Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes | http://www.efdeportes.com

ISSN 1514-3465


Stretching and Flexionament: An Approach 

on Definition, Physiological Effects, and Forms of Execution

Alongamento e flexionamento: uma abordagem sobre definição, efeitos fisiológicos e formas de execução

Estiramiento y flexión: una aproximación a su definición, efectos fisiológicos y formas de ejecución


Carlos Alberto de Souza Filho



Graduated in Physical Education (University Estácio de Sá)

Post-graduation studies in Kinesiology (University Braz Cubas)

Post-graduation in biomechanics (University Braz Cubas)

Post-graduation in physical training (University Braz Cubas)

Master in Physiological Sciences (UFRJ - NUPEM / Campus Macaé)

PhD student in Physiological Sciences (UFRJ - NUPEM / Campus Macaé)



Reception: 07/31/2024 - Acceptance: 01/17/2025

1st Review: 12/03/2024 - 2nd Review: 01/13/2025


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Suggested reference: Souza Filho, C.A. de (2025). Stretching and Flexionament: An Approach on Definition, Physiological Effects, and Forms of Execution. Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, 29(322), 200-212. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v29i322.7807



    Stretching and flexionament are distinct activities, not only in name, but also in the physiological effects generated, in the perform form, and in the reasons for doing it. Stretching is a technique where occurs increase in joint range of motion until the normal limit of the joint. Flexionament is the increase of joint range of motion to the maximum limit. This review aims to show the differences between stretching and flexionament, both in terms of the definition of each one, the physiological changes generated, and the difference in execution, furthermore, it to shows why and when to apply each one same. This review had as inclusion criteria articles that approached stretching or/and flexionament, carry in consideration your definitions, or the physiological effects promoted by same, or the execution form of each one, in addition to the factors that can interfere with each one of the same. Flexibility can be negatively or positively affected by numerous factors that can be both endogenous as exogenous. The flexionament should not be done before or after of training. Stretching can be performed either before or after of the exercises. It can be concluded that both the stretching and flexionament are activities that differ, both in the definition, form of execution and the physiological effects generated. Therefore, the professionals must to seek knowledge about the subjects covered here so that there is a correct understanding of the same, and thus they can apply stretching or flexionament at the appropriate moment, and correctly.

    Keywords: Flexibility. Stretching. Joint range of motion.



    O alongamento e flexionamento são atividades distintas, não apenas no nome, mas também nos efeitos fisiológicos gerados, na forma de execução e nos motivos para realizá-los. O alongamento é uma técnica onde ocorre aumento da amplitude de movimento articular até o limite normal da articulação. Flexionamento é o aumento da amplitude de movimento articular até o limite máximo. Esta revisão tem como objetivo mostrar as diferenças entre alongamento e flexionamento, tanto em termos da definição de cada um, das alterações fisiológicas geradas, quanto da diferença na execução, além de mostrar por que e quando aplicar cada um dos mesmos. Esta revisão teve como critérios de inclusão artigos que abordassem alongamento e/ou flexionamento, levassem em consideração suas definições, ou os efeitos fisiológicos promovidos pelos mesmos, ou a forma de execução de cada um, além dos fatores que podem interferir em cada um dos mesmos. A flexibilidade pode ser afetada negativa ou positivamente por inúmeros fatores, que podem ser tanto endógenos quanto exógenos. O flexionamento não deve ser feito antes ou depois do treino. O alongamento pode ser realizado tanto antes quanto depois dos exercícios. Pode-se concluir que tanto o alongamento quanto o flexionamento são atividades que se diferenciam, tanto na definição, forma de execução quanto nos efeitos fisiológicos gerados. Portanto, os profissionais devem buscar conhecimento sobre os assuntos aqui abordados para que haja um correto entendimento dos mesmos, e assim possam aplicar o alongamento ou o flexionamento no momento adequado, e de forma correta.

