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ISSN 1514-3465


Realia as a Digital Resource for the Acquisition of English Vocabulary

Realia como recurso digital para la adquisición del vocabulario en inglés

Realia como recurso digital para aquisição de vocabulário em inglês


Lic. Néstor José Alava Castro



Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador sede Ibarra



Reception: 07/11/2022 - Acceptance: 08/02/2022

1st Review: 07/21/2022 - 2nd Review: 07/26/2022


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Suggested reference: Alava Castro, N.J. (2022). Realia as a Digital Resource for the Acquisition of English Vocabulary. Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, 27(292), 81-95. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v27i292.3607



    The present investigation was carried out in the Amazonas Educational Unit with the students in the ninth basic year, with the purpose to analyze how the Realia as a digital resource is linked to the acquisition of vocabulary in the English language through the use of some strategies and digital resources to apply them in the process of a class. It was also analyzed how this technique contributes to the students' learning and these, in turn, feel motivated to increase their vocabulary in the English language. The method is deductive, due to the nature of the information obtained from other projects, and the research is descriptive, due to the information that was used through bibliographic sources and digital degree theses that were acquired from the Internet and which helped to analyze the relationship that exists in both the independent and dependent variables. A survey was conducted for students, and the data collection instrument was a questionnaire of 10 questions with a polytomous scale of Strongly agree, Agree and Disagree, with scaling Likert-type through the Google Form application. From the result of this research, it was found that students find a significant connection in the use of digital strategies and resources for the acquisition of vocabulary in the English language through online platforms or applications. In conclusion, digital resources using the Realia technique are of great value when acquiring new knowledge in the English language, especially in the acquisition of vocabulary.

    Keywords: Realia. Vocabulary. Digital resource. Language.



    La presente investigación se realizó en la Unidad Educativa Amazonas con estudiantes del noveno año básica. Por medio del estudio se pudo conocer cómo la técnica Realia está vinculada con la adquisición del vocabulario en idioma inglés a través del uso de algunas estrategias para aplicar en el proceso de una clase. También se analizó cómo esta técnica contribuye con el aprendizaje de los alumnos y estos a su vez se sientan motivados a incrementar su vocabulario. El método es deductivo, debido a información obtenida de otros proyectos, y la investigación es descriptiva, por la información que se usó mediante fuentes bibliográficas y tesis de grado consultadas en Internet y que sirvieron de ayuda para analizar la relación que existe en la variable independiente y en la dependiente. Se hizo una investigación de campo para recopilación de datos. Como técnica de investigación se realizó una encuesta dirigida a los estudiantes. El instrumento de recolección de datos fue una encuesta de 10 preguntas con escala politómica de Muy de acuerdo, De acuerdo, Desacuerdo, de escalamiento tipo Likert a través de la aplicación de Google Form. Como resultado de esta investigación se encontró que los estudiantes encuentran una conexión significativa en el uso de estrategias y recursos digitales para la adquisición de vocabulario en idioma inglés a través de plataformas o aplicaciones en línea. En conclusión, los recursos digitales utilizando la técnica Realia son de gran valor al adquirir nuevos conocimientos en idioma inglés sobre todo en la adquisición de vocabulario.

    Palabras clave: Realia. Vocabulario. Recurso digital. Lenguaje.



    A presente investigação foi realizada na Unidade Educacional do Amazonas com alunos do nono ano do ensino fundamental. Através do estudo foi possível conhecer como a técnica Realia está ligada à aquisição de vocabulário na língua inglesa através da utilização de algumas estratégias para aplicar no processo de uma aula. Foi também analisado como esta técnica contribui para a aprendizagem dos alunos e estes por sua vez se sentem motivados a aumentar o seu vocabulário. O método é dedutivo, devido a informações obtidas de outros projetos, e a pesquisa é descritiva, devido às informações que foram utilizadas por meio de fontes bibliográficas e teses de graduação consultadas na internet e que ajudaram a analisar a relação que existe na variável independente. e no dependente. Uma investigação de campo foi realizada para coletar dados. Como técnica de pesquisa, foi realizada uma pesquisa com os alunos. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi um levantamento de 10 questões com escala politômica de Concordo Fortemente, Concordo, Discordo, escala tipo Likert por meio do aplicativo Google Form. Como resultado desta pesquisa, constatou-se que os alunos encontram uma conexão significativa no uso de estratégias e recursos digitais para a aquisição de vocabulário na língua inglesa por meio de plataformas ou aplicativos online. Concluindo, os recursos digitais utilizando a técnica Realia são de grande valia na aquisição de novos conhecimentos na língua inglesa, principalmente na aquisição de vocabulário.

