ISSN 1514-3465
Associations Between Dermatoglific
Characteristics and Manual Hold Strength in Men
Associações entre características dermatoglíficas e força manual em homens
Relaciones entre características dermatoglíficas y fuerza manual en hombres
Igor do Espirito Santo da Cruz
Mateus Augusto Bim
Vanessa Rigo
Adrian Cardoso
Sandro Claro Pedrozo+
Leoberto Ricardo Grigollo++
Eloel Benetti Zavorski+++
Josiane Aparecida de Jesus++++
Rudy José Nodari Júnior+++++
Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina (UNOESC)Instrutor licenciado de FitDance. Titular da cadeira de Dança
no Conselho Municipal de Cultura de Joaçaba/SC (2019/2021)
**Doutorando em Ciências do Movimento Humano
pela Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC)
Mestre em Ciências do Movimento Humano pela UDESC
Graduado em Educação Física - Bacharelado pela UNOESC
***Graduada em Educação Física pela UNOESC
****Graduado em Educação Física pela UNOESC
+Possui Graduação em Educação Física
pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
Especialização em Educação Física com área de concentração
em Treinamento desportivo pela UNOESC
Mestrado em Biociências e Saúde pela UNOESC
Doutor em Ciências da saúdepela Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina, UNISUL
Possui graduação em Educação Física
pela Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UESC)
Especialista em Metodologia do Treinamento Desportivo
Mestre em Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano
pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Atualmente é professor do curso de Educação Física da UNOESC
+++Mestre em Biociências e Saúde pela UNOESC
Especialista em Fisiologia do Exercício, Prescrição
e Treinamento Personalizado pela UnC, Concórdia
Licenciatura e bacharel em Educação Física pela UnC - Campus Concórdia
Atualmente atua como personal Trainer
e professor da disciplina - Atividade em Academia: Enfase
em Ginástica na UnC campus Concórdia/SC
++++Graduada em Educação Física Licenciatura
e Bacharelado e Pós-graduada em Fitness e Personal Trainer
pela Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina (UNOESC)
Mestre em Biociências e Saúde pela UNOESC
Assistente de Laboratório de Fisiologia do Exercício na UNOESC
+++++Pós-doutorado na Universidad Las Palmas de Gran Canaria/Espanha
Pós-doutorado na Universidad Católica de Murcia/Espanha
Doutor em Ciências da Saúde, UFRN/RN
Mestre em Ciências da Saúde Humana, UnC/SC
Aperfeiçoamento em Treinamento de Atletas de Elite
Russian State University for Physical Education and Sport, Moscou/Rússia
Especialista em Fisiologia do Exercício, UVA/RJ
Especialista em Ciências do Movimento Humano, UNIBEM/PR
Especialista em Atividade Física na Promoção da Saúde, UnC/SC
Graduado em Educação Física, UDESC/SC
Secretário Geral da International Human Motricity Network (IHMN)
Diretor Científico da Salus Dermatoglifia, Joaçaba/SC
Reception: 05/01/2023 - Acceptance: 10/19/2023
1st Review: 07/11/2023 - 2nd Review: 10/16/2023
Accessible document. Law N° 26.653. WCAG 2.0
This work licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) |
Suggested reference
: Cruz, IES, Bim, MA, Rigo, V., Cardoso, A., Pedrozo, SC, Grigollo, LR, Zavorski, EB, Jesus, JA, & Nodari Júnior, RJ (2023). Associations Between Dermatoglific Characteristics and Manual Hold Strength in Men. Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, 28(306), 123-138.
Dermatoglyphics is a method that makes it possible to detect potential physical capacities such as muscle strength, which is essential for sports performance and is also related to health outcomes. The aim of this study was to verify associations between dermatoglyphic marks and handgrip strength in men. The study included 367 men with a mean age of 23.79 ± 4.97. The handgrip strength was collected by a manual dynamometer and the dermatoglyphic variables using the Dermatoglyphic Reader® validated by Nodari Júnior et al., according to the protocol proposed by Cummins and Midlo. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (IBM SPSS) version 20.0, assigning a significance level of p <0.05. To verify the normality of the data, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used. To verify differences between means, the Kruskal-Wallis test was used and for associations, the Chi-square test with adjusted residuals analysis. Superiority was observed in the means in MESQL1 and MDSQL1 among individuals with high handgrip strength in relation to those with low handgrip strength. Among the categorical variables, there was an association between the Ulnar Loop (UL) in the low strength group, the Arch (A) in the normal strength group and the Radial Loop (RL) in the high strength group, all in the MET2. It is concluded that dermatoglyphics can be used to identify individuals with low and high handgrip strength, enabling the detection and guidance of talents in sports, as well as individuals at risk of negative health outcomes.
