ISSN 1514-3465
Relative Age Effect in Individual Sports. A Systematic Review
Efeito da idade relativa nos esportes individuais. Uma revisão sistemática
Efecto de la edad relativa en deportes individuales. Una revisión sistemática
Ronailde Braga Guerra
Jaqueline Freitas de Oliveira Neiva
Marcelo Massa
Paulo Henrique de Araújo Guerra
Rogério Honda
*Bacharela em Ciências da Atividade Física
pela Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades
da Universidade de São Paulo (EACH-USP).
Licenciada em Educação Física
pela Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul.
Especialista em laboratório no Centro de Estudos
e Práticas de Atividades Físicas da EACH - USP
**Doutora e Mestre em Ciências
pela Escola de Educação Física e Esporte
da Universidade de São Paulo (EEFE-USP)
Educadora na Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades
da Universidade de São Paulo (EACH-USP)
Membro do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas
em Capacidades e Habilidades Motoras (GEPCHAM- EACH -USP)
Membro do Laboratório de Comportamento Motor (LACOM - EEFE-USP)
***Doutor e Mestre em Educação Física
pela Escola de Educação Física e Esporte
da Universidade de São Paulo (EEFE-USP)
Professor Associado da Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
na Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades (EACH-USP)
Curso de Educação Física e Saúde (EFS-USP)
Membro do Grupo de Pesquisa em Adaptações Biológicas
ao Exercício Físico - GABEF/USP.
em Educação Física
Doutor em Ciências pela USP
+Docente Adjunto do curso de Medicina
da Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul, câmpus Chapecó (SC)
++Graduado e Educação Física
Mestre em Ciências da Atividade Física
pela Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades
da Universidade de São Paulo (EACH-USP)
Docente na Universidade Paulista
Reception: 08/22/2022 - Acceptance: 09/04/2023
1st Review: 03/27/2023 - 2nd Review: 07/07/2023
Accessible document. Law N° 26.653. WCAG 2.0
This work licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) |
Suggested reference
: Guerra, R.B., Neiva, J.F. de O., Massa, M., Guerra, P.H. de A., & Honda, R. (2024). Relative Age Effect in Individual Sports. Systematic Review. Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, 28(308), 186-205.
Relative Age Effect (RAE) refers to the influence that month birth could have over the performance of people born in the same year. Most RAE studies indicate that individuals born in the first quartiles of a given year may present biological, physical, cognitive, psychological advantages over those who were born in the last months of the same year. Such variations could affect performance, leading to overestimation of observed results at the evaluation time. Although RAE had become a well-studied phenomenon, few is known about the prevailing studies methodological characteristics, as well as the breakthroughs over the theme, particularly, in individual sports. Thus, this systematic review investigated the state of art of RAE in individual sports. Results reveal RAE was found among athletes of individual sports; most studies described RAE in individual sports, nevertheless, few established relations between RAE and other variables (i.e. anthropometry, technical performance.) besides the quarter of birth. Findings indicate most RAE studies in individual sports focus their methodologies and results on describing athletes’ percentage born in each quartile of the year. Therefore, the theme requires a new approach, focused on the relation of RAE with sports talent identification and athlete development processes in individual sports.
Relative age effect. Individual sports. Talent identification. Athlete development.
Efeito da Idade Relativa (EIR) refere-se à influência que o mês de nascimento teria na performance de pessoas nascidas no mesmo ano. A maioria dos estudos sobre EIR indicam que indivíduos nascidos no primeiro quartil de um dado ano podem apresentar vantagens biológicas, físicas, cognitivas e psicológicas sobre nascidos nos últimos meses do mesmo ano. Tais variações afetariam a performance, levando à superestimação dos resultados observáveis no período de avaliação. Embora o EIR tornado um fenômeno bem estudado, pouco se sabe sobre as características metodológicas dos estudos prevalentes, bem como sobre os avanços a respeito do tema, especialmente em esporte individuais. Assim, esta revisão sistemática investigou o estado da arte do EIR nos esporte individuais. Os resultados revelaram que o EIR foi encontrado entre atletas de esportes individuais; a maioria dos estudos descreveu o EIR nos esportes individuais, contudo, poucos estabeleceram correlações entre o EIR e outras variáveis (como antropometria, performance técnica) além do trimestre de nascimento. Os achados indicam que metodologias e resultados da maioria dos estudos focam em descrever o percentual de atletas nascidos em cada trimestre do ano. Portanto, o estudo do tema requer uma abordagem voltada à relação do EIR com a identificação de talentos esportivos e com o processo de desenvolvimento dos atletas em esportes individuais.