    Unitermos: Realia. Vocabulário. Recurso digital. Linguagem.


Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, Vol. 27, Núm. 292, Sep. (2022)




    For some time now, teachers have been challenged to improve the teaching of English. They must be focused not only on the student's acquisition of theory but also on the skills necessary to approach high levels of academic achievement among their students. Furthermore, technology has changed human life, and education is no exception (Ríos Fuentes et al., 2020). Rasinen (2003, p. 35) manifested that “Technology education aims to clarify the interconnections between work, products and human needs, and the effects of technology on society and culture”. Technology has made the motivation and dedication of students become an important service tool for the teaching of English as a foreign language in some institutions.


    Susanto (2017, p. 183) explained that “Vocabulary skill is often considered as a critical aspect of foreign language learners as limited vocabulary in a second language, impedes successful communication”. The most important part of the acquisition of a new language is the learning of a new vocabulary, for which a correct methodology is needed to carry out this learning (Pereda, & Calero, 2015; Fernández Lorenzo et al., 2018) but at present, many the students fail to correctly develop the easy acquisition of these words, so it is necessary to apply new motivating techniques that improve the learning skills necessary for this new language, in particular its vocabulary.


    The learning of a language must be used as essential in the daily life of the student with the use of some technological tools. Bregni (2012, p. 81) states that "Digital realia have become easily accessible tools for cultural exchange and language acquisition". The use of this teaching method has been evidenced in other countries in which students have shown positive changes in grades, basic level students who show greater enthusiasm for developing activities and manage to show the great ability of acquired vocabulary.


Use of Realia for vocabulary acquisition 


    Realia is shown in real situations with the use of authentic objects that are used during classes to explain specific concepts. Realia can be used both physically and virtually including objects that are common in real life. Sukrina (2010, p. 2) states “Students learn vocabulary quickly by using media such as well as charts, a real object, pictures or images because media can give context to them”. The use of realia would give great results in acquiring vocabulary and help students with effective learning. Realia will reinforce language skills and its focus is on visual and kinesthetic learning for all ages. Most teachers use realia to demonstrate the meaning of vocabulary words.


    Realia for ESL (English as a second language) can make learning more effective and more memorable by matching images with words that give users the idea of knowing the content of a topic. This can make it easier to remember information by adding a kinesthetic element in which students can learn better with hands-on activities through visual aids to engage students with interest in the class. Also, Realia is more interesting than a written word or a flashcard used to teach vocabulary. Irawan (2017, p. 42) mentioned “Realia is one of the effective teaching media which use the real object to show the students the concrete item…”. Students will better recognize and analyze the meaning of a word through an object associated with other images or words. Realia or real objects are appropriate for teaching and learning English vocabulary. Also, it can make the learning process more comfortable for the students.


Realia as a digital resource 


    Students can feel motivated with the use of many digital resources such as social networks, apps, videos, and others. These resources will enhance the skills of students to achieve self-confidence in learning a new language. Therefore, virtual Realia is considered authentic resources online in which students can develop activities advertisements, photographs, menus, receipts, or maps. With the use of realia in the virtual classroom, students could feel safe and make the class more interesting. Smith (1997, p. 3) said that “Virtual Realia merges an established technique with the new educational technologies in bringing culturally-based authentic materials into EFL classrooms worldwide”. This technique makes students think about ideas better through real objects and reflect on how we use the vocabulary they acquire in daily life. In addition, it is convenient for students because teachers can hold objects up on the screen when teaching online.


    In another situation, as a result of the pandemic, one of the great challenges that teachers and students had to face in recent years was online classes in which the main authorities gave importance to the different digital platforms that became key for the development of students in learning the subjects (Romo, & Fray, 2021). Technological tools facilitated learning, allowing more collaborative work, and greater interaction between teachers and students. Saykili (2019, p. 5) declared “Learners have already integrated digital tools in most of the things they do”. In this way, students would have a greater facility to better manipulate the different digital resources selected by their teacher in which they can easily work on activities that they can practice, review and play games with content or specific words planned on a topic.