: Dinamometry. Dermatoglyphics. Physical exercises. Handgrip strength.
A dermatoglifia é um método que permite detectar capacidades físicas potenciais, como a força muscular, essencial para o desempenho esportivo e também relacionada a desfechos de saúde. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar associações entre marcas dermatoglíficas e força de preensão manual em homens. O estudo incluiu 367 homens com idade média de 23,79 ± 4,97. A força de preensão manual foi coletada por meio de dinamômetro manual e as variáveis dermatoglíficas por meio do Dermatoglyphic Reader® validado por Nodari Júnior et al., conforme protocolo proposto por Cummins e Midlo. Os dados foram analisados por meio do Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (IBM SPSS) versão 20.0, atribuindo-se nível de significância de p<0,05. Para verificar a normalidade dos dados, foi utilizado o teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Para verificar diferenças entre as médias foi utilizado o teste de Kruskal-Wallis e para associações, o teste qui-quadrado com análise de resíduos ajustados. Observou-se superioridade nas médias em MESQL1 e MDSQL1 entre os indivíduos com alta força de preensão manual em relação aos com baixa força de preensão manual. Dentre as variáveis categóricas, houve associação entre a Alça Ulnar (MS) no grupo de baixa força, o Arco (A) no grupo de força normal e a Alça Radial (RL) no grupo de alta força, todas no MET2. Conclui-se que a dermatoglifia pode ser utilizada para identificar indivíduos com baixa e alta força de preensão manual, possibilitando a detecção e orientação de talentos no esporte, bem como indivíduos com risco de desfechos negativos à saúde.
: Dinamometria. Dermatoglifia. Exercícios físicos. Força de preensão manual.
La dermatoglifica es un método que permite detectar potenciales capacidades físicas, como fuerza muscular, esenciales para el rendimiento deportivo y relacionadas con resultados de salud. El objetivo fue verificar relaciones entre marcas dermatoglíficas y fuerza de prensión manual en hombres. El estudio incluyó a 367 hombres con una edad media de 23,79 ± 4,97. La fuerza de prensión manual se recolectó mediante un dinamómetro manual y las variables dermatoglíficas mediante el Dermatoglyphic Reader® validado por Nodari Júnior et al. según el protocolo propuesto por Cummins y Midlo. Los datos fueron analizados mediante el Paquete Estadístico para Ciencias Sociales (IBM SPSS) versión 20.0, asignándole un nivel de significancia de p<0,05. Para comprobar la normalidad de los datos se utilizó la prueba de Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Para comprobar diferencias entre medias se utilizó la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis y para asociaciones la prueba de chi cuadrado con análisis residual ajustado. Se observó superioridad en medias de MESQL1 y MDSQL1 entre individuos con alta fuerza de prensión en comparación con aquellos con baja fuerza de prensión. Entre las variables categóricas, hubo asociación entre el Loop Ulnar (MS) en el grupo de fuerza baja, el Arco (A) en el grupo de fuerza normal y el Loop Radial (RL) en el grupo de fuerza alta, todos en MET2. Se concluye que los dermatoglifos pueden usarse para identificar individuos con baja y alta fuerza de prensión, permitiendo detección y orientación de talentos en el deporte, así como de individuos en riesgo de sufrir resultados negativos para la salud.
Palabras clave:
Dinamometría. Dermatoglifia. Ejercicios físicos. Fuerza de prensión manual.
Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, Vol. 28, Núm. 306, Nov. (2023)
The regular practice of physical exercises is highlighted by the World Health Organization - WHO (Who, 2020) as essential for Physical fitness is divided into two distinct concepts, in the areas of health and motor performance. Regarding health, it refers to energy demands that make it possible to develop daily activities with vigor, providing a lower risk of developing diseases or chronic-degenerative conditions and, in relation to motor performance, it is related to sports skills or motor performance that contribute to the performance of the specificity of sports (Guedes, 1995). Therefore, physical fitness is presented as components influenced by habitual physical activities: cardiorespiratory resistance, musculoskeletal fitness, it is formed by flexibility, muscular strength and muscular resistance and body composition, these concomitantly inducing human health in a conceivable way. (Garber et al., 2011)
With regard to musculoskeletal fitness, we highlight the capacity for strength, understood as the ability that a muscle or a muscle group has to cause maximum tension and strength, more specifically, strength is the maximum strength that a muscle can generate. It can manifest itself in two basic ways: dynamic and static. The force can cause a group of muscles to act in the course of an action, against a determined resistance being characterized as dynamic. (Jorge et al., 2019; Souza et al., 2021)
Fixed resistance, it will be static, as an example the handgrip strength (Amaral, Mancini, & Novo, 2012). This can be measured by means of a dynamometer, a simple and reliable instrument, commonly used in the clinical setting as a reliable indicator in which parameters of general physical strength and health are established. (Fry et al., 2006; Mendes, Azevedo, & Amaral, 2013; Eichinger et al., 2015)
Certain variables consist of genetic structure, including muscle strength. The genetic makeup of the human being is decisive for the existence of population extremes, said individuals endowed with some characteristic that distances them from the population average, such as the different levels of strength. A person's ability to adapt to change inevitably depends on his or her genetic variability, thus related to biological individuality. As an example, strength gain, which, despite being related to hypertrophy, is complex, with many men and women doubling their strength without any observable structural changes in muscle size (Enoka, 1997; Ghorayeb, & Neto, 2004; Rankinen et al., 2006). Thus, dermatoglyphics is presented as a possible method for the analysis of biological individuality, since fingerprints are understood as dermal representations of such characteristics. (Nodari Júnior, & Fin, 2016)
Fingerprints are immutable, including the type of design and the number of lines on the fingers, feet and palms and feet, not even the concise complexity of the drawings and the total number of lines developed during the 13th to 19th weeks of gestation (Alberti et al., 2011; Nodari Júnior et al., 2014; Nodari Júnior, & Fin, 2016). Thus, the present study aimed to verify associations between dermatoglyphics and handgrip strength in male adults.
This research was characterized as descriptive of the correlational type of quantitative approach (Thomas, Nelson, & Silverman, 2012; Minayo, 2013). 367 male subjects aged between 18 and 35 years, living in the municipalities of Joaçaba and Xanxerê, in the state of Santa Catarina (SC), were investigated.
The method used to assess fingerprints was the Dermatoglyphic proposed by Cummins and Midlo (1961). For the collection, processing and analysis of fingerprints, the Dermatoglyphic Reader® validated by Nodari Júnior et al. (2014) (Figure 1) was used, which consists of an optical bearing scanner, which collects, interprets the image and builds a binary code drawing, which is captured by specific software for processing and reconstructing real black and white images.
To check the handgrip strength, a Takei dynamometer (TKK 5001 GRIP A, Takei Scientific Instruments Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) was used with a load limit of 0 and 100 kgf, minimum reading of 0.5 kgf, adjustable strap. The handgrip test was performed in the orthostatic position with the arms extended along the body, holding the dynamometer in one hand without forcing it against the body itself (Sterskowicz et al., 2016). Each individual performed three attempts on each hand, with an interval of 15 seconds (Mathiowetz, 1990) between the attempts with the maximum strength in up to three seconds (Haidar et al., 2004).
To make it possible to associate the dermatoglyphic with 03 different levels of handgrip strength (low, normal and high), the Quartile method was used, divided into lower quartile (Q1), equivalent to the 25th percentile (P25), medium quartile (Q2), equivalent to the 50th percentile (P50) and upper quartile (Q3), equivalent to the 75th percentile (P75) (Tiboni, 2010). Thus, the handgrip strength of individuals was classified as: Low (<P25), Normal (P25 - P75) and High (>P75).
