Profile of Amateur Triathletes of the State of Minas Gerais: Analysis of the Competitions, Injuries and Training


Objective: The aim of this study was to draw a profile of amateur triathlon practitioners by analyzing the training and competition routine. Methods: 46 men and 16 women from the city of Belo Horizonte participated in the research. The research is quantitative and was conducted by applying a questionnaire with 40 open and closed questions. The questions relate to the following topics: personal information, triathlon history, training routine, participation in competitions, injury history, and triathlon-related habits. The questionnaire was prepared by the researchers. Results: Most consider themselves intermediate level (59.67%) and participate in short distance tests (52%). Each modality is trained on average 3 times a week. Swimming training is often performed by 33.8%, anaerobic cycling by 14.5% and strength training in running by 20.9% of participants. Conclusion: It is concluded that the level of self-perceived performance by amateur triathletes in Belo Horizonte is directly related to the time of practice in the sport. The hours they devote for each sport to total training hours per week are high for swimming and cycling, and low for running compared to other studies. No relationship was found between injuries and training routine. Further investigation into competitions, such as time spent on competitions and region where they compete, will contribute to further analysis and results.

Keywords: Triathlon, Amateur athlete, Training


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How to Cite
Araújo, P. J., Vilas Boas, Y. F., Tavares, M. R., Rodrigues, C. A. C., & Rosa, B. B. (2020). Profile of Amateur Triathletes of the State of Minas Gerais: Analysis of the Competitions, Injuries and Training. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 25(265), 82-95.
Research Articles