Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes | http://www.efdeportes.com

ISSN 1514-3465


The Perception and Application of Psychological 

Training by Coaches of Youth Basketball Players

La percepción y aplicación del entrenamiento psicológico por 

parte de entrenadores de jugadores de baloncesto juveniles

A percepção e aplicação do treino psicológico por 

treinadores de jogadores juvenis de basquetebol


Issam Hadjab*


Djamel Seraiaia**


Issam Bellem***



*Lecturer Professor at the Institute of Science and Technology

of Physical Activities and Sports

Mohamed Cherif Messadia University - Souk Ahras

Doctorate in Science and Technology of Physical and Sports Activities,

specializing in Sports Physical preparation

Responsible Officer Bachelor's Degree

in Competitive Sports Training, University of Souk Ahras

**Lecturer Professor at the Institute of Science and Technology

of Physical Activities and Sports

Mohamed Cherif Messadia University - Souk Ahras

Doctorate in Science and Technology of Physical and Sports Activities,

specializing in Sports Elite sports training

***Lecturer Professor at the Institute of Science and Technology

of Physical Activities and Sports

Abdelhamid Mehri University – Constantine 2

Doctorate in Science and Technology of Physical and Sports Activities,

specializing in Sports Educational sports physical activity



Reception: 04/27/2024 - Acceptance: 09/06/2024

1st Review: 08/19/2024 - 2nd Review: 09/03/2024


Level A conformance,
            W3C WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0
Accessible document. Law N° 26.653. WCAG 2.0


Creative Commons

This work licensed under Creative Commons

Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)


Suggested reference: Hadjab, I., Seraiaia, D., & Bellem, I. (2024). The Perception and Application of Psychological Training by Coaches of Youth Basketball Players. Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, 29(317), 20-41. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v29i317.7642



    The psychological preparation holds paramount significance in advancing and elevating a player's performance. Therefore, the research aims to know the current state of psychological preparation in the youth basketball training systems, to analyze the factors that affect the integration of psychological preparation, and to study the impact that this generates on the sports performance of players in clubs in Constantine, Algeria. This study was adopted the descriptive-analytical approach; a questionnaire comprising three dimensions was administered to a sample of 30 coaches affiliated with the Constantine Regional Basketball Association. Findings revealed that psychological preparation holds significance in coaches' training methodologies, with most coaches demonstrating adequate knowledge and academic training in this domain. Nevertheless, the research also discerned shortcomings in the infrastructure of clubs and a dearth of attention given to psychological dimensions by sports administrators, encompassing club presidents and directors. Such inadequacies potentially correlate with reduced player performance.

    Keywords: Psychological preparation. Training process. Junior groups. Basketball.



    La preparación psicológica tiene una importancia primordial para mejorar y elevar el rendimiento de un jugador. En este sentido, la investigación tiene como objetivo conocer el estado actual de la preparación psicológica en los sistemas de entrenamiento de baloncesto juvenil, analizar los factores que afectan la integración de la preparación psicológica y estudiar el impacto que esto genera en el rendimiento deportivo de los jugadores en los clubes de Constantine, Argelia. Este estudio adoptó el enfoque descriptivo-analítico; se administró un cuestionario que comprende tres dimensiones a una muestra de 30 entrenadores afiliados a la Asociación Regional de Baloncesto de Constantina. Los hallazgos revelaron que la preparación psicológica tiene importancia en las metodologías de entrenamiento de los entrenadores, y la mayoría de los entrenadores demuestran un conocimiento adecuado y una formación académica en este campo. Sin embargo, la investigación también detectó deficiencias en la infraestructura de los clubes y una falta de atención prestada a las dimensiones psicológicas por parte de los administradores deportivos, que abarcan a los presidentes y directores de clubes. Tales deficiencias potencialmente se correlacionan con un menor rendimiento del jugador.

    Palabras clave: Preparación psicológica. Proceso de entrenamiento. Grupos juveniles. Baloncesto.



