Improvement of motor development through swimming in Primary Education students

  • Damián Plata Martínez Universidad de Valencia


This article aims to show the suitability of the aquatic environment in general, and of swimming in particular, for the motor development of students. To do this, on the one hand, we carry out a synthesis of the aspects that determine the motor development, as its stages or basic elements that make it up, starting from the importance that it has on the global and integral development that nowadays must be looked for, and on the another hand, the characteristics that water offers to improve the movement of children, in such a way that their motor skills are developed, and therefore, their motor field.With these contributions, we try to achieve the objective of this article, which is to make a synthesis of the fundamentals of motor development as a pillar of human evolution, as well as an example of how the contents related to psychomotricity can be worked, such as the mechanisms that make up motor behavior, basic motor skills, specific motor skills, through swimming.

Keywords: Motor development, Motor skills, Water activities, Swimming, Primary education
How to Cite
Plata Martínez, D. (2018). Improvement of motor development through swimming in Primary Education students. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 23(247), 119-131. Retrieved from
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