Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes | http://www.efdeportes.com

ISSN 1514-3465


Acute Effects of a Conditioning Activity on Countermovement 

Jump Performance in Mixed Martial Arts Athletes

Efeitos agudos de uma atividade de condicionamento no desempenho 

do salto com contramovimento em atletas de artes marciais mistas

Efectos agudos de una actividad de acondicionamiento sobre el rendimiento

de salto con contramovimiento en luchadores de artes marciales mixtas


Francisco de Paula Vitor Ferreira*


Rafael Henrique Nogueira**


Yves Ferreira Porto***


Gabriel Resende Quinan****


João Paulo Pereira Rosa+


Leszek Antoni Szmuchrowski++


Marcos Daniel Motta Drummond+++

Ronaldo Angelo Dias da Silva++++



*Especialização em Musculação e Treinamento em Academias

pela Escola de Educação Física, Fisioterapia e TO-UFMG

Preparação Física e Treinamento Personalizado do Pró - Preparação Física

**Mestre em Ciências do Esporte

pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Laboratório de Nutrição e Treinamento Esportivo da UFMG

***Mestrando em Ciências do Esporte pela UFMG

Laboratório de Nutrição e Treinamento Esportivo da UFMG

****Mestrado em Ciências do Esporte pela UFMG
Membro do LAFISE da UFMG
+Doutorado em Ciências do Esporte pela UFMG
Professor Assistente da Universidade Estadual

Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho

++Doutorado em Ciências do Treinamento Esportivo

pela Academia de Educação Física de Varsóvia, Polônia

Professor Titular da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Coordenador do Laboratório de Avaliação

da Carga de Treinamento da UFMG

+++Doutorado em Ciências do Esporte pela UFMG

Professor do Departamento de Esportes da UFMG

Coordenador do Laboratório de Nutrição

e Treinamento Esportivo da UFMG
++++Doutor em Ciências do Esporte pela UFMG

Laboratório de Nutrição e Treinamento Esportivo da UFMG

Laboratório de Avaliação da Carga de Minas Gerais



Reception: 06/14/2023 - Acceptance: 10/05/2023

1st Review: 09/04/2023 - 2nd Review: 09/29/2023


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Suggested reference: Ferreira, FPV, Nogueira, RH, Porto, YF, Quinan, GR, Rosa, JPP, Szmuchrowski, LA, Drummond, MDM, & Silva, RAD (2023). Acute Effects of a Conditioning Activity on Countermovement Jump Performance in Mixed Martial Arts Athletes. Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, 28(306), 77-91. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v28i306.7072



    Objective: The aim of the present study was to verify the acute effect of a conditioning activity on countermovement jump performance in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) athletes after different recovery intervals. Methods: The sample consisted of 12 male MMA athletes (age 24 ± 3 years; height 175.0 ± 7 cm, body weight 78.5 ± 13 kg). back squat performed in smith machine consisting 2 sets of 5 seconds of maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) resting 3 minutes between sets. After executed the squat, the volunteers performed five CMJ with rests of 4, 8 or 12 minutes after the conditioning activity. Results: The ANOVA one-way of repeated measures showed a statistically significant difference to jump height in the different intervals tested [F=12.97; p=0.001; ŋp²=0.56]. These differences were identified by Bonferroni's post-hoc in intervals of 8 and 12 minutes concerning Pre moment and in comparison between 4 and 8 minutes. No significant differences were found in compare between 4 minutes and the Pre moment between 4 and 12 minutes (p=0.239) and 8 and 12 minutes (p=1.000). Conclusion: It report that pauses between 8 and 12 minutes were ideas to promote the increase in CMJ performance.

    Keyword: Performance. Conditioning activity. Countermovement jumping. MMA.



    Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar o efeito agudo de uma atividade de condicionamento no desempenho do salto com contramovimento em atletas de Artes Marciais Mistas (MMA) após diferentes intervalos de recuperação. Métodos: A amostra foi composta por 12 atletas de MMA do sexo masculino (idade 24 ± 3 anos; altura 175,0 ± 7 cm, peso corporal 78,5 ± 13 kg). Agachamento nas costas realizado na máquina Smith consistindo de 2 séries de 5 segundos de contração isométrica voluntária máxima (CIVM) descansando 3 minutos entre as séries. Após executado o agachamento, os voluntários realizaram cinco CMJs com descanso de 4, 8 ou 12 minutos após a atividade de condicionamento. Resultados: A ANOVA one-way de medidas repetidas mostrou diferença estatisticamente significativa para a altura do salto nos diferentes intervalos testados [F=12,97; p=0,001; ŋp²=0,56]. Essas diferenças foram identificadas pelo post-hoc de Bonferroni nos intervalos de 8 e 12 minutos em relação ao momento Pré e na comparação entre 4 e 8 minutos. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas na comparação entre 4 minutos e o momento Pré entre 4 e 12 minutos (p=0,239) e 8 e 12 minutos (p=1,000). Conclusão: Relata-se que pausas entre 8 e 12 minutos foram ideias para promover o aumento do desempenho do CMJ.

    Unitermos: Desempenho. Atividade condicionante. Salto com contramovimento. MMA.



    Objetivo: El objetivo del presente estudio fue verificar el efecto agudo de una actividad de acondicionamiento sobre el rendimiento de salto con contramovimiento en atletas de Artes Marciales Mixtas (MMA) después de diferentes intervalos de recuperación. Métodos: La muestra estuvo compuesta por 12 atletas masculinos de MMA (edad 24 ± 3 años; altura 175,0 ± 7 cm, peso corporal 78,5 ± 13 kg). Sentadilla trasera realizada en máquina Smith que consta de 2 series de 5 segundos de contracción isométrica voluntaria máxima (MVIC) descansando 3 minutos entre series. Tras realizar la sentadilla, los voluntarios realizaron cinco CMJ con un descanso de 4, 8 ó 12 minutos tras la actividad de acondicionamiento. Resultados: El ANOVA unidireccional de medidas repetidas mostró una diferencia estadísticamente significativa para la altura del salto en los diferentes intervalos probados [F=12,97; p=0,001; ŋp²=0,56]. Estas diferencias fueron identificadas por Bonferroni post-hoc en los intervalos de 8 y 12 minutos en relación al momento Pre y en la comparación entre 4 y 8 minutos. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en la comparación entre 4 minutos y el momento Pre entre 4 y 12 minutos (p=0,239) y 8 y 12 minutos (p=1,000). Conclusión: Se informa que los descansos entre 8 y 12 minutos fueron ideales para promover un mayor rendimiento del CMJ.

    Palabras clave: Rendimiento. Actividad de acondicionamiento. Salto con contramovimiento. MMA.


Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, Vol. 28, Núm. 306, Nov. (2023)




    Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is a combat sport with intermittent characteristics in which official combats consist of 3-5 five-minute rounds with 1 minute of passive recovery between each round (Del Vecchio, Hirata, & Franchini, 2011). In this sport, athletes perform a combination of actions of high intensity and short duration, as well as low intensity and longer duration during fights (Miarka et al., 2017a). The athletes in this sport combine techniques from different martial arts, such as Judo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Wrestling, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Karate, etc. Therefore, both striking and grappling techniques are allowed and the combats can be separated into three phases: free movement, clinch, and groundwork. (Tota et al., 2014; Miarka et al., 2017b)


    Due to the characteristics of MMA, athletes are required to possess various physical capabilities during combat, including different energetic pathways (both anaerobic and aerobic), maximal strength, isometric strength, dynamic strength, and most importantly, muscular power in both the upper and lower limbs (James et al., 2016; Spanias et al., 2019). Muscular power plays a critical role in MMA, as it is highly associated with immobilization techniques and the ability to escape from immobilizing situations. (Silva et al., 2015)


Image 1. Muscular power plays a critical role in MMA

Image 1. Muscular power plays a critical role in MMA

Source: Bing Image Creator (#Efdeportes)