    A preparação psicológica é de importância primordial para avançar e elevar o rendimento de um jogador. Assim sendo, a investigação tem como objetivo conhecer o estado atual da preparação psicológica nos sistemas de treino de basquetebol juvenil, analisar os fatores que afetam a integração da preparação psicológica e estudar o impacto que esta gera no rendimento desportivo dos jogadores em clubes de Constantine, Argélia. Este estudo adotou a abordagem descritivo-analítica; foi aplicado um questionário composto por três dimensões a uma amostra de 30 treinadores afiliados na Associação Regional de Basquetebol de Constantine. Os resultados revelaram que a preparação psicológica tem importância nas metodologias de formação dos treinadores, com a maioria dos treinadores a demonstrar conhecimentos e formação académica adequados neste domínio. No entanto, a investigação detectou também deficiências nas infra-estruturas dos clubes e uma falta de atenção dada às dimensões psicológicas por parte dos administradores desportivos, abrangendo presidentes e diretores de clubes. Tais insuficiências correlacionam-se potencialmente com a redução do desempenho do jogador.

    Unitermos: Preparação psicológica. Processo de formação. Grupos juniores. Basquetebol.


Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, Vol. 29, Núm. 317, Oct. (2024)




    Psychology is regarded as one of the paramount and widely embraced disciplines in contemporary society. It encompasses a diverse array of domains, with sports training being one such field. In the field of sports training, the integration of psychological theories has become indispensable, facilitating the comprehension of individual or player behavior. This includes both observable external responses and actions, as well as internal phenomena such as emotions and cognitive processes, which are inherently more intricate to discern and regulate. (Ratib, 2008)


    Silva (2023) adds: In today's sport, psychological preparation plays a fundamental role in an athlete's sporting performance. Mental preparation in the athlete is of great importance, through various psychological and mental training techniques that help athletes increase confidence, manage stress, maintain motivation and improve concentration. In this way, mental strength can affect sports results.


    The psychological preparation plays a particularly important role, being meant to group the player’s resources and skills that allow him to process the information, select the answers and apply his tactic thinking, according to the game plan and game strategy formulated by the coach. The planning of the mental preparation is enforced by concretely establishing the objectives, actions, achievement means, responsible factors, related duties and by a current and periodical control of the results. (Manescu, 2013)


    The integration of psychology with sports swiftly gave rise to what is commonly referred to as psychological preparation or sports preparation. Awda (2015) delineates this concept as the process of psychologically readying the athlete to surmount all impediments that may impede performance during sports competitions. Furthermore, Hanafi (1998), characterizes psychological preparation as encompassing all procedures and responsibilities prescribed by the coach to fortify the volitional characteristics and foster the foundational values of the players.


    As others have pointed out, "It is a science that studies human behavior and its response to certain stimuli through the interaction between the individual and its environment in order to understand it, predict its path, and try to control it" (Abdel Fattah, & Bahi, 2000, p. 3). Psychological sports preparation has recently emerged as one of the most significant preparations within the realm of sports activity, greatly contributing to the enhancement and advancement of players' abilities.


    Research has demonstrated the significant role of psychological sports preparation in elevating athletes to the pinnacle of their sports. This is evident through its ability to identify optimal solutions and methods to ensure that athletes are in their prime condition to embrace rigorous training regimens and confront opponents with peak athletic performance. Both physical and skill-based preparations have become indispensable; however, they are not exclusive and readily accessible to all. Consequently, world champions and professionals alike have attained comparable levels of proficiency in these aspects. The differentiating factor lies in their attainment of the highest possible level of psychological preparation to achieve athletic excellence. This confirms the importance of psychological preparation for players according to Fernلndez Macيas (2018).


    The overarching objective of this preparation remains the identification of solutions to the myriad challenges encountered by individual athletes throughout their careers and devising strategies to overcome them with minimal impact. Psychological preparation has emerged as a fundamental cornerstone for athletes to attain excellence and ascend to the highest echelons of their sport, including setting new records. This is underscored by the meticulous evaluation of results from international tournaments and championships, which unequivocally underscores the paramount importance of psychological preparation in enhancing and refining athletes' behavior. This encompasses the regulation of their emotions and unwavering focus on assigned tasks to achieve optimal levels of performance and sporting accomplishments. Consequently, the possession of commendable psychological attributes has become among the pivotal factors facilitating the attainment of exceptional sporting outcomes.


