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ISSN 1514-3465


Simple Guide to LED Grow Light. Learning 

Kelvin, PAR & Spectrum for Plant Growth

Guía sencilla de iluminación LED para cultivo. Entendiendo 

Kelvin,PAR y espectro para el crecimiento de plantas

Guia simples para LED Grow Light. Aprendendo Kelvin,

PAR e Spectrum para o crescimento das plantas


Sara Domínguez




Reception: 09/04/2023 - Acceptance: 09/05/2023


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Suggested reference: Domínguez, S. (2023). Simple Guide to LED Grow Light. Learning Kelvin, PAR & Spectrum for Plant Growth. Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, 28(304), 217-223. https://www.efdeportes.com/efdeportes/index.php/EFDeportes/article/view/7215



    LED grow lights have revolutionized indoor plant cultivation. Three critical aspects to understand are Kelvin, PAR, and spectrum. Kelvin represents light's color temperature; cool white (6500K-7500K) promotes vegetative growth, while warm white (2700K-3000K) supports flowering. PAR, or Photosynthetically Active Radiation, indicates the light amount plants use for photosynthesis, with excess leading to light burn. The light spectrum provides different colors essential for various growth stages: blue light (400-500 nm) for vegetation, red light (600-700 nm) for flowering, and minimal far red and infrared for germination. Full-spectrum LED lights, mimicking natural sunlight, are preferred for balanced plant growth.

    Keywords: LED light. Indoor plant. Cultivation.



    Las luces LED han revolucionado el cultivo de plantas de interior. Tres aspectos críticos a comprender son Kelvin, PAR y espectro. Kelvin representa la temperatura de color de la luz; El blanco frío (6500K-7500K) promueve el crecimiento vegetativo, mientras que el blanco cálido (2700K-3000K) favorece la floración. PAR, o radiación fotosintéticamente activa, indica la cantidad de luz que utilizan las plantas para la fotosíntesis, y el exceso provoca quemaduras por luz. El espectro de luz proporciona diferentes colores esenciales para las distintas etapas de crecimiento: luz azul (400-500 nm) para la vegetación, luz roja (600-700 nm) para la floración y un mínimo de rojo lejano e infrarrojo para la germinación. Se prefieren las luces LED de espectro completo, que imitan la luz solar natural, para un crecimiento equilibrado de las plantas.

    Palabras clave: Luces LED. Plantas de interior. Cultivo.



    As luzes LED de cultivo revolucionaram o cultivo de plantas internas. Três aspectos críticos a serem compreendidos são Kelvin, PAR e espectro. Kelvin representa a temperatura da cor da luz; o branco frio (6500K-7500K) promove o crescimento vegetativo, enquanto o branco quente (2700K-3000K) apoia a floração. PAR, ou Radiação Fotossinteticamente Ativa, indica a quantidade de luz que as plantas usam para a fotossíntese, com excesso levando à queimadura de luz. O espectro de luz fornece diferentes cores essenciais para vários estágios de crescimento: luz azul (400-500 nm) para vegetação, luz vermelha (600-700 nm) para floração e vermelho distante e infravermelho mínimos para germinação. Luzes LED de espectro total, que imitam a luz solar natural, são preferidas para o crescimento equilibrado das plantas.

    Unitermos: Luz LED. Plantas de interior. Cultivo.


Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, Vol. 28, Núm. 304, Sep. (2023)


    The world of indoor plant cultivation has revolutionized with the advancement of LED grow light technology. If you're a commercial grower, understanding the nuances of this technology can seem daunting. This guide aims to simplify the complexities of LED grow lights by focusing on three essential aspects: Kelvin, PAR, and spectrum. Let's dive in.


Understanding Kelvin in LED Grow Lights 


    Kelvin (K) is a unit of measurement for temperature. However, in the realm of lighting, it refers to the color temperature of the light emitted. For plants, this color temperature can affect their growth in various stages.


    Cool White (6500K-7500K): This range is close to daylight and encourages vegetative growth in plants. If you want your plants to grow taller, use an LED grow light that emits light in this Kelvin range. This is because the light provides the optimal amount of light for photosynthesis and encourages the healthier growth of your plants. Not only that, but the light has blue wavelengths which can help prevent plants from stretching and developing long, thin stems. All of this makes it the perfect light to grow tall and healthy plants.