Efeito da idade relativa. Esportes individuais. Identificação de talentos. Desenvolvimento de atletas.
El efecto de la edad relativa (EER) se refiere a la influencia que podría tener el mes de nacimiento sobre el rendimiento de las personas nacidas en el mismo año. La mayoría de los estudios de la EER indican que los individuos nacidos en los primeros cuartiles de un año determinado pueden presentar ventajas biológicas, físicas, cognitivas y psicológicas sobre aquellos que nacieron en los últimos meses del mismo año. Tales variaciones podrían afectar el desempeño, llevando a una sobreestimación de los resultados observados en el momento de la evaluación. Aunque la EER se ha convertido en un fenómeno bien estudiado, poco se sabe sobre las características metodológicas predominantes de los estudios, así como sobre los avances sobre el tema, particularmente, en los deportes individuales. Así, esta revisión sistemática investigó el estado del arte de la EER en deportes individuales. Los resultados revelan que se encontró EER entre atletas de deportes individuales; la mayoría de los estudios describieron la EER en deportes individuales, sin embargo, pocos establecieron relaciones entre la EER y otras variables (ej. antropometría, rendimiento técnico...) además del trimestre de nacimiento. Los hallazgos indican que la mayoría de los estudios EER en deportes individuales centran sus metodologías y resultados en describir el porcentaje de atletas nacidos en cada cuartil del año. Por lo tanto, el tema requiere un nuevo enfoque, centrado en la relación de la EER con los procesos de identificación de talento deportivo y desarrollo de atletas en deportes individuales.
Palabras clave
: Efecto de la edad relativa. Deportes individuales. Identificación de talento. Desarrollo del deportista.
Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, Vol. 28, Núm. 308, Ene. (2024)
Individuals grouping by age range usually occur in order to ensure equality of opportunities, similar development, and fair competition between children and teenagers (Barnsley, Thompson, & Legault, 1992; Carli, Luguetti, & Ré, 2009; Massa et al., 2014; Mujika et al., 2009; Pacharoni, Aoki, Costa, Moreira, & Massa, 2014; Vaeyens, Philippaerts, & Malina, 2005). Hence, birth date is used throughout the main stages of human development and growth process, subdividing children and teenagers by age groups, taking as reference chronological age and a limit date - usually the birth year.
Since 1980 in the sports environment several studies investigated if birth month could mean an advantage for children and teenagers born in the same year but in different quartiles. (Barnsley, Thompson, & Barnsley, 1985; Barnsley et al., 1992; Cobley, Schorer, & Baker, 2008; Costa et al., 2012; Edgar, & O’Donoghue, 2005; Mujika et al., 2009; Schorer, Tirp, Steingröver, & Baker, 2016)
In this sense, most studies seem to indicate young people born in the first months of the year, when compared to same-age athletes’ but born in the last months, could have their performance positively favored by higher levels of growth and biological maturation, higher stages of cognitive development, larger experience repertoire due to longer lifetime and greater acquired competence. Such phenomenon is described as Relative Age Effect (RAE). (Delorme, Boiché, & Raspaud, 2010; Helsen, Starkes, & Winckel, 2000; Helsen, Winckel, & Williams, 2005; Hirose, 2009; Mujika et al., 2009; Pacharoni et al., 2014; Schorer, Baker, Büsch, Wilhelm, & Pabst, 2009)
The remarkable presence of RAE is found in studies in soccer. In Hirose’s study (2009), 58.8% of Japanese soccer players were born in the first quartile of the year while only 24% of the Tokyo population was born in such period. A recent study with 341 youth soccer players (under 10-20 years) of a top-level Brazilian soccer club, found that 47.5% of athletes were born in the first quartile of the year, 25.5% in the second, 18.2% in the third and only 8.8% were born in the last quartile of the year. (Massa et al., 2014)
Although historically RAE studies in soccer are predominant, studies with individual sports such as tennis (Pacharoni et al., 2014), triathlon (Werneck, Lima, Coelho, Matta, & Figueiredo, 2014), taekwondo (Albuquerque et al., 2012) and others have presented and highlighted the RAE investigation relevance to sports development. However, regarding the scope and characteristics of RAE studies in individual sports, no systematic review was found.