    Psychological preparation serves as a catalyst and motivator, empowering athletes to harness their physical and mental energies to attain the pinnacle of athletic success. Its primary objective is to cultivate the comprehensive skill set requisite for an athlete's career advancement, facilitating the attainment of optimal performance levels in their chosen field of specialization. This assertion finds affirmation by Teodora (2017) wherein it is contended that an athlete's capacity for creativity is contingent upon various psychological factors. Nonetheless, this capacity is amenable to development, with an analysis of an athlete's behavior during competition serving as a mechanism for elucidating and enhancing creative endeavors for future utilization.


    Among the sports domains increasingly prioritizing psychological preparation and leveraging its methodologies to attain peak athletic performance is basketball. Renowned for its longstanding history and widespread popularity among enthusiasts, basketball has evolved into one of the most prominent sports globally, with the organization of international and world championships featuring participation from diverse countries. Given its nature as a team sport characterized by frequent interactions and the potential for negative reactions among players, coaches have assumed the responsibility of placing significant emphasis on psychological preparation. This proactive approach aims to mitigate detrimental behaviors that could otherwise compromise performance levels.


    Consequently, psychological preparation has become an indispensable component of the training, Ferreira et al. (2020) urge the need to pay attention to the psychological aspect as much as the technical and physical aspect. In addition to facilitate the player's adjustment and adaptation to competitive conditions. Contemporary basketball training methodologies have increasingly focused on enhancing the psychological dimension of the player, aiming to elevate them to their utmost potential. This imperative necessitates specialists and coaches in the sport to adhere to and implement scientifically formulated psychological programs. These programs should encompass essential principles of psychological training while incorporating modern methodologies and techniques in sports psychology. Furthermore, it is imperative to adhere to sound scientific curricula designed to cultivate the psychological well-being of players, while also ensuring due consideration for the age group of the athletes involved.


    Handling psychological preparation requires a nuanced approach, recognizing that each group possesses distinct psychological, physical, and mental attributes. Among these groups, adolescents stand out as particularly in need of guidance and psychological preparation. Adolescence represents a pivotal stage in an individual's life, marking the transition from childhood to adulthood. What sets this stage apart is the profound hormonal changes occurring within the individual, which can manifest either positively or negatively in their actions and emotions, contingent upon their personality and environmental context. Consequently, adolescents necessitate psychological guidance and preparation to navigate this transformative period effectively. From this perspective, psychological preparation emerges as a dynamic and ongoing process tailored to the unique needs of each individual and group. (Alwan, 2016)


    Psychological preparation in sports encompasses an educational dimension aimed at fostering positive practices among players, with the overarching goal of nurturing and enhancing motivations, inclinations, self-assurance, cognitive and emotional awareness, as well as the refinement and augmentation of the player's volitional attributes. Moreover, it entails guidance and direction from an educational, moral, and ethical standpoint. Alwan (2016) underscores this perspective the significance of psychological preparation for football players aged 15-17 during sports competitions, addressing various technical and scientific facets pertinent to the psychological preparation process tailored to this age cohort.


    The study concluded that coaches demonstrated awareness of the individual variances among their players during the psychological preparation processes in sports. Additionally, it highlighted the coaches' persistent and dedicated efforts in aiding players to address their own challenges through methods that instigate psychological transformation in the counseling process (Alwan, 2016). Furthermore, the significance of sports psychology in the training regimen was corroborated by Ming-Yu (2022) who asserts that integrating principles of sports psychology into training can positively impact the psychological resilience of basketball players, thereby facilitating the enhancement of tactical thinking skills.


    Hence, psychological sports preparation has become an essential element that administrators and coaches must incorporate into their training programs, as it serves as the differentiating factor that distinguishes a player as a professional. However, despite its profound benefits, this aspect continues to be marginalized in training programs devised by coaches. The prevailing reality suggests a prevailing focus among trainers and physical conditioning staff on physical prowess, skills, and strategic planning, often overlooking the crucial psychological dimension of players. This is despite the recognition that sports performance necessitates not only physical abilities and skills but also psychological readiness. (Sherifi, & Naffi, 2019)


    This insight was gleaned from field visits to several trainers, supplemented by findings from previous studies within this domain. These investigations revealed a notable lack of emphasis among trainers on the psychological dimension within their training programs. Instead, they predominantly rely on traditional methods, prioritizing physical and skill development while overlooking the crucial psychological component of training. In this regard, Awda (2015) asserts that "the psychological preparation of the player must be planned during the season just as other educational aspects are planned" (23). This sentiment is further affirmed by Bezziou (2012) research uncovered that a significant number of athletes experience diminished concentration levels preceding sports competitions due to heightened stress and anxiety, a factor that profoundly influences the psychological dimension, ultimately impacting performance.