The statistical analysis was processed using the statistical software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (IBM SPSS) version 20.0, with a significance level set at p≤0.05. Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) were used to characterize the sample. For the analysis of quantitative variables, after using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (normal distribution), As an inference we used the non-parametric test called Kruskal-Wallis (for variables with non-normal distribution) and the parametric test called Anova in the comparisons between continuous variables: left hand, sum of the number of lines of the finger 1 - thumb (mesql1), left hand, sum of the number of lines of the finger 2 - index (mesql2), left hand, sum of the number of lines of the finger 3 - finger middle (mesql3), left hand, sum of the number of lines of the 4 - ring finger (mesql4) and left hand, sum of the number of lines of the 5 - little finger (mesql5); sum of the total number of lines on the left hand (sqtle); right hand, sum of the number of lines of the finger 1 - thumb (mdsql1), right hand, sum of the number of lines of the finger 2 - index (mdsql2), right hand, sum of the number of lines of the finger 3 - middle finger (mdsql3 ), right hand, sum of the number of lines of the 4 - ring finger (mdsql4) and right hand, sum of the number of lines of the 5 - little finger (mdsql5); sum of the total number of lines on the right hand (sqtld); sum of the total number of lines - both hands (sqtl).
For the comparison of categorical variables (Arch (A), Radial Loop (RL), Ulnar Loop (UL), Whorl (W), Whorl S drawing (WS), left hand: finger 1 (met1), finger 2 (met2), finger 3 (met3), finger 4 (met4) and finger 5 (met5) and, from the right hand, finger 1 (mdt1), finger 2 (mdt2), finger 3 (mdt3), finger 4 (mdt4) and finger 5 (mdt5)), the Chi-square test was used, with adjusted residuals analysis, according to the recommendation performed by Pereira (2001), using as a standard value of 1.96, i.e., all the results found superior to the standard show the presence of significant difference between the groups and which figure in the fingerprints is more frequent. The Effect Size of the associations was calculated using the Cramer V value that represents the strength of the association in the chi-square analysis (Ferguson, 2009). Witte and Witte (2010), point out that a large effect requires r≥0.5, a medium effect r≥0.3 and a small effect r≥0.1.
The research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee - REC in Human Beings of UNOESC/HUST through protocol nº 1,799,726, in accordance with the ethical standards of norms and regulatory guidelines for research involving human beings, in accordance with Resolution 466, 2012, of the National Health Council (Brasil, 2013) and with the Declaration of Helsinki. (World Medical Association, 2013)
Table 1 presents the expressed values of mean and their respective standard deviation of age, body mass, height, handgrip strength of the left and right hand as well as the grip strength of the dominant hand.
Table 1. Sample characterization
Average ±
SD |
(years) |
23,79 ±
4,97 |
Body mass
(kg) |
76,20 ±
13,07 |
(cm) |
175,1 ±
10,73 |
Right Hand
Grip Force (kgf) |
46,90 ±
8,51 |
Left Hand
Grip Force (kgf) |
45,81 ±
18,01 |
Hand Grip Strength (kgf) |
47,70 ±
8,26 |
Source: Authors
With regard to handgrip strength, 39% of the sample had low strength, while 17.7% normal strength and 43.3% high strength. The results found show a difference in the average of the sum of the number of lines of fingerprints in the thumb of the left hand - MESQL1 (p = 0.047), as well as, in the thumb of the right hand - MDSQL1 (p = 0.044) between the individuals characterized with force low in relation to normal strength and normal strength with high strength (Tables 2 and 3).
Table 2. Dermatoglyphic characterization according to the handgrip strength
Manual hold strength |
p-value |
Low (n=143) |