    Additionally, it significantly influences the impact generated in punches (Loturco et al., 2016; Loturco et al., 2021) and the performance of kicking techniques observed in other combat modalities within the realm of MMA (Goulart et al., 2016; Aandahl et al., 2018). Considering the paramount importance of these techniques in MMA (Miarka et al., 2017a; Miarka et al., 2017b), the training and monitoring of muscular power emerge as crucial aspects for optimizing performance in this sport. (James et al., 2017; Santos et al., 2019)


    Among the various possibilities for training muscular power in the lower limbs, the back squat can serve as a conditioning activity to increase the height of vertical jumps and improve plyometric training, consequently enhancing muscular power output (Slimani et al., 2018; Dobbs et al., 2019). This phenomenon has been identified in different studies (Mcgowan et al., 2015; Golas et al., 2016) and is justified by an acute neuromuscular adaptation known as Post-Activation Potentiation (PAP) (Tillin, & Bishop, 2009; Blazevich, & Babault, 2019). Implementing PAP as part of a training strategy may be a suitable approach to acutely enhance muscular power, ensuring optimal performance on the day of competition. (Kilduff et al., 2013)


    However, studies have demonstrated that Post-Activation Potentiation (PAP) is influenced by various factors, including an individual's training characteristics and strength level, the workload of the conditioning activity, and the recovery period between the conditioning activity and the subsequent performance evaluation (Rixon et al., 2007; Seitz and Haff, 2016). Despite the creation and application of protocols with diverse configurations of volume, intensity, duration, type of exercise, recovery interval, and muscle action aimed at investigating the relationship between the training load used in the conditioning activity and PAP, a consensus on the dose-response relationship in the literature remains elusive, especially concerning the optimal interval between conditioning activity and performance evaluation (Wilson et al., 2013; Ali et al., 2017). Interestingly, it appears that individuals with higher strength levels exhibit a significantly greater PAP response compared to those with lower strength levels. Moreover, the stronger individuals display a more pronounced potentiation effect prior to performance evaluation in comparison to the weaker individuals. (Seitz et al., 2014; Seitz et al., 2016)


    Several studies have reported conflicting results regarding the optimal intervals to promote performance enhancement. Some studies suggest that intervals as short as 90 seconds can lead to improvements (Seitz et al., 2016), while others propose longer intervals of 4-5 minutes (Mccann and Flanagan, 2010), 8-12 minutes (Kilduff et al., 2007), and even up to 16 minutes (Kilduff et al., 2008). On the other hand, certain studies indicate that intervals of less than 7 minutes can be detrimental to performance. (Smith, & Fry, 2007)


    Therefore, considering the correlation between jump height and muscle power, and its relevance to kick speed and punch impact (Goulart et al., 2016; Loturco et al., 2016), the monitoring of lower limb performance is crucial for athletes in various sports. Countermovement jumping (CMJ) has been utilized as a general test to assess changes in lower limb performance across different sports (Gathercole et al., 2015; Claudino et al., 2017). However, the existing literature lacks studies on this topic specifically focused on MMA athletes, the impact of various recovery times on CMJ performance, this research seeks to enhance our understanding of Post-Activation Potentiation (PAP) responses in MMA athletes and provide valuable insights into optimizing their training protocols for improved performance.


Material and methods 




    The sample for this study comprised 12 male MMA athletes, with an average age of 24 ± 3 years, height of 175.0 ± 7 cm, body weight of 78.5 ± 13 kg, and body fat percentage of 12 ± 2.5%. These athletes were considered professionals, with an average of 7 ± 2 fights documented on www.sherdog.com, and reported having 4 ± 1 years of experience in MMA. The inclusion criteria consisted of athletes who had not participated in any competition within the three months prior to the study, had no lower limb injuries in the last three months, and provided negative responses to the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q). On the other hand, the exclusion criteria included athletes who participated in competitions during the study period, did not complete the experimental protocols, had any type of injury, conducted lower limb training sessions within 48 hours before the tests, or withdrew for any other reason.