    The physical and cognitive well-being of athletes is paramount, as they navigate a multitude of pressures inherent in their competitive roles. Subject to scrutiny and criticism, athletes' performances are closely tied to achieving records and securing top rankings (Bezziou, 2012). Consequently, anxiety and aggression emerge as pivotal psychological factors influencing sports performance. Notably, over 70% of questions raised and deliberated upon at international conferences and symposiums on sports psychology revolve around anxiety and aggression, reflecting their significance as primary determinants of emotional states impacting performance. These emotions manifest across diverse contexts and exhibit a continuous upward trajectory, exerting profound implications on both the physical and mental health of individuals, particularly athletes. It is widely acknowledged that stress arises from unmet needs, underscoring the imperative of addressing psychological well-being in athletic pursuits.


    Continuous stress fosters anxiety, while anxiety, in turn, perpetuates stress. The lingering impact of stress is palpable, assessed, and scrutinized both physiologically and psychologically, ultimately correlating with the onset of psychosomatic disorders (Bali, 2015). It is evident from these observations that psychological preparation holds paramount significance in advancing and elevating a player's performance to the pinnacle of sporting excellence, thereby enabling them to secure titles and championships. In light of this context and the preceding discussion, the following questions naturally arise:

  • Do trainers attain adequate cognitive gains during the training process to adequately address the psychological aspect?

  • Does the limited level of clubs affiliated with the Regional Association of Constantine Province stem from neglect of psychological and mental preparation?

  • Is the psychological pressure experienced by players at clubs affiliated with the Regional Association of the State of Constantine primarily attributable to coaches' neglect of the psychological and mental aspects?



    This field study was conducted in accordance with a contract between the Directorate of Youth and Sports, and Mohamed Cherif Messaadia University - Souk Ahras, in addition to the approval of the State Basketball Association Constantine, Algeria for the 2022-2023, as well as the club presidents, after which the coaches supervising the training were contacted. Junior groups and this is specifically for the purpose of judging the questionnaire. The approval of a significant number of professors and experts in the field of sports training in the universities of eastern Algeria was also obtained and their assistance was sought in controlling and judging the questionnaire. After correcting the notes submitted by them and producing the questionnaire in the final form, the president of the amateur sports club, Youth Basketball Club Sedrata (JBS), to begin studying the reality of psychological preparation in the training process in youth basketball clubs, as well as moving with the youth teams in all their matches to meet the coaches supervising all the teams affiliated with the state association and to distribute the questionnaire to them.


    In this study, the descriptive analytical method was employed, deemed most suitable for the variables under investigation. This method facilitated the examination of relationships between research variables, allowing for their measurement and the collection of information essential for reaching conclusive results.


Research population and sample 


    The research community for this study comprises active coaches within the Regional Basketball Association of Constantine State, specifically within the Asghar category. The total number of coaches in this category is 49, corresponding to the participating teams. A random sampling method was employed, resulting in a study sample of 30 coaches selected from junior category basketball clubs affiliated with the Regional League of Constantine (Algeria) for the season 2023/2024.


Data collection tools 

  • Questionnaire structure: The data collection method utilized in this study involves the distribution of a questionnaire closed comprised of a series of questions. These questionnaires are either sent via mail or delivered directly to the selected participants. The individuals chosen for the study are requested to record their responses to the questions provided in the questionnaire and return them thereafter. Notably, this process is conducted without the researcher's direct involvement in aiding individuals to comprehend the questions or in recording their responses. (Almani, 2018)

  • Questionnaire design: The questionnaire devised for the study was segmented into three dimensions, with each dimension corresponding to one of the study hypotheses, outlined as follows:

    • The first dimension focuses on the cognitive skills and training of coaches in the field of psychological preparation.

