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ISSN 1514-3465


Gamification to Improve Writing Skills in Students of 9th Basic Education

Gamificación para mejorar las habilidades de escritura en estudiantes de 9º grado de Educación Básica

Gamificação para melhorar habilidades de escrita em alunos do 9º ano do Ensino Básico


Gissela Paulina Morales Mantilla*


Rogger Mauricio Silva Herrera**



*Licenciada en Lingüística aplicada al idioma Ingles

Magister pedagogía en los idiomas nacionales

y extranjeros mención enseñanza del Inglés.

Técnico superior en secretariado ejecutivo bilingüe

Docente en la Universidad Técnica de Ambato

**Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación, mención Inglés

Especialista en Diseño Curricular por Competencias

Traducción e Interpretación de Idiomas - Traducción de Idioma Inglés Español Inglés

Pedagogical and Language Skills Training - Kansas State University

Ministerio de Educación



Reception: 10/13/2023 - Acceptance: 10/04/2024

1st Review: 01/16/2024 - 2nd Review: 04/04/2024


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Suggested reference: Morales Mantilla, G.P., & Silva Herrera, R.M. (2024). Gamification to Improve Writing Skills in Students of 9th Basic Education. Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, 29(312), 84-95. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v29i312.7270



    The development of effective writing skills has long been a challenging endeavor, and educators and learners alike are constantly seeking innovative methods to improve writing proficiency. Gamification, the application of game elements and principles to non-game contexts, has emerged as a promising approach to address this educational challenge. The objective aids to explore the use of gamification in the context of enhancing writing skills, contributing to the language improvement and encouraging outcomes. Gamification in writing education leverages the inherent motivation that games offer, such as engagement, competition, and rewards, to create an enjoyable and effective learning experience. Through the incorporation of gamified elements, including points, badges, leaderboards, and narrative-driven challenges, students are encouraged to become more proactive and persistent in their writing practice. Furthermore, it addresses the impact of gamification on motivation, self-efficacy, and collaborative learning, providing insights into the potential benefits for learners. In conclusion, gamification presents a promising way to enrich writing education by making the learning process engaging, motivating, and enjoyable. Through a well-designed gamified approach, educators and learners can tap into the full potential of gamification to improve writing skills and foster a lifelong love for writing.

    Keywords: English language. Writing. Gamification.



    El desarrollo de habilidades efectivas de escritura ha sido durante mucho tiempo un desafío arduo, y educadores y estudiantes por igual están constantemente buscando métodos innovadores para mejorar la competencia en la escritura. La gamificación, la aplicación de elementos y principios de juego en contextos no lúdicos, ha surgido como un enfoque prometedor para abordar este desafío educativo. El objetivo es explorar el uso de la gamificación para mejorar las habilidades de escritura, contribuyendo a la mejora del idioma y resultados alentadores. La gamificación en la educación de la escritura aprovecha la motivación inherente que ofrecen los juegos, como la participación, la competencia y las recompensas, para crear una experiencia de aprendizaje agradable y efectiva. A través de la incorporación de elementos gamificados, como puntos, insignias, clasificaciones y desafíos impulsados por narrativa, se alienta a los estudiantes a ser más proactivos y persistentes en su práctica de escritura. Además, aborda el impacto de la gamificación en la motivación, la autoeficacia y el aprendizaje colaborativo, proporcionando ideas sobre los posibles beneficios para los estudiantes. En conclusión, la gamificación presenta un camino prometedor para enriquecer la educación en escritura al hacer que el proceso de aprendizaje sea atractivo, motivador y placentero. A través de un enfoque gamificado bien diseñado, los educadores y estudiantes pueden aprovechar todo el potencial de la gamificación para mejorar las habilidades de escritura y fomentar un amor duradero por la escritura.

    Palabras clave: Idioma inglés. Escritura. Gamificación.