Normal (n=65) |
High (n=159) |
Average ± SD |
Average ± SD |
Average ± SD |
14,08 ±
4,96a |
15,33 |
± 4,84a,b |
15,33 |
± 5,27b |
0,047* |
9,32 ±
5,43 |
9,03 |
± 5,74 |
9,81 |
± 6,02 |
0,531 |
11,01 ±
5,50 |
10,73 |
± 5,90 |
11,27 |
± 5,57 |
0,771 |
13,45 ±
5,04 |
12,87 |
± 5,21 |
13,90 |
± 5,60 |
0,290 |
12,08 ±
4,84 |
11,47 |
± 4,50 |
12,22 |
± 4,93 |
0,563 |
59,59 ±
20,89 |
59,46 |
± 19,04 |
62,53 |
± 21,51 |
0,336 |
15,22 ±
4,69a |
16,01 |
± 5,37a,b |
16,73 |
± 5,11b |
0,044* |
8,98 ±
5,58 |
10,10 |
± 6,04 |
10,15 |
± 5,79 |
0,177 |
10,80 ±
5,21 |
9,87 |
± 5,16 |
10,84 |
± 5,02 |
0,243 |
13,64 ±
5,59 |
12,32 |
± 5,55 |
13,71 |
± 5,42 |
0,120 |
12,65 ±
4,79 |
11,96 |
± 4,65 |
12,14 |
± 4,87 |
0,560 |
61,287 ±
19,57 |
60,29 |
± 18,59 |
63,59 |
± 19,11 |
0,244 |
120,87 ±
39,16 |
119,75 |
± 35,89 |
126,12 |
± 39,40 |
0,269 |
D10 |
12,74 ±
3,16 |
12,40 |
± 3,27 |
12,89 |
± 3,11 |
0,556 |
*p<0,05. a,b Same letters do not differ from each other. Source: Authors
Table 3. Association of the figures of the fingers of the right and left hands with groups of handgrip strength
x2 |
Df |
p-value |
Cramer V value |
MET1 |
6,434 |
0,599 |
- |
MET2 |
21,047 |
0,007* |
0,17 |
MET3 |
3,285 |
0,915 |
- |
MET4 |
5,887 |
0,436 |
- |
MET5 |
3,024 |
8 |
0,806 |
- |
MDT1 |
3,623 |
0,889 |
- |
MDT2 |
5,841 |
0,665 |
- |
MDT3 |
7,829 |
0,146 |
- |
MDT4 |
10,094 |
0,258 |
- |
MDT5 |
5,290 |
0,726 |
- |
*p<0.05. Cramer’s V (r): <0.1 = weak; ≥0.3 <0.5 = moderate and ≥0.5 = Strong. Source: Authors
When we verified the associations between the figures of the fingers with the groups of low, normal and high strength, an association was observed in the drawing of the finger of the left hand MET2 (Table 4).
Table 4. Adjusted residuals analysis
Dermatoglific figures |
strength |
A |
RL |
UL |
W |
WS |
Met2 |
Low |
n |
2 |
25 |
79 |
27 |
10 |
Aw |
-2,2 |
-1,4 |
3,3 |
-1,0 |
-0,8 |
Normal |
n |
7 |
11 |
27 |
13 |
7 |
Aw |
2,8 |
-0,9 |
-0,5 |
-0,3 |
0,7 |
High |
n |
7 |
42 |
57 |
39 |
14 |
Aw |
0,0 |
2,1 |
-2,9 |
1,2 |
0,2 |
MET2: finger 2 of the left hand; n: absolute frequency; Aw: Adjusted waste; A: arc;
RL: radial loop; UL: ulnar loop; W: whorl; WS; whorl s drawing. Source: Authors
According to the results of the adjusted residue analysis, an association of a superior pattern of figures was revealed in relation to the capacity of handgrip strength, with a greater association of UL with low handgrip strength, A with grip strength normal manual and RL with high handgrip strength.
Using the dermatoglyphic method in the present study, significant differences were confirmed regarding the sum of lines in the thumb of the left hand (MESQL1) and the right hand (MDSQL1) in individuals with high handgrip strength compared to those with strong low handgrip. Regarding the association between the fingerprint designs, a significant result was obtained for Ulnar Loop (UL) associated with low strength, Arch (A) with normal strength and Radial Loop (RL) with high strength, all on the index finger of the left hand (MET2).
With regard to the evaluation of biological individuality through the computerized dermatoglyphic method, Gastélum-Cuadras (2022) confirmed the validity and reliability of the instrument, which demonstrated precision, efficiency and effectiveness for scientific studies. His study aimed to investigate the hereditary relationship between parents and children through the computerized dermatoglyphic method.
Other studies presented in the literature portray the theme handgrip strength and dermatoglyphics (Ferreira, Barbosa, & Fernandes Filho, 2008; Klein, & Fernandes Filho, 2003; Machado, Fernandes, & Fernandes Filho, 2010; Pardo, & Avella, 2016; Sousa, Ferreira, & Fernandes Filho, 2016). However, it should be noted that the methods used in those studies cited just above are different from the methods used in the present study. Therefore, the data of such works presented in the course of this discussion will be used only as a reference or additional information.