Digital resources for the development of language skills 


    At present, learning the English language is already much easier to learn due to technological advances in which students have a variety of tools for practice that makes it a more pleasant learning method with the benefits that can help improve skills English language.




    The use of technological tools helps learners to acquire new words in English every day. It helps them to improve their English skills because they have the opportunity to speak English accurately and clearly in some applications which require a lot of dedication. According to Swanson (2013, p. 174), “Teaching languages from a communicative approach as set forth by ACTFL (The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) combined with the integration of computer-assisted technology appears to hold promise for instructors as well as language learners”. This language skill will give students opportunities to speak in a pleasant environment that contains collaborative work, authentic materials, and shared knowledge in which it tries to involve each student in each speaking activity to practice different forms that language gives us technology.




    Another language skill is reading in which students are challenged to face situations when they have to read. From learning difficulties to the process of learning the language, students are faced with how to engage with what they are reading. Additionally, websites and resources have been a great help for students to find ways to read online, find e-texts with content, and even help them make their reading comprehension through various tools and learning programs where virtual realia can be easily used with different strategies in the class blog, website, and even create quizzes or tests with this authentic material. Sen, & Ray (2021, p. 2500) state “..students are more likely to remember the vocabulary presented in Realia as they recall the real contexts where they learned it…”. Reading skill makes learning more interesting and engaging for students, with great digital resources that can be obtained online such as reading games, songs, online rewards and activities, and others. Students love games, in addition to feeling engaged in their reading, they may continue exploring and learning more content through images and words.




    Students can use some resources to carry out activities in which students work with the vocabulary and review its definition, and then they can check their knowledge through different games, such as matching all the terms with their definitions and writing the term to which each definition refers. This can help students review specific vocabulary interactively and help with writing any comments, responses, or messages. Lee et al. (2021, p. 20) declared “Not only Realia help students to visualize vocabulary, but it can also help to enhance the construction of meaning and hence make the vocabulary more understandable”. Realia enables students to identify words through objects in which they directly associate their understanding and presents them during reading aloud, increasing their understanding of the message of the text to expand vocabulary to include what could be used. as reality to encourage students to get their ideas and experiences so that students can write.




    Realia also allows listening to what people are saying through the visualization of objects in real-time. Students can acquire essential knowledge to listen to the words and try to imagine what the communicator is saying. Bregni (2006, p. 38) stated that “...among various digital realia, songs and videos produce the best results, enhancing both the learning and the teaching of foreign languages and cultures”. The application of real objects will facilitate the learning process of the English language since the technological tools and audiovisual resources help the student learn pleasantly since the digital resources have been created with new strategies that encourage the learning of English as something important in life.


Digital resources 


    Making stories with pictures 


    Sharing (2017) says that “These stories do not attempt to sermonize, preach or teach. They are sheer, unadulterated fun for children”. Some of these tools give us a great opportunity to show an effective work in the educational environment which allows the student to express their ideas in their own words quickly and effectively through the observation of images such as a story or an idea in a process that achieves a better interpretation.


    Word games 


    Stephenson (2015) mentioned that “Help students with practice spelling, create games, learn vocabulary, and more with these learning apps and websites”. Word games are board, or video games, created to test language ability or to explore its properties. Word games are generally used as a source of entertainment, but they can also have an educational purpose. This allows us to develop a vocabulary that is an essential part of learning English but can be boring.


    Online flashcards 


    Flashcards or illustrated cards are effective in creating playful language games, making the student feel more motivated when carrying out activities according to this strategy. The flashcard resource is very useful to be applied as a learning method because it helps to promote contextual repetition. This type of resource is accessible to all media, thus making it possible for both the teacher and the student to create flashcards from a website.




    Winstead (2022) stated “Quiz software often comes with a range of features that can make quizzes more engaging and effective”. Quizzes allow students to explore and train in a whole new area. Using these types of online resources will offer excellent benefits for acquiring new vocabulary. The multiple-choice answers allow the student to find the possible answers with the help of images as support to discover the correct word.


