Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes | http://www.efdeportes.com

ISSN 1514-3465


10 Tallest Women’s Volleyball Players 

and What Does a Yellow or Red Card

Las 10 jugadoras de voleibol más altas y 

qué significa una tarjeta amarilla o roja

As 10 jogadoras de vôlei mais altas e o 

que significa um cartão amarelo ou vermelho


Bill Grinstead


(United States)


Reception: 08/18/2023 - Acceptance: 08/20/2023

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Suggested reference: Grinstead, B. (2023). 10 Tallest Women’s Volleyball Players and What Does a Yellow or Red Card. Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, 28(303), 238-243. https://www.efdeportes.com/efdeportes/index.php/EFDeportes/article/view/7182



    Volleyball is one of the most popular sports in terms of participants and fans in the world. Its most important competitions, such as the World Cups and the Olympic Games, have a remarkable audience. Notable players participate in the female branch, many of them stand out for their exceptional height, which together with great jumping ability can allow them to reach a high level in this sport. The tallest athletes are presented and to clarify some regulatory aspects, the penalty system that volleyball has is explained, with special attention to the yellow and red cards.

    Keywords: Volleyball. Tall female players. Regulation.



    El voleibol es uno de los deportes más populares en cuanto a participantes y aficionados el mundo. Sus competencias más importantes, como las Copas del Mundo y los Juegos Olímpicos tienen una notable audiencia. En la rama femenina participan notables jugadoras, muchas de ellas destacan por su excepcional altura, lo que unido a una gran capacidad de salto puede permitir llegar al alto nivel en este deporte. Se presentan las deportistas de mayor estatura y para esclarecer algunos aspectos reglamentarios, se explica el sistema de penalización que tiene el voleibol, con especial atención a la tarjeta amarilla y la roja.

    Palabras clave: Voleibol. Jugadoras de gran altura. Reglamento.



    O voleibol é um dos esportes mais populares em termos de participantes e torcedores no mundo. Suas competições mais importantes, como as Copas do Mundo e as Olimpíadas, têm um público notável. No ramo feminino participam jogadoras notáveis, muitas delas se destacam por sua estatura excepcional, que aliada a grande capacidade de salto pode lhes permitir atingir um alto nível neste esporte. São apresentadas as atletas mais altas e para esclarecer alguns aspectos regulamentares, explica-se o sistema de penalizações que o voleibol possui, com especial atenção para os cartões amarelo e vermelho.

    Unitermos: Voleibol. Jogadoras altas. Regulamento.


Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, Vol. 28, Núm. 303, Ago. (2023)

  1. Alba Hernandez 

  2. Nelly Alisheva 

  3. Anna Kajalina 

  4. Magdalena Stysiak 

  5. Dana Rettke 

  6. Yulia Merkulova 

  7. Valentina Diouf 

  8. Yuan Xinyue 

  9. Brayelin Elizabeth Martinez 

  10. Daria Malygina. 

    When most people think of tall female volleyball players, Yekaterina Gamova often comes to mind. But times have changed, and there are now several players even taller than her. Ready for a shocker? Let’s dive in!


Alba Hernandez 


    Did you know that Alba Hernandez, hailing from Puerto Rico, towers at 207 cm (6.79 ft)? Born in 1994, she currently showcases her skills for the German club Rote Raben Vilsbiburg. Surprisingly, she's only a substitute, despite being unmatched in height. Her spike reach? A staggering 305 cm (10 ft)! It makes you wonder, doesn't it? How does she compare to the tallest men's volleyball players?


Nelly Alisheva 


    Retired but unforgettable, Nelly Alisheva stands at 206 cm (6.76 ft). Imagine facing her at the net! Playing her last games for VK Proton, this middle blocker has made history not just in sports but also as the tallest woman in Russia. Now, that’s a title to be proud of!


Image 1. Volleyball is one of the most popular sports in the world

Image 1. Volleyball is one of the most popular sports in the world

Source: Freepik.com


Anna Kajalina 


    Anna Kajalina, the Estonian powerhouse, hits 205 cm (6.73 ft) on the measuring tape. With trophies like the French Cup and French Championship under her belt, she's a force to be reckoned with.


Magdalena Stysiak 


    Enter the young prodigy, Magdalena Stysiak, measuring 203 cm (6.66 ft). Not only is her height remarkable, but so are her accomplishments. Just imagine, she spikes even higher than Alba Hernandez at 324 cm (10.63 ft)! The sky's the limit for this rising star.


Dana Rettke 


    Just like Magdalena, Dana Rettke stands tall at 203 cm (6.66 ft). Beyond her physical stature, her achievements on the court are equally impressive, including the B1G Player Of The Year award. Who says you can't have both height and talent?