    • The second dimension examines the budget and the level of clubs affiliated with the Regional Association of Constantine Province (Algeria).

    • The third dimension assesses the psychological preparedness of trainers during their training sessions.

    In the questionnaire, closed-ended questions are utilized to provide potential responses for each statement, including "Yes," "No," and "Sometimes."


Type of study: Exploratory. 


Validity and reliability of the study tools 


    Validity and reliability 


    One of the primary scientific prerequisites for the study tool, namely the questionnaire, is validity, which entails its comprehensiveness encompassing all elements and steps essential for the analysis of the study. Additionally, it necessitates reliability, achieved through transparent and constructive presentation. Relying on the integrity of the evaluators, adjustments were made to rectify any deficiencies identified in the initial questionnaire. Subsequently, it was modified based on their recommendations to ensure its readiness for distribution.


    Validity of the peripheral approach 


Table 1. Results of the validity of the peripheral approach of the questionnaire discriminant validity


(n) number


standard deviation

value (T)

value (sig)

Significance level







D at 0.05





Source: Authors


    From Table 1, it is evident that the arithmetic mean of the upper group was calculated to be 44.8, with a standard deviation of 0.78. In contrast, the arithmetic mean of the lower group was determined to be 38.3, with a standard deviation of 2.58. The significance value (sig 0.00) is lower than the chosen significance level of 0.05. This suggests statistically significant differences between the average scores of the highest and lowest individuals. Based on these findings, the questionnaire is valid. Consequently, and it can be differentiate between the responses of respondents from lower and higher grades.




Table 2. The results of the reliability coefficient of the study tool using Cronbach’s alpha

The tool

Number of statements

alpha factor α

Questionnaire structure



Note: The reliability coefficient of the tool, as determined by Cronbach's alpha equation, is α = 0.72. 

This value is significant, indicating an excellent level of reliability for the questionnaire. Source: Authors




Table 3. Frequencies, percentages, and K2 values and Sig values for the first dimension


The answer


The ratio %  

Value (K2)

Value (Sig)


The integration of a sports psychology scale into academic training






There is statistical significance







Training on player psychology and techniques for influencing them






There is statistical significance







Incorporating psychological preparation into the training process






no statistical significance







Familiar with sports psychology requirements






There is statistical significance







Influencing the psychology of players and raising their morale






There is statistical significance







Giving importance to psychological preparation in training sessions






There is statistical significance







Source: Authors


    Through Table 3, it is evident that all the statements are statistically significant, with significance values smaller than the chosen significance level of 0.05, except for statement no. (03), where the significance value reached 0.71, exceeding the significance level. From this, it has been concluded that most of the interviewed trainers affirm that they have acquired adequate information in the realm of psychological preparation during their academic training.


Table 4. Frequencies, percentages, and K2 values and Sig values for the first dimension

First dimension

The answer


The ratio

Value (K2)

Value (Sig)




59.44 %



There is a statistical significance







Source: Authors


    Table 4 indicates that the trainers' responses regarding the first dimension predominantly favored "Yes," with 107 repetitions, constituting 59.44% of the total responses. Conversely, the remaining responses leaned towards "Sometimes," with 60 repetitions (33.3%), and "No," with 13 repetitions (7.22%). The calculated C-squared test value (K2) was 84.026, with a corresponding significance value (sig) of 0.000, which is smaller than the significance level of 0.05. With a degree of freedom of 2, this suggests statistical significance in favor of the most frequent response, "Yes," at a rate of 59.44%.


    Conclusion: From the findings presented above, it can be inferred that the interviewed trainers acknowledge possessing adequate knowledge of psychological preparation and demonstrate a significant emphasis on integrating psychological preparation into their training regimens.