Image 1. Full-spectrum LED lights, mimicking natural sunlight, are preferred for balanced plant growth

Image 1. Full-spectrum LED lights, mimicking natural sunlight, are preferred for balanced plant growth

Source: Freepik.es - Photo: wirestock


    Warm White (2700K-3000K): This range provides a warmer hue, making it ideal for the flowering stage of plant growth. It stimulates plants to produce buds, flowers, and fruits. Plants have an increased propensity to flower and fruit when exposed to the correct wavelengths of light within this range, which is why it is the ideal choice for use in the flowering stage of growth.


    However, it's worth noting that for most commercial growers, the most effective option is a full-spectrum LED light that combines various Kelvin ranges. This ensures that your plants receive the right color temperature throughout their life cycle. Brands such as Batagrowlight offer products tailored for commercial cultivation that provide this type of lighting.


The Significance of PAR in Plant Growth 


    Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) is a crucial term in the field of plant growth and cultivation. Its importance cannot be overstated as it represents the exact range of light that plants use for photosynthesis. In other words, it is the light range that is essential for the growth and development of plants. The measurement of PAR in micromoles per meter squared per second (µmol/m²/s) allows growers to determine and control the amount of usable light that plants are receiving. This, in turn, enables them to optimize plant growth and productivity by adjusting the intensity and duration of light exposure. PAR measurement is particularly important for indoor growers who rely on artificial light sources to provide the necessary light range for their plants. By regularly monitoring and adjusting PAR levels, growers can ensure that their plants receive the optimal amount of light for efficient photosynthesis and overall health.


    Photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy, is the driving force behind plant growth. Therefore, it is crucial to provide the right amount of light for optimum plant growth. The amount of PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) your plants receive directly affects their growth rate. While it is true that the more PAR your plants receive, the faster they grow, it is important to note that there is a limit to the amount of PAR that can be beneficial to a plant. Beyond that limit, too much PAR can harm your plants by causing light burns. Light burn is a condition where plants show signs of yellowing or drying out due to excess light exposure. Therefore, it is crucial to strike a balance and ensure that your plants receive just the right amount of light they need to thrive and grow optimally. You can achieve this balance by adjusting the distance between your plants and the light source, the intensity of the light, and the duration of light exposure.


Spectrum: Ensuring Plants Get What They Need 


    The light spectrum is essentially the rainbow of colors that light emits. Different colors in the spectrum play a pivotal role in various plant growth stages.

Blue Light (400-500 nm): Important for vegetative growth, helping plants grow compact and bushy.


    Red Light (600-700 nm): Critical for flowering and fruiting. This spectrum stimulates plants to produce flowers and fruits.


    Far Red & Infrared (>700 nm): These can help in seed germination and flowering but are used in smaller amounts.


    Most commercial growers prefer full-spectrum LED grow lights because they simulate natural sunlight, giving plants a balanced light diet. Batagrowlight, for instance, emphasizes the importance of a balanced light spectrum in its LED grow lights, ensuring plants get the best possible light for growth.


Final thoughts 


    Venturing into the world of LED grow lights, especially as a commercial grower, doesn't have to be intimidating. Remember, the goal is to mimic natural sunlight as closely as possible. By understanding Kelvin, PAR, and spectrum, you can make an informed decision on which LED grow light best suits your cultivation needs.


    The advancement in LED technology has been a boon for growers worldwide. Brands and manufacturers are constantly innovating to bring the best products to the market. As you journey into the world of indoor cultivation, always keep the needs of your plants at the forefront, and success will surely follow.




Bata LED Grow Light (2023). Redefining your future agriculture cultivation. https://www.batagrowlight.com/


Boya (2022). Grow Light Distance Chart: How Far should Lights be from Plants. https://boyagrowlight.com/grow-light-distance-chart/


Farmerclassic (2022). What is the Hydroponic Nutrient-Film-Technique (NFT) System? https://farmersclassic.com/what-is-the-hydroponic-nutrient-film-technique-nft-system%ef%bc%9f/


Hempfulfarms (2022). What is Cannabis Flower? https://hempfulfarms.com/what-is-cannabis-flower/

Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, Vol. 28, Núm. 304, Sep. (2023)