Postural habits and school backpack in students of the Naval Academy of Guayaquil

  • Luis Alberto Saltos Aldaz Liceo Naval Guayaquil 'Cmdte. Rafael Andrade Lalama'
  • Isaac David Morales Neira Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil
  • Evelyn Vianney Saltos Carbo Universidad de Guayaquil
  • Alexandra Paola Álvarez Santos Liceo Naval Guayaquil 'Cmdte. Rafael Andrade Lalama'
  • Angélica María Rendón Pinargoti Escuela de Educación Básica 'Otto Arosemena Gómez'
  • Roberto Andrés Rojas Bajaña Universidad de Guayaquil - Facultad de Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación


The present study allows the analysis of good postural habits and the correct use of the school backpack whose objective is to identify the weight and consequences through the use of tools for the acquisition of empirical data such as the scale (Kenwell) and student surveys that facilitate accurate information about the misuse of the school backpack and its relationship with back pain as part of a quality education. The applied study methodology is quantitative and qualitative, in addition the methods used are observational, theoretical, descriptive and cross-sectional, as well as the analysis techniques that were used are: induction, deduction, abstraction and synthesis by the breakdown of the global to the specific. On the other hand, the population of students who attend the 8th grade of General Basic Education (EGBS) in ages between 11 to 14 years where 52.56% are male and 47.43% belong to female. However, the results show that the average weight of students of 8 ° is 49.48 kg and mode is 45 kg, on the other hand, the average weight of school bags in women is 7.8 kg and men is 8.5 kg, that is to say that there is an increase in weight in the school backpack of 2 to 3 kg more and should not exceed 10-15% in relation to the body weight where evidence the possible causes of backache and possible pathologies related to body health.

Keywords: School backpack, Overweight, Back ailment, Body health
How to Cite
Saltos Aldaz, L. A., Morales Neira, I. D., Saltos Carbo, E. V., Álvarez Santos, A. P., Rendón Pinargoti, A. M., & Rojas Bajaña, R. A. (2019). Postural habits and school backpack in students of the Naval Academy of Guayaquil. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 24(252), 28-41. Retrieved from
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