective: To compare sleep profile of active and sedentary pregnant women, and verify the acute effects on the quality of sleep of sedentary pregnant women Methods: A sample of 10 active pregnant women and 9 sedentary pregnant women with a gestation time between 16 and 34 weeks in good health and without risks. They have been applied to all pregnant women by anamnesis, to check the history of the health of the pregnant woman, a survey evaluation questionnaire and an aquatic gymnastics protocol. Results: Comparing the sub-factors of breast quality is found to be less frequent in the pregnant women (p = 0.012) and a single class of aquatic gymnastics reduce (p = 0.011) the incidence of disturbances in sedentary nature. Conclusion: There is a lower incidence of breast disorders in active pregnant women and the practice of an aquatic gymnastics class causes the reduction of breast disorders in sedentary pregnant women.

Keywords: Physical exercise, Sleep, Pregnant, Sedentary lifestyle
How to Cite
Resende, C. M., Sampaio, N. L. F., Alonso Lopez, R. F., & Silva, R. A. S. da. (2019). Effects of Hydrogimnastic on Sleep Quality of Active and Sedentary Pregnant Women. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 24(258), 16-29. Retrieved from https://efdeportes.com/efdeportes/index.php/EFDeportes/article/view/1619
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