Yulia Merkulova 


    While she's not the tallest on our list, Yulia Merkulova's 202 cm (6.63 ft) height still makes her stand out. And with achievements like winning the CEV Women’s Challenge Cup in 2013, she's not just a tall player, but also a pivotal one. Fans follow her career and successes by betting at online casino real money and playing slots for fun.


Valentina Diouf 


    Valentina Diouf, the Italian marvel, hits the 202 cm mark (6.63 ft). Not just known for her height, she's been recognized as the Best Opposite Striker of the CEV Champions League in 2015.


Yuan Xinyue 


    Busting myths, Yuan Xinyue, the Chinese sensation, proves that not all Chinese players are on the shorter side. At 201 cm (6.59 ft), she's one of China's top assets in the game.


Brayelin Elizabeth Martinez 


    Brayelin Elizabeth Martinez matches Yuan's height, but her spike reach of 330 cm (10.8 ft) is truly astounding! Representing the Dominican Republic, she has a promising career ahead.


Image 2. The average height of a random women's volleyball team can exceed 1.80 meters

Image 2. The average height of a random women's volleyball team can exceed 1.80 meters

Source: Freepik.com


Daria Malygina 


    Last but not least, Daria Malygina stands at 200 cm (6.56 ft). Her involvement in major tournaments like the 2016 FIVB Volleyball World Grand Prix cements her place among volleyball elites.


Average Height of Female Volleyball Players 


    If these heights make you wonder about the average height of female volleyball players, you're not alone. While the players mentioned are certainly exceptions, the average height isn't as towering as you might think. After analyzing ten random female volleyball clubs, the average height comes out to be approximately 181.43 cm (6.28 ft). Still tall, but not quite in the 200 cm range!


Introduction to Volleyball's Penalty System 


    Volleyball, though primarily known for its electrifying rallies, has a defined structure that ensures fair play. This structure includes a penalty system to manage and regulate player and coach conduct during matches. The yellow and red cards act as instruments of discipline in this system.


The Yellow Card: A Warning 


    The yellow card in volleyball primarily serves as a warning. Think of it as the referee saying, "Hey, I've noticed what you're doing, and you need to stop." But what actions might lead to this caution?


Image 3. Essentially, the yellow card doesn't change the game's flow or the score

Image 3. Essentially, the yellow card doesn't change the game's flow or the score

Source: Freepik.com


Situations that Attract Yellow Cards 


    Misconduct Behaviors: This includes unsporting gestures or comments, either towards other players, officials, or even the audience. Remember, respect is paramount in sports!


    Delaying the Game: Intentionally wasting time or any actions that unnecessarily prolong a match can earn a player this warning card. After all, who likes a dawdler?


The Red Card: Consequences and More 


    While the yellow card acts as a gentle tap on the shoulder, the red card is a much sterner reprimand. But what deeds warrant this stern action?


Scenarios Leading to Red Cards 


    Offensive Language or Gestures: Engaging in conduct that's offensive, either through words or actions, will likely earn a player a red card. In volleyball, as in life, being rude never pays off!


    Serious Misconduct: Aggressive behaviors, like physical confrontations or acts that endanger others, are grounds for immediate red card issuance. Sportsmanship is the name of the game, after all.


Repercussions on Gameplay and Score 


    You might be wondering, "Okay, but what happens after a card is shown?"


Impact of the Yellow Card 


    Essentially, the yellow card doesn't change the game's flow or the score. It's more of a "proceed with caution" for the player or coach.


Impact of the Red Card 


    The consequences here are more severe. The player or coach is expelled from the game. Additionally, their team plays with one less member, leading to a significant disadvantage.


Notable Incidents in Volleyball History 


    Every sport has its share of controversies, and volleyball is no exception. Over the years, there have been instances where card decisions altered the course of matches and championships.


Match-Changing Yellow Card Events 


    There have been matches where repeated yellow card offenses have forced teams into defensive play, altering strategies and sometimes even the final result.


Critical Red Card Moments 


    Picture this: a key player getting a red card during a championship final. It's happened, and such moments have shifted momentum and history in unexpected directions.




    In the world of women’s volleyball, height can be a significant advantage, and these players surely know how to leverage it. From spikes to blocks, their impressive stature combined with their skill sets them apart. As the game evolves, who knows who will rise to the top next?




Chunmei, C. (2021). Research Progress on Selection Methods of Volleyball Players. J Adv Sport Phys Edu, 8642, 172-181. https://saudijournals.com/media/articles/JASPE_48_172-181_FT.pdf


Hileno, R., Arasanz, M., & García-de-Alcaraz, A. (2020). The sequencing of game complexes in women’s volleyball. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 739. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00739


Zadražnik, M. (2022). Selected anthropometric characteristics and body composition of female volleyball players in cadet, junior and senior national teams of Slovenia. Kinesiologia Slovenica, 28(3). http://dx.doi.org/10.52165/kinsi.28.3.166-186

Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, Vol. 28, Núm. 303, Ago. (2023)