    Semantic maps 


    Sedita (2020) says “Knowledge helps you remember new information, and people who know a great deal about a topic also know its vocabulary”. Semantic maps are a tool we use to help students identify, understand, and remember the meaning of the words they read in text.




    Using this resource, students manage to learn much more than what was taught by the teachers, through what they see or do, that is, through their environment. They learn in a short time; therefore, relevant methodologies are used to share knowledge. This technique is good for students because they can use interactive cards to take advantage of the benefits offered by new technologies applied to education.


    Online classes allow teachers to feel safer in front of a computer or tablet since there are many ways to take advantage of the tools that technology offers, such as when the teacher mentions a topic or an expression that learners have not heard, they can get information through Google. Muirhead (2005, p. 84) stated “Today’s professional development programs for online teachers would benefit from interactivity research studies and tailor their curriculum to better prepare their instructors”. Technology has become an important tool for the educational and professional fields.




    This article considers the methodology used in the work of research as deductive, due to the information obtained from other projects that have contributed knowledge and experience to make this project possible in other educational areas such as the acquisition of vocabulary through realia as a digital resource. This research was carried out in the Amazonas Educational Unit, in the city of Chone, with an approximate sample of 97 students who are in the ninth grade, with a corresponding level of A1 according to the Common European Framework, being both sexes, with an estimated age of 12 to 13 years, of the low economic level. The Educational Unit Amazonas is a public institution, with different levels of education, upper basic, and secondary with a student population of 1,600. The methodology was used as descriptive and the focus will be quantitative. The technique will be used for data collection through a survey of students with a Likert-type scale, with 10 polytomous questions with strongly agree, agree, and disagree options. Through the survey, students are expected to specify the questions asked in a correct and equivalent way, giving their point of view, to take the respective analysis of the results. So, the analysis was descriptive and statistical, and the interpretation of the data collected was through tables and graphs. Guevara et al. (2020, p. 165) says that “Descriptive research is carried out when it is desired to describe, in all its main components, a reality”. Documentary research allowed us to have criteria from several authors to compare their points of view and have a scientific basis for the research topic. "Researchers are not mere tabulators, but collect data on the basis of a hypothesis or theory, carefully present and summarize the information, and then carefully analyze the results, in order to extract meaningful generalizations that contribute to knowledge". (Gross, 2010, p. 3)


    One of the means that was used to obtain the data is documentary research, for the collection of scientific material, using the constructivist model as a fundamental reference to obtain the necessary information either through electronic books or scientific articles related to the topic of the realia as a didactic resource for the acquisition of vocabulary, obtained from the Internet and that are used at this time to collect the information for this investigation. The researcher considered both variables. In the independent, Realia as a digital resource, and the dependent, the acquisition of vocabulary in English.


    The use of vocabulary greatly influences the understanding and lightness of the performance of students. In addition, a large vocabulary is important for the development of effective speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills, which play an important role in most academic standards. Meara (1995, p. 5) considers that “...it might be possible to construct a language teaching methodology that focused initially on vocabulary acquisition, and aimed to build up a very large vocabulary very quickly”. This learning method would greatly help students to increase their English language skills to achieve good performance in the classroom in which their knowledge can be demonstrated.


    English language learning is not only presented in the use of reading. It is also in practice through technology, which has taken an important step in how students can learn as devices become more intelligent. The younger generations are engaged in digital devices. There is a great deal of application information that is available in the area of ​​the English language. Technology gives opportunities to get a lot of information in order to improve the learning of the English language. In addition, technology has become a necessary tool that enables English academics to include various skills with their multiple decisions to include: videos, websites, blogs, and social networks that offer the learners the chance to search out amusement and motivation to share information. Nisbet, & Austin (2013, p. 4) say that “One means of engaging students in extensive vocabulary practice and self-directed study is to encourage them to utilize vocabulary applications (or apps), which are readily available for smartphones and tablets”. Digital tools have excellent benefits for the use of authentic objects (Realia), which allows students to perform better when listening to the pronunciation, reading words in a variety of authentic examples; viewing shapes and images related to words, increase word learning through interactive games, identify matching words, and interact with classmates during class to create virtual word groups.




    The following tables and graphs present the results of the survey.