    The study protocol was submitted to and approved by the Ethics and Research Committee of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (CAAE: 15747219.8.0000.5149). All volunteers were informed about the study procedures and gave their consent to participate before undergoing any tests.




    Before the commencement of the experimental sessions, the MMA athletes underwent a familiarization protocol for the Countermovement Jump (CMJ) technique, which had been previously used in other studies (Claudino et al., 2011; Szmuchrowski et al., 2012; Janetzki et al., 2023). The CMJ was executed following the procedure described by Goulart et al. (2016). However, to preserve the individual jump movement patterns, the athletes were allowed to self-select the range of motion in the eccentric action. (Lamas et al., 2012)


    Jump height was measured using a computer with the Multisprint Full program version 3.5.7 (Hidrofit Ltda. Brazil) connected to a contact mat fixed to the ground. This system has demonstrated high validity and reliability for measuring jump height, as confirmed by comparisons with force platform data obtained from another study conducted in our laboratory (Ferreira et al., 2008). The use of this technology ensures accurate and consistent measurements of jump height throughout the experimental sessions.


    During the experimental sessions, the MMA athletes followed their usual standard warm-up routine, which involved 5 minutes of low-intensity running interspersed with specific movements, such as kicks, knee punches, and falls without physical contact with another athlete. Following the warm-up, a 5-minute rest interval was provided before starting the backsquat exercise performed using a smith machine (Strong Machine Ltda. Brazil). The back squat exercise consisted of 2 sets of 5-second maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVIC) with a rest period of 3 minutes between sets. The athletes were instructed to exert maximum force during each 5-second contraction. This conditioning activity aimed to induce Post-Activation Potentiation (PAP) and enhance the athletes' muscular power output for subsequent performance assessments. The use of a smith machine provided a controlled and standardized environment for the back squat exercise, ensuring consistency in the implementation of the conditioning activity across all experimental sessions.


    The experimental protocol was designed based on a previous study that utilized Maximal Voluntary Isometric Contractions (MVIC) to enhance Countermovement Jump (CMJ) performance (Rixon et al., 2007). To standardize the back squat procedure, the volunteers positioned themselves under the bar with their feet parallel, and the knee joint angle was fixed between 100º and 120º, which was measured using a manual analogue goniometer (Carci, SH5102, São Paulo, Brazil) (Campos et al., 2018). To ensure consistent foot positioning across all experimental sessions, the height of the bar was measured, and the position of the feet was marked on the ground. After performing the back squat exercise, the volunteers executed five CMJs with different rest intervals of 4, 8, or 12 minutes following the conditioning activity. The order of these rest intervals was randomized across three separate sessions, each scheduled one week apart. For data analysis, the average of the five CMJ attempts performed within each rest interval was used to assess the acute effect of the conditioning activity on CMJ performance. This approach aimed to examine how varying rest times after the back squat could influence the extent of Post-Activation Potentiation (PAP) in the MMA athletes.


Statistical analysis 


    To assess the normality of the data, the Shapiro-Wilk test was conducted, and sphericity was examined using the Mauchly test. For the comparisons between pre, post 4, 8, and 12 minutes, a one-way ANOVA with repeated measures was employed. Bonferroni's post hoc test was utilized to identify specific differences among the time points. The global significance level for the experiment was set at α = 0.05. To calculate the effect size (ES), Cohen's d classification was used. The percentage variation (Δ%) was determined using the following formula: Δ% = ((V2 - V1) / V1) x 100, where V2 represents the average jump height in CMJ performed at 4, 8, or 12 minutes after the conditioning activity, and V1 denotes the average jump height at the pre-moment.




    The repeated measures one-way ANOVA revealed a statistically significant difference in jump height among the different intervals tested [F(89.44; 76.92) = 12.97; p = 0.001]. Bonferroni's post hoc analysis further identified significant differences in jump height between the 8 and 12-minute intervals compared to the Pre moment (p = 0.001). Additionally, there was a significant difference in jump height when comparing the 4 and 8-minute intervals (p = 0.004). However, no significant differences were found when comparing the 4-minute interval to the Pre moment (p = 0.961), between the 4 and 12-minute intervals (p = 0.239), and between the 8 and 12-minute intervals (p = 1.000). Table 1 presents the values of mean and standard deviation, p-values, Cohen's d effect size, and percentage delta for the different intervals observed after the conditioning activity. The effect size and percentage delta provide additional insights into the magnitude of these observed differences.