    Unitermos: Flexibilidade. Alongamento. Amplitude de movimento articular.



    Estiramiento y flexión son actividades distintas en su denominación y en los efectos fisiológicos que generan, en la forma de realizarlas y en los motivos para realizarlas. El estiramiento es una técnica que produce un aumento del rango de movimiento articular hasta el límite normal de la articulación. La flexión es el aumento del rango de movimiento articular hasta el límite máximo. Esta revisión tiene como objetivo mostrar las diferencias entre estiramiento y flexión, en cuanto a sus definiciones, cambios fisiológicos que generan y diferencia en la ejecución, además de mostrar por qué y cuándo aplicar cada uno de ellos. Esta revisión tuvo como criterios de inclusión artículos que abordaran el estiramiento y/o la flexión, que tuvieran en cuenta sus definiciones, los efectos fisiológicos que promueven las mismas, o la forma de ejecución de cada uno, además de factores que pueden interferir en cada uno. La flexibilidad puede verse afectada negativa o positivamente por numerosos factores, tanto endógenos como exógenos. La flexión no debe realizarse antes o después del entrenamiento. Los estiramientos pueden realizarse tanto antes como después de los ejercicios. Se puede concluir que tanto el estiramiento como la flexión son actividades que difieren, tanto en la definición, forma de ejecución como en los efectos fisiológicos que generan. Por lo tanto, los profesionales deben buscar conocimientos sobre los temas aquí abordados para que exista una correcta comprensión de los mismos, y así poder aplicar el estiramiento o la flexión en el momento adecuado, y de forma correcta.

    Palabras clave: Flexibilidad. Estiramiento. Rango de movimiento articular.


Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, Vol. 29, Núm. 322, Mar. (2025)




    Stretching and flexionament are distinct activities, not only in name, but also in the physiological effects generated, thus also as in the perform form, and in the reasons for doing it. (Galdino, 2013)


    Regarding to the definition of each these activities it is possible perceive that until in this the same present differences, stretching being a technique where occurs increase in joint range of motion until the normal limit of the joint, up to the submaximal levels, and which has as aim increase immediate levels of flexibility, avoid injuries, prevent muscle shortening, improve performance, maintain of flexibility levels, serve as warm-up and relaxation (Dantas, 2017; Galdino, 2013; Galdino et al., 2005; Henriques et al., 2023; Ludovino et al., 2021; Morcelli et al., 2013; Sanchez et al., 2022; Takeuchi, & Nakamura, 2020; Tonello, & Siqueira, 2010; Zhang, & Bai, 2022), while the flexionament is the increase of joint range of motion to the maximum limit of the joint, above normal levels, and have as aim the increase of flexibility levels. Something to note is that some authors also refer to it as "overstretching" or "flexibilizing". (Bryant et al., 2023; Dantas, 2017; Galdino, 2013; Galdino et al., 2005; Konrad et al., 2024; Lim, 2018; Oba et al., 2021)


    The flexibility, physical quality that refers to the capacity that a joint has move in differences ranges of motions is compost for some components that is (Arias et al., 2023; Dantas, 2017), mobility, which refers to the ability of joint motion (Dantas, 2017; Tonello; Siqueira, 2010); malleability, capacity the skin ability that has of stretches (Dantas, 2017; Marchand, 2002; Tonello, & Siqueira, 2010); elasticity, this being related to the ability that the muscles and their elastic components has change their length during motions (Dantas, 2017; Marchand, 2002; Tonello, & Siqueira, 2010); in addition plasticity, this refers to temporary deformation that muscles, their structures and joints suffer during motions. (Dantas, 2017; Marchand, 2002; Tonello, & Siqueira, 2010)


    Furthermore, the muscles through of their contractile components, elastics (elastic components in series (tendons and cross bridges), and elastic components in parallel (endomysium, perimysium and epimysium)), and plastics (mitochondria, sarcoplasmic reticulum, tubular system), also contribute to flexibility. (Dantas, 2017; Hall, 2016)


