Capoeira Teaching: Non-Formal Internship in Physical Education

  • Fábio Fernandes Flores Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB)
  • Jonh Silva Moreira Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB)


Capoeira is an activity that represents both cultural practices, body movement and political action. The teacher must be set and grounded on the constitution and development of his work activity. In this sense, the present report of experience, addresses the course of the pedagogical intervention occurred in Stage VIII, whose proposal was the teaching of capoeira to a group composed of: children, adolescents and adults. This study has a qualitative and descriptive approach. To obtain the information we use the qualitative observation, the logbook and the talk wheel. The stage took place with the capoeira group of the Guanambian Association of Capoeira Ginga Bahia. This process was composed by observation, for group and environmental recognition, and intervention, action based on the interaction between reality and the academic background. Before the observation, we noticed ample physical space, sound resources, musical instruments and group with solid knowledge of capoeira. As for the intervention, the class was organized as follows: report, explanation of content, preparatory activity, collective training, game of capoeira and conversation wheel; with an emphasis on the conceptual part of the content. As a result, the conceptual diversity of the group on capoeira, learning about the stories of capoeira, recognition of its importance in the construction of the Brazilian identity and continuity of the practices of capoeira Regional and Angola are indicated. Therefore, the internship was constructive, since it allowed interaction of the academic proposal with that already developed by the group, attending the expectations of learning of the group and of the trainee.

Keywords: Teaching, Capoeira, Internship
How to Cite
Flores, F. F., & Moreira, J. S. (2019). Capoeira Teaching: Non-Formal Internship in Physical Education. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 24(256), 72-87. Retrieved from
Innovation and Experiences