Leisure on the trail of Brava Beach in Caraguatatuba, SP

  • Paulo Cesar Huttner Borges Centro Universitário Módulo
  • Danilo Lutiano Valerio Centro Universitário Módulo


The article has as its central problem to present the Brava Beach Trail, located in the city of Caraguatatuba, SP as a possibility of leisure activity that can contribute to a better knowledge about the Atlantic Forest biome. The Brava Beach Trail has the potential to be used as an instrument of the National Environmental Education Policy, contributing to the awareness of the need to take care and preserve the environment. The aim of this paper is to analyze the Brava Beach Trail as a leisure instrument, understanding this activity from the leisure cultural domains. Understanding of Leisure as a vehicle of education, it will address the opportunities offered by the trail to promote a leisure activity capable of contributing to the personal development of the walker. The Brava Beach Trail presents itself as a possibility for personal development, manifesting Leisure as a vehicle of education, where knowing the Atlantic Forest is essential for people to respect it, and walking the Brava Beach Trail as an activity of Leisure can greatly contribute to this knowledge by educating people about the importance of environmental issues.

Keywords: Leisure, Leisure domains, Leisure educational process, Praia Brava
How to Cite
Borges, P. C. H., & Valerio, D. L. (2019). Leisure on the trail of Brava Beach in Caraguatatuba, SP. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 24(256), 102-113. Retrieved from https://efdeportes.com/efdeportes/index.php/EFDeportes/article/view/1164
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