Table 5. The frequencies, percentages, K2 value and Sig values for the second dimension


The answer


The ratio %  

Value (K2)

Value (Sig)


The challenge in training players arises from the disregard for the importance of psychological preparation by those in leadership roles






No statistical significance







The manager is aware of the importance of psychological preparation in the stability of the team






There is statistical significance







There is a psychologist on the team






no statistical significance







There is a sufficient budget to allow you to provide the best psychologists






There is statistical significance







I stress the importance of psychological preparation among players






There is statistical significance







And advanced psychological measurement tools






There is statistical significance







Source: Authors


    From Table 5, it is evident that all expressions are statistically significant, with significance values smaller than the chosen significance level of 0.05, except for statement Nr. 01, where the significance value reached 0.15, exceeding the significance level. Consequently, it has been understood that the limited level of clubs affiliated with the Regional Association of the State of Constantine (Algeria) is primarily attributed to the absence of a psychologist, resulting from the failure of those in leadership positions to recognize the importance of psychological and mental preparation for the players.


Table 6. The frequencies, percentages, K2 values, and Sig values for the second dimension

Second dimension

The answer


The ratio

Value (K2)

Value (Sig)







There is a statistical significance







Source: Authors


    Table 6 reveals that the trainers' responses concerning the first axis predominantly favored "No," with 84 repetitions, constituting 46.66% of the total responses. Conversely, the remaining responses leaned towards "Yes," with 70 repetitions (38.88%), and "Sometimes," with 26 repetitions (14.44%). The calculated C-squared test value (K2) was 88.080, with a corresponding significance value (sig) of 0.001, smaller than the significance level of 0.05. With a degree of freedom of 2, this suggests statistical significance in favor of the most frequent response, "No," at a rate of 46.66%.


    Conclusion: From the aforementioned data, it can be inferred that the interviewed coaches affirm the lack of psychological preparation within the teams and clubs. This deficiency is primarily attributed to the limited resources of the clubs affiliated with the Regional Association of Constantine Province, coupled with the ignorance of leaders and club managers regarding the significance of psychological preparation.


Table 7. The frequencies, percentages, K2 values and Sig values for the third dimension


The answer


The ratio %  

Value (K2)

Value (Sig)


Negative results are linked to the players’ lack of psychological preparation






There is statistical significance







Psychological preparedness is a reason for achieving victory or defeat






There is statistical significance







Psychological preparation helps develop concentration and relieve stress






no statistical significance







Neglecting the psychological and mental aspects during the training process increases the psychological pressure among players






There is statistical significance







I am concerned that the players may lose control during the match after conceding points against them due to their inadequate preparation and lack of psychological readiness






no statistical significance







I feel anxious preparing to meet a team with whom we have the same success criteria






There is statistical significance







Source: Authors


    From Table 7, it is evident that all statements are statistically significant, with significance values smaller than the chosen significance level of 0.05, except for statement no. (05), where the significance value reached 0.12, exceeding the significance level. Consequently, it was concluded that the increase in the intensity of psychological pressure among players is attributable to the coaches' neglect of the psychological and mental aspects.


Table 8. Presents the frequencies, percentages, K2 values, and Sig values for the third dimension

Third dimension

The answer


The ratio

Value (K2)

Value (Sig)







There is a statistical significance







Source: Authors


    From Table 8, it is evident that the trainers' responses concerning the first axis predominantly favored "Yes," with 112 repetitions, constituting 62.22% of the total responses. Conversely, the remaining responses leaned towards "Sometimes," with 51 repetitions (28.33%), and "No," with 17 repetitions (9.44%). The calculated C-squared test value (K2) was 75.090, with a corresponding significance value (sig) of 0.000, smaller than the significance level of 0.05. With a degree of freedom of 2, this suggests statistical significance in favor of the most frequent response, "Yes," at a rate of 62.22%.


    Conclusion: From the aforementioned data, it can be inferred that the interviewed coaches confirm that negligence by some coaches contributes to an increase in psychological pressure among the players.




    Discussion of the first axis related to the first hypothesis: The cognitive gains achieved by trainers during the training process are not sufficient to address the psychological aspect. 


    To verify this hypothesis, it can be utilized the statistical analysis program SPSS (28) to compute the values of C squared (K2) and sig. Upon examining the results presented in Table 3, it is evident that the sig values are smaller than the significance level of 0.05. This indicates that all statements are statistically significant, except for statement nr. 3. Similarly, in Table 4, it can be observed a sig value smaller than the significance level of 0.05. Consequently, there is statistical significance for the first dimension as a whole. Thus, the first hypothesis was not confirmed; thus, rejected. Based on the obtained results, it appears that most coaches affiliated with the Regional Basketball Association of Constantine State, particularly in the junior category, have acquired sufficient information in the field of psychological preparation through their academic training.


