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Ramón Alonso

Tulio Guterman

Leonardo José
Mataruna do Santos

Roberto Hernández

Sentmanat Belizón

Morales Borrell

Noel Rodríguez

Frank Gutiérrez

Rodolfo López

The Latin American Institute
of Therapeutic Physical Activity
General Director: Dr Ramón F. Alonso López
en español | em portugués | en français

     The Latin American Institute of Therapeutic Physical Activity - ILAFiT, is an initiative of an assembly of professionals who for many years and in different regions from the world have been working in the line of the therapeutic physical activity.

     With the creation of this Institute, we take the step ahead to increase our discipline's dimension and simultaneously to rescue a field of study, investigation and intervention that is a fundamental pillar of the physical activity.

     Due to the amplitude of the field, the Institute will include/understand diverse areas for its unfolding. Simultaneously, we hope that, with time, new areas will arise product of the own development and recognition of the initiative of all the involved actors.

     The main target that guides to us is the one to collaborate with all those professionals who through the physical activity act in the sphere of the rehabilitation.

Fundamental Tasks

  1. To serve as reference center and consults in the sphere of the physical activity with therapeutic aims causing an interchange suitable, fast and direct academic-scientist.
  2. To extend the use of the physical activity like basic element in the field of the rehabilitation.
  3. To disclose the investigative experiences that exist in the use of the physical exercise in those diseases that allow to this means within their processing doctor- rehab tech
  4. To advise those centers where the physical activity is used like rehabilitation means.
  5. To enable and to stimulate to the excellence those professionals who act or will act in this sphere of work of the area of the medical rehabilitation.


  • Honorary Director: Dr. SERGEI NICOLAIV POPOV (Rusia - † )
  • Chief of a main directorate: Dr. RAMON FABIAN ALONSO LOPEZ (Brasil)
  • Technical Director: Dr. COISSI TOUSSAINT DOGBE (Haiti)
  • Average director and Diffusion: Esp. TULIO GUTERMAN (Argentina)
Coordinators by Area
  • Orthopedics - Third Age - Reumatology: Dr. Ramón F. Alonso López (Brasil)
  • Cardiology: Esp. Frank Gutiérrez Calderón (EE.UU.) and Esp. Reinol Hernández González (Cuba)
  • Hematology: Dra. Jussara Oliveira Santa Cruz Almeida (Brasil)
  • Respiratory - Obesity: Esp. Saul Díaz de los Reyes (Cuba)
  • Mental Health: Esp. Leonardo Mataruna dos Santos (Brasil)
  • Mellitus Diabetes: Ms. Alejandro Morales Borrell (Cuba)
  • Hematology: Dra. Rosete Ramos de Carvalho (Brasil)
  • Epilepsy - Burns: Esp. Zenaida R. Oliva Casañas (Cuba)
  • Nervous: Esp. Armando Sentmanat Belizón (Cuba)
  • Motor alterations of the neural development: Ms. Noel Rodriguez Barroso (Argentina)
  • Angyology: Esp. Elia de la Osa de la Paz (Alemanha)
  • Digestive: Dr. Coissi Toussaint Dogbe (Haiti)
  • Morphological - Functional Evaluation: Ms. Rodolfo López Cazón (Brasil)
  • Physical and Mental Discapacity: Daniel Germán Zucchi (Argentina)
Honorary Effective Members
This condition will be granted to the professors and investigators who take active part in the activities coordinated by the organization contributing to the development from the Institute.
  • Dr. Roberto Paulino Hernández González-Corvo (Cuba)

Effective Members
It is the condition of the professionals and investigators when affiliating itself with the Institute, that when doing the request of inscription they will indicate to what area or chair he or she wants to affiliate, according to the type of work which they have been developing. After filling the requested data annex the curriculum vitae, and it will be sent to the Direction of the Institute.


  1. 1. The Institute works by means of the requesting of the services that this offers:

    1. Consultancy
    2. Consultant's office
    3. Qualification
    4. Investigation

  2. A Scientific Seminary in Therapeutic Physical Activity will be organized Special, where it will be exposed, they will analyze, discuss and generalize the developed investigations and experiences.

  3. The admission of new Referral Coordinators by Area and the opening of new Areas in the structure of the Institute, will be from an consult-analysis of the Direction and the Referral Coordinators by Area, of the attested curriculum presented/displayed by the aspiring.

  4. In each number of the Digital Magazine "Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes" a space is dedicated to publish works in the line of the Therapeutic Physical Activity, which, due to the specificity of the thematic one must turn on PHYSICALS EXERCISES IN ALL PEOPLE being able this processing to be combined with other average doctors. The work will be reviewed by the referral coordinator of the area or chair at issue; and if the area does not exist, it will be reviewed by the Direction of the Institute. The norms for their publication are in: After that the article or work will go to the digital space that is dedicated in the magazine to the different spheres from the Physical Education and Sport.

  5. All the projects or any other type of work must be sent to the Direction of the Institute, so that he analyzes with the corresponding area or specialist the necessity that it sets out to solve. Also, in case of not existing the area or chair of compatible work with the request, the Direction of the Institute will analyze the proposal, communicating to the author interested the conclusions they have arrived to on the matter. Of not existing this one request, the Direction of the Institute does not take responsibility with the results that can happen. All the analyzed projects will be published in the site of the ILAFiT.

  6. In the page of presentation of the institution, the internaut will be able to access the different areas or chairs that conform the Institute, in which it will know diverse information, such as:

    1. Effective name of the Coordinator and Members.
    2. Investigations that are being developed in this area, authors and countries.
    3. Supplies of qualification, etc.

  7. The entrance of an Effective Member to the Area of Work of the Institute, will be through and application made by the interested person to the Direction of the institution. After filling the requested data and adding the curriculum vitae, such will be sent to the Direction of the Institute. Later this request will be analyzed by the Direction and the Coordination of the Area at issue and with the approval of both parts, the interested person will receive the answer in the agreement at that it was arrived.


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Contacto: Ramón F. Alonso López |
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