Thus, and considering the implications of RAE over athletes’ formation programs and talent development, this study aimed to present the state of the art of RAE in individual sports by means of a systematic review.
This systematic review was conducted in accordance with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis Statement - PRISMA. (Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, Altman, & The PRISMA Group, 2009)
Eligibility criteria
Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies over RAE in athletes of individual sports - regardless of their modality, age range, and/or competition level - were included. Open-access articles in English, Portuguese, or Spanish with no restriction in regard to publication period were assessed. Thereby, studies reporting only team sports, non-athlete participants, not RAE-related, non-research papers (such as editorial letters, expanded abstracts and etc.), or in a language different from those aforementioned were excluded.
Searches for potential studies and selection process
In February 2018, searches for potential studies were carried out in five electronic databases (Web of Science, PubMed, Scielo, PsycINFO, and SPORTDiscus). Previous identification of terms/descriptors in all databases was performed. The resulting electronic search strategy applied in all databases search fields except PubMed is as follows: (((((("relative age effect" OR "effect of relative age")) AND (("Athletics" OR "Archery" OR "Badminton" OR "Boxing" OR "Canoe Slalom Kayak" OR "Canoe Sprint Kayak" OR "Canoe Sprint" OR "Cycling BMX" OR "Cycling Mountain Bike" OR "Cycling Road" OR "Cycling Track" OR "Diving" OR "Equestrian Dressage" OR "Equestrian Eventing" OR "Equestrian Jumping" OR "Fencing" OR "Golf" OR "Gymnastics Artistic" OR "Judo" OR "Modern Pentathlon" OR "Rowing" OR "Sailing" OR "Shooting" OR "Swimming" OR "Table Tennis" OR "Taekwondo" OR "Tennis" OR "Trampoline" OR "Triathlon" "Weightlifting" OR "Wrestling Freestyle" OR " Wrestling Greco-Romano" OR "Rowing")))))). To avoid potential losses, manual searches also were performed in reference lists.
Processes of identification and removal of inter-databases duplicates, title and abstracts screening of original studies were performed by two independent researchers. Abstracts of all selected titles including discordant cases were examined. If doubt remained, the article was read in its entirety to determine whether it should be or not included. Agreement between researchers’ selection was measured by the Kappa index (0.897; p<0.001).
Data extraction and assessment
The following data were extracted from the included studies: sport modality, sample’s location, size, age, and sex, study procedures, variables analyzed, and RAE’s findings. A researcher extracted the data and summarized them into an electronic spreadsheet. Based on the eligibility criteria, a second researcher evaluated the data extraction spreadsheet. Once this is a descriptive review, it was decided not to make methodological/risk of bias assessments of studies.