    Accordingly, it can be believed that coaches dedicate sufficient attention to psychological preparation, which hinges on each coach's experience and knowledge, as well as their approach to interacting with players through the utilization of various methods and contemporary techniques in psychological player preparation. Among these methods, there is an emphasis on leveraging athletes' psychological skills such as motivation, self-confidence, self-efficacy, flow, and awareness, alongside stress management, anxiety control, coping strategies, and mindfulness. These techniques aim to enhance athletes' quality of life and facilitate optimal performance in sports practice (Park, & Jeon, 2023). This underscores the significance of psychological preparation in the training process, as underscored by Khattab (1995), who asserts that psychological preparation is integral to every competitive sport.


    The coach employs psychological preparation not only to ready the players mentally but also to instill motivation, cohesion, and confidence in their abilities, ultimately aiming to attain optimal sporting outcomes. The results obtained indicate that coaches integrate psychological preparation into their training regimens, adjusting the intensity as per the players' requirements. Furthermore, all coaches affirm their commitment to staying abreast of the latest developments in sports psychology. This sentiment is echoed by Ghedi (2021) where in he concluded that most coaches recognize the significance of psychological preparation in achieving peak athletic performance.


    Therefore, based on the results from both Table 3 and Table 4, the null hypothesis is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis has been accepted, which posits that trainers possess adequate knowledge in the psychological field. The statistical values from these tables suggest that the difference favors the "yes" response, indicating that trainers indeed have sufficient knowledge in the psychological aspect, as confirmed by the statements in the questionnaire.


    Discussion of the second axis related to the second hypothesis: The limited progress of the clubs affiliated with the Regional League of the State of Constantine (Algeria) stems primarily from the absence of a psychological auditor and a psychiatrist, which reflects the disregard of those in power for the importance of psychological and mental preparation of the players. 


    Through this assessment, the values of the C-squared test (K2) and sig has been computed. Upon analyzing the results presented in Table 5, it can be observed that the sig values for expressions related to the second axis are smaller than the significance level of 0.05, indicating statistical significance for all statements except the first statement. Similarly, in Table 6, the sig value is smaller than the significance level of 0.05, suggesting statistical significance for the second dimension as a whole. Thus, the second hypothesis, which posits that the absence of a psychological report contributes to the decline in the level of sports clubs, is confirmed.


    This stems from the disregard of those in authority for the significance of psychological preparation within the training system. Consequently, it becomes challenging to train players as club managers fail to provide psychologists, erroneously believing that psychological preparation falls solely under the coach's responsibilities. Additionally, there is a lack of provision of new and advanced measuring devices to enhance the performance level of sports clubs. This reflects their ignorance of the crucial role played by psychological preparation in attaining the highest level of sporting achievement, as corroborated. (Qarwad, & Snousi, 2021)


    One of the main reasons for the absence of a psychologist in sports teams is primarily attributed to the limited resources of clubs and the lack of awareness among club officials regarding the importance of psychological preparation and its pivotal role in enhancing the performance of sports teams. The significance and value of having a psychologist in sports teams have also been underscored in a study by (El-Saleh et al., 2023). The researchers concluded the necessity of ensuring the presence of a sports psychologist in sports clubs to provide support to players before, during, and after sports training sessions and competitions. Additionally, they emphasized the importance of organizing workshops and training courses for individuals working in the sports field.


    It is imperative to initiate psychological training from a young age, particularly within the younger athlete groups. Commencing work with athletes at a young age proves highly beneficial. There are notable distinctions in the mental makeup of younger and older athletes that necessitate consideration when designing training approaches. Whether these differences facilitate or hinder working with younger athletes, the criticality of sports psychology remains paramount. For children, the sooner young athletes cultivate mental resilience, the more advantageous it is. This perspective affirms the validity of the second hypothesis. (Straw, 2024)


    Discussion of the third axis related to the third hypothesis: Coaches’ neglect of psychological and mental aspects leads to increased psychological pressure on players. 