    O desenvolvimento de habilidades eficazes de escrita tem sido um desafio árduo, e tanto educadores quanto estudantes estão constantemente buscando métodos inovadores para melhorar a proficiência na escrita. A gamificação, a aplicação de elementos e princípios de jogos em contextos não relacionados com jogos, emergiu como uma abordagem promissora para enfrentar este desafio educacional. O objetivo é explorar o uso da gamificação para melhorar as habilidades de escrita, contribuindo para o aprimoramento da linguagem e incentivando resultados. A gamificação na educação da escrita aproveita a motivação inerente que os jogos oferecem, como participação, competição e recompensas, para criar uma experiência de aprendizagem agradável e eficaz. Através da incorporação de elementos gamificados, como pontos, distintivos, tabelas de classificação e desafios narrativos, os alunos são incentivados a serem mais proativos e persistentes na sua prática de escrita. Além disso, aborda o impacto da gamificação na motivação, autoeficácia e aprendizagem colaborativa, fornecendo informações sobre potenciais benefícios para os alunos. Concluindo, a gamificação apresenta um caminho promissor para enriquecer a educação da escrita, tornando o processo de aprendizagem envolvente, motivador e agradável. Através de uma abordagem gamificada bem concebida, educadores e estudantes podem aproveitar todo o potencial da gamificação para melhorar as competências de escrita e promover um amor duradouro pela escrita.

    Unitermos: Língua inglesa. Escrita. Gamificação.


Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, Vol. 29, Núm. 312, May. (2024)




    The pursuit for proficient writing skills has always been a demanding journey, and in today's fast-paced world, the need for effective communication through the written word is more critical than ever. Educators and learners alike continually seek innovative ways to improve writing proficiency, searching for methods that can engage and inspire while honing the craft of expression. In response to this ongoing educational challenge, the concept of gamification has emerged as a promising and invigorating approach. The present research aims to explore the use of gamification in the context of enhancing writing skills, contributing to the language improvement and encouraging outcomes.


    In this concern, gamification, the integration of game elements and principles into non-gaming contexts, is not a new concept, but its application in enhancing writing skills has sparked a revolution in how we approach this fundamental aspect of education. In this dynamic fusion of education and entertainment, gamification leverages the inherent motivation that games offer, such as engagement, competition, and rewards, to create an enjoyable and effective learning experience.


    In addition, this introduction sets the stage for an exploration of the captivating world of gamification and its transformative role in improving writing skills. It opens the door to a realm where points, badges, leaderboards, and narrative-driven challenges become tools that motivate students to become proactive, persistent, and skillful writers. The article uses a mix methodology that applies qualitative and quantitative approaches, with the support of a questionnaire to understand the student´s perspective about gamification and writing skills. The objective aids to explore the use of gamification in the context of enhancing writing skills, contributing to the language improvement and encouraging outcomes A main conclusion that emerges from the study is that the lack of training and technological resources affect the correct application of gamification in schools.


Figure 1. Collaborative activities encourage teamwork and productive skills

Figure 1. Collaborative activities encourage teamwork and productive skills

Copilot Designer


Pedagogical approaches 


    Pedagogical strategies for implementing gamification in education involve the intentional infusion of gaming elements and principles into the educational process, with the aim of increasing engagement, motivation, and the acquisition of knowledge and skills. In this sense, Hitchens, & Tulloch (2018) agree that students have fun and improve their learning through gamification.


    A variety of educational methods can be applied to effectively integrate gamification into educational environments:


Integration of gaming mechanics 


    This approach centers on merging specific game components and mechanics like scoring, badges, leaderboards, and rewards into the educational context. These elements foster a sense of competition, accomplishment, and immediate feedback, thus encouraging active participation and the pursuit of improvement by students. From this perspective, Menon, & Romero (2020) coincide that game mechanics motivates the learners to participate actively in the challenges, as a consequence, the teaching learning process becomes more successful and enjoyable.


Narrative-driven learning 


    According to Wu, & Chen (2020), the power of storytelling can be harnessed as a potent pedagogical tool within gamification, since students are involved and increase their curiosity. In this method, educational content is presented as a story where students take on challenges and resolve problems within a captivating narrative. This technique immerses learners in a context that renders learning more engaging and pertinent.




    Simulations create a hands-on learning environment where students can apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations. In this way, Foronda et al. (2020) claim that simulations are positive educational support because the students gain experience and develop problem-solving skills.


Collaborative gamification 


    This approach fosters collaboration among students by introducing cooperative gaming elements. In this concern, Sailer, & Homner (2020) stand out that collaborative activities, challenge students to work together in order to achieve a common objective, promoting teamwork and productive skills.




    Learning can be enhanced through role-playing games (RPGs) by assigning students specific roles within a scenario. In this regard, Nazarov (2022) asserts that his approach stimulates critical thinking and decision-making, and motivates students to get involved in the development of the learning process.