    The stretching can be divided in different types, they are (Alves et al., 2021; Galdino, 2013; Konrad et al., 2024; Lim, 2018):

  • Active stretching: generates increase in range of motion through the use of internal force produced by the contraction of the agonist muscles and the relaxing of antagonist muscles (Tonello, & Siqueira, 2010);

  • Passive stretching: uses external force generated through of person, equipment, force applied by another limb, to generate an increase of the joint range (Tonello, & Siqueira, 2010);

  • Static stretching: the increase in joint range of the limb stretched occurs slowly, and is sustained for few seconds (Santos et al., 2021; Tonello, & Siqueira, 2010; Torres et al., 2008);

  • Dynamic or ballistic stretching: occurs increase in joint range repeated times and with rapid motions, without occurs the sustenance of the joint range (Morcelli, Oliveira, & Navega, 2013; Tonello, & Siqueira, 2010; Torres et al., 2008);

  • Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation: in this method there is an alternation between contraction and relaxing both of the antagonist muscles, as of the agonists. For that this stretching to be applied is necessary the help of some another individual (Hall, 2016). It is divided into:

    • Antagonist contract-relax or static stretching with contraction of the antagonists: generate an increase in joint range of passive form through of some subject, and after this the subject that is performing stretching must perform an isometric contraction of the antagonist muscles that must be resisted by the subject that is applying the stretching. This contraction must be sustained for at least 5 seconds. After this the muscles are be relaxed, and the increase of joint range continues to occur (Hall, 2016; Marchand, 2002);

    • Agonist contract-relax or static stretching with contraction of the agonists: promotes an increase in joint range of passive form through of some subject, and after this the subject that is performing stretching must perform isometric contraction of the agonist muscles that must be resisted by the subject that are applying the stretching. In this variation the contraction must also be sustained for at least 5 seconds. After this the muscles are relaxed, and the increase in joint range continues to occur. It is similar to the previous, but this case, the muscles that contract are the agonists (Hall, 2016; Marchand, 2002; Morcelli, Oliveira, & Navega, 2013).

    Both variations generate the inverse myotatic reflex in an attempt to avoid a force of contraction excessive of the muscles. This occurs, because, the Golgi tendon organ captures the force of contraction strong and sends such information for the spinal cord, this in turn send the inverse myotatic reflex for the effector organ, in this case the muscles (Dantas, 2017; Hall, 2016). Furthermore, both generate increases in range of motion of immediate form. (Hall, 2016; Morcelli, Oliveira, & Navega, 2013)


    This review integrative aims to show the differences between stretching and flexionament, both in terms of the definition of each one, the physiological changes generated, and the difference in execution, furthermore, it also to shows why and when to apply each one same. Through this the professionals who perform such activities will have a parameter adequate for the realization of each of the same, favoring the application of each one according with the objective and in adequate moment. As said previously, so much the stretching and flexionament act in the flexibility, and furthermore both are important for all subject, so much for those that perform only daily activities, as to those that perform complex activities, so much for the sporting environment or not. (Bryant et al., 2023; Câmara-Gomes et al., 2022; Galdino, 2013; Marchand, 2002)




    This review had as inclusion criteria articles that approached stretching or/and flexionament, carry in consideration your definitions, or the physiological effects promoted by same, or the execution form of each one, in addition to the factors, be them endogenous or exogenous that can interfere with each one of the same. If the article did not address stretching or flexionament, or did not address these factors, it was not included. The articles used in this research are articles that span from 2000 to 2024.


    The terms searched were stretching, maximum stretching and stretching intensity in the SciELO and PubMed databases. Furthermore, some of the literature cited by the articles used in this research also were used. Have been chosen for around of 90 literatures, and, based on the criteria already mentioned at the end were used 29 literatures.