    Based on the results obtained from Table 7, it is observed that the sig values for the statements of the third dimension are smaller than the significance level of 0.05, except for the fifth statement. This indicates that there are statistically significant differences favoring the sample. Similarly, in Table 8, the sig value is smaller than the significance level of 0.05, signifying statistical significance for the third dimension as a whole. Consequently, it is confirmed that coaches' neglect of the psychological and mental aspects contributes to an escalation in the intensity of psychological pressure among players.


    This underscores the pivotal role of psychological preparation in determining the athletic performance level of basketball players. Coaches' focus on the psychological aspect within training units aims to elevate players' performance and capabilities. A psychologically comfortable athlete comprehends exercises effectively, implements them correctly, and executes techniques and skills at the required level. The psychological state of athletes has a significant impact on their performance, either positively or negatively. This influence is often attributed to factors such as the athlete's mood or various psychological elements like anxiety, fear, and other conditions that can adversely affect performance. Conversely, when athletes are in a positive psychological state, they tend to exhibit creativity in executing their athletic performances.


    Hence, it is imperative to integrate psychological preparation into the training regimen to mitigate any adverse effects on athletes during both training sessions and competitions. This necessity is supported by (Takuya et al., 2023) in their research study titled "Psychological pressure on athletes during matches and practices". Athletes must familiarize themselves with both the inadvertent psychological pressures encountered during matches and training sessions, as well as those deliberately generated by coaches and athletes themselves. This preparation aids athletes in managing psychological pressures during matches and enhances the quality of their training.


    The behaviors displayed by players before and during competitions can have a positive impact on their athletic performance. Therefore, psychological preparation for adolescents plays a crucial role in alleviating anxiety and mitigating the intensity of psychological pressure. Moreover, psychological preparation aims to equip athletes with the necessary skills and mindset to compete effectively and excel in sports competitions, making it imperative for coaches not to overlook this aspect. This sentiment is echoed by Zan (2016), who emphasizes the importance of integrating psychological sports preparation formally into the training process. Similarly, Ohuruogu et al. (2016) underscores the significance of sports psychology in achieving peak performance in sports competitions.


    A sports psychologist typically employs various psychological strategies, techniques, and principles to optimize athletes' performance in competitions and facilitate their peak performance. Further underscoring the significance of psychological preparation for athletes, YunFei and WenHao (2022) advocate for the promotion of comprehensive psychological training in the daily regimen of basketball players. They emphasize the importance of leveraging positive factors to bolster players' psychological stability, refine their physical skills and tactics, and ensure optimal performance during games. Thus, the validity of the third hypothesis is confirmed; thus, accepted based on the aforementioned findings.




The main objective of our study is: 

  • To know the current state of Psychological Preparation in the youth basketball training systems in clubs in Constantine, Algeria.

  • To analyze the factors that affect the integration of psychological preparation in specialized youth basketball training systems in clubs of the National Basketball Association Constantine, Algeria.

  • To study the impact that this generates on the sports performance of players.

Our findings indicate the following conclusions: 

  • The majority of junior basketball coaches within the Regional Association of Constantine State in Algeria possess adequate knowledge and academic training in the field of psychology.

  • The absence of psychologists within teams or clubs affiliated with the Regional League of Constantine Province is primarily attributed to the limited resources available at these clubs.

  • Insufficient emphasis on the psychological aspect by sports officials, including club presidents and managers, is a contributing factor to the decline in players' performance levels.

Based on the results obtained, we can suggest the following: 

  • Incorporating psychological preparation into training sessions for players is imperative due to its significant role in enhancing their sporting achievements.

  • Raising awareness about the importance of psychological preparation can be achieved through organizing forums, seminars, and advertisements highlighting its pivotal role in elevating players to their highest potential.

  • Efforts should be made to secure highly qualified psychologists within sports clubs and teams to provide comprehensive support to athletes.

  • Advocating for the inclusion of a psychologist within every team, akin to a sports doctor, can ensure that athletes receive the necessary psychological support alongside their physical care.



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Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, Vol. 29, Núm. 317, Oct. (2024)