Feedback and games 


    Effective feedback mechanisms are vital in gamification. Huang et al. (2019) claim that offering immediate and constructive feedback, learners can monitor their progress and recognize their strengths and areas for improvement, the authors also highlight that peer feedback supports the improvement of the students’ knowledge and their interpersonal skills.


Competition and leaderboards 


    Friendly competition can serve as a motivating factor. Akhriza, & Mumpuni (2019) coincide that leaderboards display the progress and achievements of students, stimulating a desire to excel and outperform peers. it's also important to keep a balance between competition and a supportive, inclusive learning environment.


Gamified assessment 


    Santos Villalva et al. (2020) highlight that gamification should be integrated into assessment methods, providing students with opportunities to showcase their learning through creative and interactive means, which involves lots of motivational factors to fulfill successfully the tasks.


    In conclusion, educators should carefully choose pedagogical approaches that align with their learning objectives and the requirements of their students. Effective gamification in education includes and relates elements of gaming design with a variety of pedagogical principles to create a motivating and engaging learning experience.


Writing skills 


    Developing writing skills is and effective communicative tool for improving English language. However, it is a skill that requires some time, strategies and creativity that matches the teachers and students’ needs inside and outside the classroom. In this regard, Eskalieva, & Jaksulikova (2021) recognize the importance of cultivating strong writing abilities. The authors highlight that proficient writing skills empower individuals to craft both formal and informal reports, script compelling presentations, and enhance creativity and communication.


    This multifaceted process involves various stages, such as brainstorming, meticulous planning, mind mapping, drafting for smaller projects or extensive theses, obtaining feedback, and crafting narratives that range from brief anecdotes to extensive narratives. Furthermore, Muluneh (2018) suggests that achieving proficiency in writing paragraphs is a gradual process that necessitates time and experience. The author also recommends that a writer pays attention to the essential attributes of a paragraph, such as unity, coherence, and cohesion.


    From another contribution, Zhang (2022) state the importance of developing enough vocabulary that permits learners to create and spell correctly their writing in single sentences or paragraphs. Moreover, Duran et al. (2019) coincide that educators should transition from conventional writing methods to more contemporary approaches, where students assume greater independence and become central figures in the classroom. Consequently, teachers should guide their students to collaborate in teams in a dynamic manner, fostering their active engagement and facilitating meaningful learning.


Gamification and writing skills 


    There are some games that should be considered to promote the improvement of writing skills. However, Kusumawarti, & Subiyantoro (2020) remark the importance of taking the students´ learning styles into account, since it brings beneficial impact on the advancement of narrative writing.


    From this point of view, Mazhar (2019) firmly believes that digital games highly contribute to increase motivation in students, make easy to develop classroom management, support cooperative learning, and propel the students’ creativity and active participation. In addition, Castillo Cuesta (2022) mentions Genially games as a supportive tool that checks progress in terms of identifying correct grammar and vocabulary, structuring ideas, and displaying an understanding of essay structure. The author includes that the students can be able to display a favorable attitude towards the utilization of game-based activities, which further enhance their motivation and participation.


    On the other hand, Ernawati et al. (2019) highlight the importance and meaningful outcomes that using card and picture games bring out to classrooms, since the learners are encouraged to develop their writing skills and feel motivated to participate actively in the teaching learning process. From another perspective, Yolanda, & Hadi (2019) assert that using puppets games can improve the development of speaking skills. However, it is important to include that those kind of games not only improve speaking skills but also writing skills when the teachers make their students to write the dialogues and scripts. In consequence, the students can be able to improve various language skills by using puppet games.


    In the study conducted by Wijoyo (2021), it is emphasized that interviews not only provide an avenue for the application of diverse linguistic structures and vocabulary but also facilitate the cultivation of socio-emotional skills among English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students. This approach allows students to explore a range of language structures and vocabulary in a practical context while concurrently enhancing their ability to engage on a social and emotional level.




    The present article used a mix methodology that involved qualitative and quantitative approaches that supported the analysis of a questionnaire designed for 72 students who belong to 9th grade in a public high school located in the south of Quito, Ecuador. The questionnaire contained 10 questions that also were supported by a Likert scale with frequency items (Always, Usually, Sometimes and Never). In this sense, a statistical table was used to provide percentages of the results. It is important to highlight that there was permission from the school authorities to carry out the questionnaire, since the students’ answers were anonymous and their names are not mentioned in the article or in the responses and analysis.