Discussion and results 


    Flexibility can be negatively or positively affected by numerous factors, that can be both endogenous (age, sex, biological individuality) as exogenous (time of day, temperature) (Dantas, 2017; Galdino, 2013; Marchand, 2002; Tonello, & Siqueira, 2010). The respective interferences of each of these factors are:


    Age: young individuals tend to present greater levels of flexibility than elderly people. This occurs because the elderly suffer negative changes with the aging process that are, reduced elasticity of the tendons, and muscle fascia (Dantas, 2017);


    Sex: women have greater flexibility that individuals of sex masculine, and this occurs at all stages (childhood, adolescence and adulthood) (Dantas, 2017; Galdino, 2013). This occurs due to hormonal factors, because women have a greater secretion of relaxin. This acts by generating ligament laxity, softening of the joints, and consequently promoting increased flexibility, including in the hips, which facilitates childbirth. Still on the subject of relaxin, in women it is produced by the corpus luteum, and during pregnancy the placenta also produces it (Albino et al., 2011; Galdino, 2013; Mann et al., 2010). Furthermore, women have less muscle mass, which makes their joints more flexible;


    Biological individuality: even though individuals are of the same species, they have differences, both morphological, physiological, biochemical and psychological. Such differences are due to subject genotype, and its interaction with the environment (Lussac, 2008). Flexibility is dependent on bone structure, body composition and muscle elasticity, as these variables are different in each subjects, consequently the flexibility also differs in each subjects (Dantas, 2017; Galdino, 2013);


    Time of day: the plastic components are more rigid when waking up, this occurs because the body has been lying down for a long period of time, and this makes with that occurs a greater resistance during the motions, with a consequent decrease in flexibility. Throughout the day, as the body moves occurs deformation of such components and this makes with that occurs reduction of resistance during the motions, and consequently the flexibility levels are increased (Dantas, 2017; Galdino, 2013). Therefore, it is important perform stretching when waking up, because that will reduce more rapidly the resistance during motions, due to the deformation of plastic components. (Dantas, 2017)


    Table 1 presents some information about stretching and flexionament found in some of the articles used in this review.


Table 1. Some of the articles used in this review approaching the author, year of publication, title and some of the main findings


Year of publication

Publication title

Main findings




Alongamento e flexibilidade: um estudo sobre conceitos e diferenças.

Stretching is the perform of motions with normal range.

Maintains levels of flexibility. Flexionament promotes the development of flexibility.




Alongamento e Flexionamento

Stretching is a form submaximal work, in other words, it is performed with normal joint range. Aims to maintain of flexibility. Flexionament is a form maximal work that have the aim to improve flexibility. This occurs through range of motion above of the normal levels.


Galdino et al. apud Dantas, 1999


Comparação entre níveis de força explosiva de membros inferiores antes e após flexionamento passivo

Stretching is a submaximal work, while the flexionament is a maximal work.


Tonello, & Siqueira


Avaliação dos níveis de flexibilidade de adolescentes com idades entre 16 e 24 anos.

Flexionament and stretching differ both in the physiological, conceptual part, and also in the methodology of each one.


Bryant et al.


The Effects of Static Stretching Intensity on Range of Motion and Strength: A Systematic Review

Stretching performed at higher intensity (flexionament) promotes greater flexibility, in addition, high-intensity stretching reduces strength to a greater proportion than low-intensity stretching (stretching). The study researchers claim that more research is needed to confirm this claims.


Santos et al.


Os efeitos morfofisiológicos da utilização do alongamento muscular associados com o exercício resistido: uma revisão de literatura

Benefits have been found from stretching. However, high-intensity stretching is not recommended for strength training, while low-intensity stretching is more recommended for the training of individuals. However, new studies are important to support prescription of stretching.




Optimal intensity of PNF stretching: maintaining the efficacy of stretching while ensuring its safety

When compared to stretching, performing flexionament promoted greater flexibility.


Oba et al.