Regarding the total sum of lines (SQTL), Machado et al. (2010) performed a preliminary analysis of the relationship between the handgrip strength and the sum of the total amount of dermatoglyphic lines (without analyzing other dermatoglyphic variables). In the respective sample studied, a relationship was found between handgrip strength and the LQTS, in this perspective, a higher LQTS was associated with an absolute hand grip (result of the arithmetic mean after three force pressures), while a lower LQTS it was associated with a greater relative handgrip strength (absolute strength due to body mass). In this sense, the authors highlight the existence of an indicator of biological individuality, of which individuals with high SQTL tend to have a greater absolute strength and individuals with low SQTL tend to have a greater relative strength. However, the study presented as a limiting factor the small sample size (9 pairs of twins), which in a way can statistically infer the results.
In another study, Ferreira et al. (2008) evaluated athletes participating in the Olympic selective of slalom canoeing for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games in order to establish the correlation between the levels of handgrip and dermatoglyphic profile. The athletes were divided according to the sporting qualification in the competition in their respective categories Group I (GI - 1 to 10), Group II (GII - 11 to 20), Group III (GIII - 21 to 30) and Group IV (GIV - 31 to 40). The authors identified a correlation between the levels of handgrip strength and total sum of lines (SQTL), only in GII of individual male kayak (IMK) category.
The importance of obtaining information from para-sport athletes from which they can be used to improve training is well known, taking into account the individual's specificity. In this sense (Sousa, Ferreira, & Fernandes Filho, 2016), aimed to analyze the dermatoglyphic profile and the handgrip strength of the finalists of the Brazilian Paracanoe Championship, and the results found demonstrate the predominance of the Presilha (L) design for the Hawaiian canoe group using trunk, arms and legs, Whorl (W) for the kayak group using trunk, arms and legs. Both groups were classified as functional class HIGH for using legs, trunk and arms, obtained greater strength in the dynamometer test and in the total sum of lines (SQTL). For the authors, these findings characterize strength and coordination, due to the need to coordinate the arms, legs and trunk to complete the movement of the rowing. However, the results must be analyzed with caution, given the limitations of the research: the small sample size (19 para-athletes), the absence of gender differentiation of the subjects evaluated, in addition to the non-differentiation of Radial Loop (RL) and Ulnar Loop (UL). As previously showed, the prevalence of the loop design may be associated with the predisposition to the specificity of the sport, according to the results presented by Alberti et al. (2011), which used the computerized method of analysis of fingerprints, in order to show that the dermatoglyphic profile of high-performance futsal athletes differs significantly from the profile of the non-athlete population.
In addition, Klein, & Fernandes Filho (2003), performed a study in which the objective was to relate the dermatoglyphic characteristics, maturation level and the basic physical qualities of both sexes. Regarding handgrip strength, they find significant differences in relation to sex and maturation level, with pubescent groups showing the best results, suggesting that the handgrip strength increases linearly with age. Regarding to the dermatoglyphic variables and different predispositions between the pubertal groups in relation to sex, they found some similarities, such as moderate intensity of D10 and close values in the configuration of the designs Arch (A), Loop (L) and Whorl (W) and in relation to the SQTL. The male pubescent group had a secondary characteristic of strength, due to the presence of ALW (23.5%) and AL (8.8%), similar to the female pubescent group, being in this ALW (33.3%) and AL (12, 5%). Analyzing this physical quality, the authors suggest that there are tendencies stipulated by dermatoglyphics combined with the effects of the maturational state that determine better performance in pubertal groups, in both sexes.
Costa et al. (2010) identify the dermatoglyphic profile and the level of basic physical qualities (flexibility, agility, speed, aerobic endurance and muscle strength, PROESP-BR test battery) of young volleyball athletes. Dermatoglyphics indicated that speed was the highest physical quality with the greatest predisposition, however, the correlation test used did not show strong associations between dermatoglyphic indexes and physical qualities. In the data presented by the authors in relation to the dermatoglyphic variables, it was observed that the most frequent type of drawing in the fingerprints of those young athletes was the loop (L), followed by the whorl (W) and with a smaller amount of arcs (A). In addition, values were found to be low for the delta index (D10) and the sum of the total number of lines (SQTL).
Following up in volleyball sport, with regard to the predominance of figures, Fonseca (2008) identified a greater presence of the predominant Loop design (L), in agreement with the study by Costa et al. (2010), in another strength specificity, the explosive strength of the lower limbs of female volleyball athletes from the Brazilian team. In this case, the achieved results of both authors were consistent with the characteristics showed by the high performance athletes of that modality, which is similar to the results found in the present study., referring to the same authors, results consistent with the characteristics of highly qualified athletes in the sport, which is similar to the results showed at the present study.