Strategies based on Realia as a digital resource 


Table 1. Acquire English language vocabulary with skills through digital resources



Strongly agree





Learning with listening activities through digital resources would improve the increase of vocabulary in the English language.






Developing speaking skills in English learning with online English vocabulary acquisition.






Electronic reading is important as an appropriate strategy for learning English vocabulary?






Writing learning on digital platforms is a way to encourage vocabulary learning to develop knowledge of new words.





Note: Data was taken from the instrument applied to students


Graphic 1

Graphic 1

Source: Own resources


Digital Resources 


Table 2. Digital Resources for vocabulary acquisition in the English language



Strongly agree





Learning by creating stories with pictures offers advantages for better vocabulary comprehension.






Word games can increase your knowledge and be useful to improve your English vocabulary.






Based on your experience, flashcards through online applications would help you increase your vocabulary?






Pictures used in a quiz can be very helpful in understanding the vocabulary.






Applying the understanding of semantic maps to English vocabulary in different contexts would improve their communication skills.






Word cards through online applications would help increase vocabulary.





Note: Data taken from the instrument applied to students


Graphic 2

Graphic 2

Source: Own resources


    The research results were analyzed by elaborating a research instrument such as the survey that was applied to the students of basic education with ten polytomous questions with options of strongly agree, agree, and disagree. Based on the tabulation of the data obtained, the respective statistical tables and graphs were designed, containing the percentages of the opinion of the population consulted on each of the questions posed for each of the variables, with their respective analysis. Research is a systematic process that allows inquiring about a given phenomenon, in this regard, Ahmad et al. (2019, p. 2) mention "Graphs and tables of raw data can be constructed with the help of quantitative research, making it easier for the researcher to analyze the results”. The results can be interpreted as they were produced during the investigation, logically. It is necessary to indicate why it is included in the report and its interpretation.


    Regarding the learning of vocabulary in its indicator, the strategies based on Realia as a digital resource, it can be seen that the activities in the different strategies benefit the good learning of vocabulary in the English language; In the results, it can be observed that of the 97 students surveyed, the highest results obtained were in agreement with the application of the strategies in the digital resources, and therefore very few of them disagreed with them.


    According to the results established in the second table, the online applications with Realia would be relevant for the acquisition of vocabulary in the English language, so the highest percentage of students believe that the use of online platforms would provide an adequate way to develop different activities with Realia, in which the student will focus on achieving new words through images with the use of word worksheets, semantic maps, questionnaires, flashcards, word games, and story creation. Chao et al. (2016, p. 5) state that "...digital resources can support gains in self-efficacy in learning about science, particularly by providing mastery experiences for students, by allowing them to see the fruits of their own labor". Digital resources are useful tools to deepen and support student learning that will help them identify the meanings of words. In addition, digital learning is more comfortable for students because they can think about authentic objects and be able to express themselves freely with confidence, for continuous learning will help them develop their English language skills.




    According to the problems found in a general way prior to this investigation due to the little vocabulary in English that the students have, it was possible to show that the digital resources in the use of realia are of great help to them since it facilitates the acquisition of vocabulary and this, in turn, allows them to learn the context meaning of a new word in a different language.


    Realia in digital resources is a technique used to teach vocabulary to students in a virtual environment, thus applying teaching and learning processes that become meaningful for them. Students can develop and learn more vocabulary in a positive way when they are exposed to authentic materials. Digital resources serve to put into practice learning strategies such as communication, reading, listening comprehension, and writing, solving the deficiency of vocabulary in the English language.


    Realia can be considered as one of the best digital resources to achieve pedagogical approaches that aim to motivate students to acquire vocabulary, given that the use of realia is necessary both physically and virtually for a good performance in the process of learning a new language such as word games can broaden their knowledge, creation of stories with images would offer advantages for better understanding, images used in a questionnaire, understanding of semantic maps in different contexts to improve their communication skills, and flashcards with words through online applications, which would help increase English vocabulary and develop language skills. Given the importance of the interest in using realia as a digital resource, it is recommended that the processes in future classes be considered to investigate the views of educators and students on the use of digital materials in teaching and learning in a language classroom.




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Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, Vol. 27, Núm. 292, Sep. (2022)