Influence of constant torque stretching at different stretching intensities on flexibility and mechanical properties of plantar flexors

High-intensity stretching (flexionament) is effective in improving flexibility. Stretching technique, intensity, and duration all influence the effects of stretching.

Source: Author


    Regarding to flexionament and stretching the literature demonstrate that the flexionament should not be done before or after of training, as when done before training it will generate a very large stretch of the sarcomeres, and consequently an excessive separation of the contractile proteins. This will difficult the connection between myosin and actin through of the cross bridges, thus promoting negative changes in the capacity to produce force, the which consequently will affect the performance of strength training, as it uses the force produced by the contraction of skeletal muscles to be performed (Souza Filho, 2023a; Santos et al., 2024; Lim, 2018). For force to be produced in appropriate levels the sarcomeres must be at their ideal length. Furthermore, it is known that the physical exercises promote muscle microinjuries, then, case the flexionament be performed after the same, the chances of injury are greater (Dantas, 2017; Souza Filho, 2023b).


    Stretching can be performed both before or after of the exercises because these do not go to the maximum range of the joint like flexionament, therefore this it will not generate negative changes in force production, as it does not generate such a large separation of contractile proteins, furthermore, it will not increase the chances of injury, nor when performed before or after training. (Dantas, 2017; Santos et al., 2021; Santos et al., 2024; Silva et al., 2023; Tonello, & Siqueira, 2010)


    Due to the stretching do not go until to maximum joint range of motion but only until the normal range, it generates deformations in the plastic elements, and this favor that in the following motions the force used is not to promote such deformations that are important for a lower resistance during the motion, but rather for the desired motion. Flexionament, on the other hand promote chances in the plastics elements, in addition to deformations also in the elastic components because it go until the maximum range of the joint. (Dantas, 2017; Galdino, 2013)




    It can be concluded that both the stretching and flexionament are activities that differ, both in the definition, form of execution and the physiological effects generated. Therefore, the professionals must to seek knowledge about the subjects covered here so that there is a correct understanding of the same, and thus they can apply stretching or flexionament at the appropriate moment, and correct form. This way, will avoid the occurrence of negative changes that can be generate if it is not applied correctly and/or does not use the appropriate activity for that moment will be avoided.




Alves, F.R. de O., Lima, A.M.F., Andrade, T.M. de, & Andrade, C.M.S.A. de (2021). Impacto do alongamento muscular no desempenho motor de indivíduos ativos. Research, Society and Development, 10(4). https://doi.org/10.33448/rsd-v10i4.14325


Arias, O.E.M., Gómez, A.F.S., Caicedo, A.M.S., Gonzáles, Y.M., & Torres, J.M. (2023). Eficacia de la técnica sostener relajar en comparación con el estiramiento dinámico sobre la flexibilidad de los isquiotibiales. Medicina UPB, 42(2), 17-25. https://doi.org/10.18566/medupb.v42n2.a03


Bryant, J., Cooper, D.J., Peters, D.M., & Cook, M.D. (2023). The Effects of Static Stretching Intensity on Range of Motion and Strength: A Systematic Review. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology, 8(2). https://doi.org/10.3390/jfmk8020037


Câmara-Gomes, L.F., Dibai Filho, A.V., Diniz, R.R., Alvares, P.D., Veneroso, C.E., & Cabido, C.E.T. (2022). Mechanisms of muscle stretching exercises for reduction of low back pain: narrative review. Brazilian Journal of Pain, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.5935/2595-0118.20220001


Dantas, E.H.M. (2017). Alongamento e Flexionamento (6a ed.). Editora Manole.