Table 1. Descriptive and inferential statistics of CMJ



p value





27.8 ± 3.7 (cm)





Post 4

28.6 ± 4.4 (cm)





Post 8

31.1 ± 4.8 (cm)





Post 12

30.5 ± 4.0 (cm)





Legend: *statistical difference in relation Pre moment (p<0.05). †statistical difference in relation post 4 minutes. 

Source: Authors




    The aim of present study was verify the acute effect of a conditioning activity on CMJ performance in MMA athletes after rests periods of 4, 8 and 12 minutes. The results found, it was identified that when performing 2 sets of 5 seconds of MVIC with a 3-minute interval between sets in smith machine, CMJ performance after 8 and 12 minutes intervals in relation to the Pre moment improved (11.8% and 9.7% respectively). These results was associated with a possible PAP effect, as already demonstrated in previous studies that also verified this effect in different sports and in special sports combat. (Miarka et al., 2011; Latorre-Román et al., 2014; Suchomel et al., 2016; Kilduff et al., 2008)


    However, contrary to what happened in moment’s post 8 and 12 minutes, in spite of mean jump height value be superior in rest 4 minutes after conditioning activity in relation Pre moment no show significant statistical difference and small effect size was found between them (28.6 ± 4.4 cm and 27.8 ± 3.7 cm; p=0.961; d=0.09). These results was associated with a possible no occurrence of PAP or superior fatigue effect that overlap PAP (Tillin, e Bishop, 2009) since some volunteers (five out twelve) presented drop in performance in post 4 minutes in relation Pre moment thus indicating need to individualize the waiting time between conditioning activity and CMJ test (Kilduff et al., 2013; Ali et al., 2017). However other studies did not utilize a recovery period, but still observed a significant increase in drop jump immediately after MVIC task of knee extension (French et al., 2003) and in CMJ height immediately after realize back squat with 90% of one repetition maximum (Gourgoulis et al., 2003) that suggest that the PAP-fatigue relationship and its effects on subsequent voluntary activity are multifactorial and not only dependent the rest time between the conditioning activity and test (Tillin, e Bishop, 2009). Therefore, there seems to be no clarity as to whether it was only the rest period between conditioning activity and testing or whether another factor, such as training level between volunteers or workload of conditioning activity that influenced this result. (Júnior, & Silva Neto. 2021; Wilson et al., 2013; Seitz, & Haff 2016; Ali et al., 2017; Blazevich, & Babault, 2019)


    When was analyzed the moments after 4, 8 and 12 minutes with each other, it is possible to verify that is difference between the moments after 4 and 8 (28.6 ± 4.4 cm and 31.1 ± 4.8 cm; p=0.004), but not between moments 8 and 12 (31.1 ± 4.8 cm and 30.5 ± 4.0 cm; p=1.000), which indicates that the PPA effect may starts as from 4 minutes and can last up to 12 minutes for this volunteers. Kilduff et al. (2008) found similar results in rugby players with more potentiation and higher jump in 8 minutes when compared to 4 and 12 minutes of recovery. Furthermore, in the comparison between 4 and 12 minutes, there was no statistically significant difference (28.6 ± 4.4 cm and 30.5 ± 4.0 cm; p=0.239) what indicate reduction of PAP that seems to dissipate as from 12 minutes. This analysis becomes clearer when was check the percentage variation and effect size values that start decrease between post 8 and 12 minutes (Δ%=11.8, d=0.35 and Δ%=9.7, d=0.32 respectively) thus demonstrating that there seems to be an optimal window of time between conditioning activity and test interval (Kilduff et al., 2013). Possibly the way in which the fatigue mechanism is established can be associated with training variables, such as intensity used in the present study, for example, because neural factors such as the high demand for muscle fiber recruitment speed, the inability to maintain the action potential at optimal frequencies may be the trigger of fatigue (Fitts, 1994; Wan et al., 2017). Fatigue and potentiation seem to compete and an imbalance between these factors can be decisive to observe the occurrence of the phenomenon. (Rassier, Macintosh, 2000)