Results and discussion 

Table 1. Results obtained from the students’ questionnaire about gamification and writing skills










Do you play games in English class?





Do you have a platform which uses online games?





Do you like to play traditional games?





Do you like to play interactive games to improve writing?





Would you like to play more games in class?





Do you use an English lab in your school?





Do you have the opportunity to use internet in class?





Do you think games motivate you to develop writing?





Have you written an interview in class?





Do you feel confident when you play games in class?





Source: Own creation

    In reference to question number one, 6.94% of the total population responded sometimes, this indicates that a very small proportion of respondents play games in their English class and the majority of respondents (93.06%) do not play games in their English class. It means that the teacher needs to create a favorable environment where students can play more games.


    In relation to question number two that mentions if the school has a platform which uses online games, all of the students that represent 100% responded that they never use the laboratory.


    According to question number three that asks the students if they like to play traditional games, 6.94% responded that usually, while 48.61% answered that sometimes, and 44.44% mentioned that they never like to play traditional games. As it is evident most of the students prefer to avoid playing traditional games. In this concern, the educator has to identify the most common and engaging games to practice and play in class.


    With reference to question number four that ask the learners if they like to play interactive games, 79.17% responded that always, while 20.83% responded that usually. As it can be observed, most of the students are in favor of playing interactive games, it can be because they are more attractive and enjoyable.


    According to question number five that asks the learners if they would like to play more games in class, 97.22% responded with always, while 2.78% use usually in their responses. It is proved that the students are willing to learn the language by using games in class. As it natural, modern learners get bored easily and they need extra motivation to feel comfortable and engaged with the tasks.


    In relation to questions number six that asks the students if they use an English laboratory in their school, 100% responded that they never use the laboratory, actually, they included that the school does not have a laboratory. It is a sad reality that takes place in public schools, the lack of infrastructure and budget affect the appropriate learning development.


    With reference to question number seven that asks the learners if they have the opportunity to use internet in class, 100% of the total population responded that they never use internet in class because they do not have access to technology in that public school. Similarly, to the previous reflection, lack of technological resources is a disadvantage that do not contribute to implement modern strategies and activities in the classrooms.


    According to question number eight that inquire students if they think games motivate them to develop writing, 16.67% used always in their responses, while 41.67 said that they usually get motivated with games, 18.06% included sometimes in their answers and 23.61% said that they think games do not motivate them. In this case, the answers are varied and a little majority of the learners do not agree that games help the improvement of writing skills. It can be because the teacher needs to look for a variety of activities that support individual learning differences among the students.


    In relation to question number nine that asks the learners if they have written an interview, 80.56% responded that sometimes and 19.44% of the learners responded that they never written an interview. It is evident that the majority of them have not had the opportunity to play the interview game or written some interesting questions that contribute to develop the learners’ writing abilities.


    According to question number ten that asks the students if they feel confident while playing games in class, 19.44% of the total population responded that they always feel confident, while 41.67%b used usually in their answers, another 34.72% responded that sometimes and only 4.17% said that they never feel confident playing games in class. In this case the students show a very varied point of view, it can be because there are some games that do not meet their preferences.


    After this analysis, it is evidenced that gamification is considered as innovative strategy that contributes to the students’ language improvement. In this regard, Mazhar (2019) claims that different kind of games develop motivation and encourage students to enhance their learning and writing abilities.




    It can be observed that there is some lack of creativity and motivation from teachers, since the students do not feel enough encouraged to learn the English language by using games in class.


    It is also important to highlight that the students prefer online or interactive games that use technology. However, a tremendous disadvantage is that most of the public schools and high schools do not have internet access or laboratories that support their modern learning.


    It can be drawn that gamification, the use of game elements and principles in non-game contexts, has shown potential in improving various skills, including writing. However, there are challenges when it comes to implementing gamification effectively for enhancing writing skills.


    Teachers should receive training on how to effectively integrate gamification into their writing instruction. This includes understanding the principles of gamification, selecting appropriate tools and games, and managing gamified activities within the curriculum.


    Continuous research and evaluation are essential to measure the effectiveness of gamification in improving writing skills. This data can inform best practices and help educators make data-driven decisions about the use of gamification.


    While gamification holds promise for improving writing skills, overcoming the lack of support requires a concerted effort from educators, institutions, and developers to ensure that the potential benefits of gamified writing instruction are fully realized.




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Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, Vol. 29, Núm. 312, May. (2024)