Di Alencar, T.A.M., & Matias, K.F. de S. (2010). Princípios fisiológicos do aquecimento e alongamento muscular na atividade esportiva. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte, 16(3). https://doi.org/10.1590/s1517-86922010000300015


Galdino, F.F.S. (2013). Alongamento e flexibilidade: um estudo sobre conceitos e diferenças. Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, 176. https://www.efdeportes.com/efd176/alongamento-e-flexibilidade-conceitos-e-diferencas.htm


Galdino, L.A. dos S., Nogueira, C.J., César, E.P., Fortes, M.E.P., Perrout, J.R.D.L., & Dantas, E.H.M. (2005). Comparação entre níveis de força explosiva de membros inferiores antes e após flexionamento passivo. Fitness & performance journal, 1, 11-15. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/28296123


Hall, S.J. (2016). Biomecânica Básica (7a ed.). Editora Guanabara Koogan.


Henriques, L., Ekkekakis, P., Bastos, V., Rodrigues, F., Monteiro, D., & Teixeira, D.S. (2023). Affective responses to stretching exercises: exploring the timing of assessments. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 69, 102490. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychsport.2023.102490


Konrad, A., Alizadeh, S., Daneshjoo, A., Anvar, SH, Graham, A., Zahiri, A., Goudini, R., Edwards, C., Scharf, C., & Behm, DG (2024). Chronic effects of stretching on range of motion with consideration of potential moderating variables: A systematic review with meta-analysis. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 13(2). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jshs.2023.06.002


Lim, W. (2018). Optimal intensity of PNF stretching: maintaining the efficacy of stretching while ensuring its safety. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 30(8). https://doi.org/10.1589/jpts.30.1108


Ludovino, CB, Iglesias, R., Borges, ME, Casati, MV, Melchior, R., Lima, LEM, Guedes, KM, Junnior, AF, Guedes Jr, DP, & Silva, RP (2021). Efecto agudo de la liberación miofacial sobre la amplitud de movimiento, fuerza muscular y flexibilidad de practicantes de CrossFit®. Revista Peruana de ciencia de la actividad física y del deporte, 8(3), 1181-1188. https://doi.org/10.53820/rpcafd.v8i3.149


Lussac, R.M.P. (2008). Os princípios do treinamento esportivo: conceitos, definições, possíveis aplicações e um possível novo olhar. Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, 13(121). https://www.efdeportes.com/efd121/os-principios-do-treinamento-esportivo-conceitos-definicoes.htm


Mann, L., Kleinpaul, J. F., Mota, C.B., & Santos, S.G. dos (2010). Alterações biomecânicas durante o período gestacional: uma revisão. Motriz. Revista de Educação Física, 16(3). https://doi.org/10.5016/1980-6574.2010v16n3p730


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Morcelli, M.H., Oliveira, J.M.C.A., & Navega, M.T. (2013). Comparação do alongamento estático, balístico e contrair-relaxar nos músculos isquiotibiais. Fisioterapia e Pesquisa, 20(3). https://doi.org/10.1590/s1809-29502013000300008


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Souza Filho, C.A. de (2023a). Efeitos do treinamento de força, aeróbico e concorrente na força muscular e composição corporal. Revista Ibero-Americana de Humanidades, Ciências e Educação, 9(6). https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v9i6.10476


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Tonello, A., & Siqueira, P.C.M. (2010). Avaliação dos níveis de flexibilidade de adolescentes com idades entre 16 e 24 anos. Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, 146. https://www.efdeportes.com/efd146/avaliacao-de-flexibilidade-de-adolescentes.htm


Torres, EM, Kraemer, WJ, Vingren, JL, Volek, JS, Hatfield, DL, Spiering, BA, Ho, JY, Fragala, MS, Thomas, GA, Anderson, JM, Häkkinen, K., & Maresh, CM (2008). Effects of stretching on upper-body muscular performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 22(4). https://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0b013e31816eb501


Zhang, W., & Bai, N. (2022). The role of functional dynamic stretching training in dance sports. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte, 28(6). https://doi.org/10.1590/1517-8692202228062022_0086

Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, Vol. 29, Núm. 322, Mar. (2025)