    Xenofondos et al. (2018), and Beato et al. (2021), in their experiments reported that the ideal window to observe PAP is between 3 to 9 minutes. However, in the present study, higher CMJ values ​​were found after 8 minutes of performing the MVIC (p = 0,001; 31.1 ± 4.8 cm) when compared to 4 and 12 minutes (28.6 ± 4.4 cm and 30.5 ± 4.0 cm) the absence of the mechanism in the initial minutes may be related to the activity employed, and/or with Seitz, & Haff (2016) fatigue, in addition to the level and training history of individuals, in addition to the percentage of type II myosin heavy chain (MHC II) isoforms, in addition to the phosphorylation of the myosin light chain, which also seems to interfere directly in the magnitude of PPA, there is a high correlation between distribution of type II fibers and the ability to generate PPA in knee extensor muscles Hamada et al. (2000). Trimble and Harp (1998) suggested that inter-subject variability had a considerable influence on the generation of PPA, especially regarding the duration in which the activation persisted. Seitz, & Haff, (2016) in a meta-analysis observed that individuals with different levels of muscle strength respond better to the various methods of potentiating muscle power and strength (ES = 0.41) when compared to weak subjects (ES = 0.32). Regarding the recovery intervals, 5-7 minutes were superior (ES=0.49) in relation to breaks over 8 minutes (ES=0.44) for strong individuals, weak individuals respond better to breaks over 8 minutes (ES=0.36) when contrasted at 5-7 minutes (ES=0.31). Another factor that seems to determine the magnitude of the mechanism is the range of motion, one (ES=0.58) was observed for partial squats and (ES=0.25) for deeper squats. The strength levels of the volunteers were not measured, however, in line with reports in the scientific literature, the sample seems to fit the profile of weak athletes, so was recommend that the ideal break to observe the phenomenon in this population is longer than 7 minutes. Despite the various studies reported in the scientific literature on the best combination and configuration of variables to observe the occurrence of PAP, the phenomenon still remains uncertain, requiring a greater amount of investigation. (Robbins, 2005)


    Studies that evaluated different types of primary potentiating exercises show that plyometric (ES = 0.47) and traditional high-intensity (ES = 0.41) activities have greater magnitudes of effect than traditional moderate-intensity (ES = 0. 19) and maximum isometrics (ES = -0.09). However, in the present study, a significant difference was found for PAP at minute 8 compared to minute 4 after MVIC. This effect can be explained by the low number of sets and total duration of muscle action, which may have favored the attenuation of fatigue to the detriment of PAP, favoring the positive effect in the increase of the jump. Another factor that can explain PAP are high-intensity potentiating exercises, which can induce greater PAP effects since they act by increasing the recruitment of higher order motor units (type II) to a greater extent Henneman, & Olson (1965). However, from the maximal voluntary isometric contraction or the isometric work of the knee extensor muscles as a primary potentiating activity are controversial French et al. (2003) reported benefits of the isometric task as a conditioning activity, however, Robbins (2005) did not report positive effects of isometrics as a conditioning task for PAP, which may be related to the methodological process adopted in these studies and the level of training of individuals.




    The present study demonstrated that 8 and 12 minutes were the ideal window to observe PPA in MMA athletes. Despite the reported data on the best combination to investigate the phenomenon, more studies are needed regarding isometry as a primary task. Given the divergence between the studies, it is possible to observe that it is not any contractile activity that produces potentiation, so it is necessary to manipulate variables such as volume, intensity and pause between sets, in addition, the level of training of the individuals also directly impacts the responses. Thus, for this population was report that maximal voluntary isometric contraction and pauses between 8 and 12 minutes were ideas to observe the PPA.




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Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, Vol. 28, Núm. 306, Nov. (2023)