Pardo, & Avella (2016) analyzed body composition, dermatoglyphic profile, maximum oxygen consumption and handgrip strength in athletes from Bogotá triathlon team (Colombia), of both genders, in order to obtain a profile of the physical and physiological components. It was possible to observe, regarding the dermatoglyphic variables, the predominance of the Loop (L) design (women 6.0 ± 1.41; men for men 7.0 ± 2.16) as the absence of whorls (W) (for women 1.0 ± 1.41; men 0.5 ± 1.0), in addition to the D10 and SQTL values from medium to low, however without differentiation regarding to Ulnar Loop (UL) and Radial Loop (RL) designs.
Beyond to the sporting scope, in a research carried out in order to compare the anthropometric, dermatoglyphic and handgrip strength characteristics of Down Syndrome patients, through the results obtained by the dermatoglyphic method, it was observed the predominance of the Ulnar Looop (UL) drawing, in both genders. Contrary to the findings of the present study, in the mentioned work it was not possible to verify that the dermatoglyphic marks analyzed are effectively a predisposition characteristic of biological individuality for physical strength. Likewise, Kolgeci et al. (2015) identified a higher prevalence of Ulnar Loop (LU) among Down Syndrome patients, being associated with predisposed disease. (Barbosa, Fernandes, & Fernandes Filho, 2009)
A sport that has been gaining popularity, which depends on individual characteristics, highlighting the role of searches for tools that aim to find and guide their respective talents, is golf. In this sense, Nodari Júnior et al. (2020), show through the results found that the dermatoglyphic profile of high-performance golfers differs from the non-athlete population. Golfers demonstrated that the number of lines in the pattern of six possible fingerprint variables (MESQL1, MESQL2, MESQL4, MESQL5, SQLTLE, SQLTL) is higher in golfers when compared to the non-athlete group. when observed the qualitative variables, that is, the type of figure, significant differences were observed between the groups, since the Golfers, presented a greater amount of Radial Clip (LR) in the MDT5 when compared to the non-athlete group.
It should be noted that the contradictions between those findings mencioned here may be due to the different methods used for the analysis of fingerprints, referring to studies found in the literature (Barbosa, Fernandes, & Fernandes Filho, 2009; Ferreira, Barbosa, & Fernandes Filho, 2008; Fonseca, 2008; Klein, & Fernandes Filho, 2003; Machado, Fernandes, & Fernandes Filho, 2010; Pardo, & Avella, 2016; Sousa, Ferreira, & Fernandes Filho, 2016), which used the traditional method proposed by Cummins, & Midlo (1961), with ink, paper and magnifying glass. According to (Nodari Júnior, & Fin, 2016) this method can influence errors that will reflect in the mathematical analyzes and, consequently, in the obtained results. Regarding the differentiation between radial loop (RL) and ulnar loop (UL), this was only applied in a study by. (Barbosa, Fernandes, & Fernandes Filho, 2009)
Finally, as previously explained in the text, the results of the mentioned studies are not a comparison with the tests carried out in the present study. Even so, such studies were used so that we could carry out a contextualization about the physical capacity that we analyzed, due to the fact that the studies presented different analysis protocols.
Through the data investigated by means of the dermatoglyphic method, using the Dermatoglyphic Reader®, was observed a superiority in the averages of the sum of the number of lines of the finger 1 - thumb of the left hand (MESQL1) as well as the sum of the number of lines of the finger 1 - thumb of the right hand (MDSQL1) between individuals with high handgrip strength in relation to those with low handgrip strength. Among the categorical variables, there was an association between Ulnar Loop (UL) in the low strength group, Arch (A) in the normal strength group and Radial Loop (RL) in the high strength group, both on the 2nd finger of the left hand (MET2).
In this sense, dermatoglyphics stands out as a study of biological individuality, according to the approach and results found in this study. It presents itself as an effective, simple, low cost and non-invasive method, mainly as a reliable method, which can be carried out since the individual's birth, making it possible to map the development and observe the neuromotor potentials, such as muscle strength, based on hereditary characteristics and fetal development expressed in the fingerprints, as well as risks of negative health outcomes.
Future investigations with female populations, different ethnicities and different performance levels are necessary to observe the possibility of even more precise characteristics in different groups of handgrip strength.
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Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, Vol. 28, Núm. 306, Nov. (2023)