Initial search retrieved 243 titles from which 27 studies were selected. Twelve titles from references lists were added, totaling 39 studies. After a full assessment, four studies were excluded for not meeting the eligibility criteria (Figure 1). The main data from the 35 selected studies are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1. Main characteristics and results of the studies included
Study/Year |
Sport |
Country |
Sample size |
Sex |
Age |
Variables analyzed |
RAE* (detected) |
Giacomini (1999) |
Tennis |
United States |
600 |
F / M |
< 14 to < = 18 |
Birthdate / Sex /
Performance (ranking) |
Among males in younger
divisions |
Edgar & O’Donoghue
(2005) |
Tennis |
Various |
448 senior / 476 junior |
F / M |
Junior: 13 to 17/senior:
not informed |
Birthdate / Sex / Age
(Senior-Junior) /Birth place (country) / Performance (winners) |
Among both genders and
competition levels |
Abel & Kruger (2007) |
Nascar |
United States |
1,054 |
not informed |
not informed |
Birthdate / Performance
(winners) |
Yes |
Medic et al. (2007) |
Masters sports |
United States |
1,160 / 24,831 (2 studies) |
not informed |
35 to 96 |
Birthdate / Performance
(record setting and participation rate) |
Among the firsts years of
5-year category for athlete's performance and participation |
O’Donoghue (2009) |
Tennis |
Various |
Variable (5th out of 6
studies) |
F / M |
born after 1984 |
Birthdate / Sex /
Performance (ranking / competition level/ Grand slam conquered) |
Evidence for inverse RAE
(6 years of a 25-years cohort study) |
Medic et al. (2009) |
Masters swimming / track
and field |
United States |
35,814 / 1,509 (2 studies) |
F / M |
35 to 101 |
Birthdate / Sex /
Performance (participation rate/record setting) / Sport |
Across gender, from 4th
life decade and in track and field and swimming |
Delorme & Raspaud
(2009) |
Shooting sports |
France |
132,538 |
F / M |
> 11 to > 20 |
/Performance(ranking) /Age category /Membership discontinuance |
Among males / inverse
RAE in 15-17y category |
Medic et al. (2009) |
Master sports |
Various |
4,820 |
not informed |
35 to 96 |
Age / Year category (5
years range) / Sport / Performance (participation rate) |
Among track and field, and
swimming athletes / not for weightlifting and rowing |
Loffing et al. (2010) |
Tennis |
Various |
1,027 |
M |
not informed |
Birthdate / Handedness /
Performance (ranking) |
Not among left-handed |
Medic et al. (2011) |
Masters swimming |
United States |
2,596 |
F / M |
25 to 77 |
Birthdate / Performance
(participation rate) |
Yes |
Albuquerque et al. (2012) |
Taekwondo |
Various |
291 |
F / M |
not informed |
Birthdate / Sex |
No |
Costa et al. (2013) |
Swimming |
Portugal |
7,813 |
F / M |
12 to 18 |
Birthdate /Sex / Age
category /Performance (ranking) |
Among males |
Albuquerque et al. (2013) |
Judo |
Various |
1,738 |
not informed |
not informed |
Birthdate / Weight
category |
Among Heavy Weight /
Half-Heavy: over-representation in third quarter |
Ribeiro et al. (2013) |
Tennis |
Various |
924 |
F / M |
13 to 26 |
Birthdate / Sex /
Performance (category ranking) |
Among 14 and 18 years
categories |
Agricola et al. (2013) |
Tennis |
Various |
239 |
M |
13-14 |
Birthdate / Sex /
Performance (ranking) |
Among males |
Werneck et al. (2014) |
Triathlon |
Various |
111 |
F / M |
Average age 28 |
Birthdate / Sex /
Anthropometry / Performance (Olympic medals) |
Among males /Relates to
winning medal |
Delorme (2014) |
Boxing |
France |
6,167 amateur / 354
professional |
F / M |
12 to 18 |
Birthdate / Sex / Age
category / Weight category |
inverse RAE among 18-18+
male category |
Pacharoni et al. (2014) |
Tennis |
Various |
800 |
M |
12 to 18 |
Birthdate / Age category /
Performance (Top 100 / category) |
Stronger among younger
divisions |
O’Donoghue (2014) |
Tennis |
Various |
116 |
F / M |
born before 1/1/85 or on
or after this date |
Birthdate / Sex / Player
style (net points) |
May affect male players
style |
Albuquerque et al. (2014) |
Wrestling |
Various |
3,938 |
F / M |
not informed |
Birthdate / Sex / Fighting
style (Freestyle / Greco-roman) / Performance (medals) |
Among males / in all
styles / among freestyle medalists |
Edginton et al. (2014) |
Boxing |
Various |
388 |
M |
17 to 35 / Average 24 (SD
3.3) |
Birthdate / Weight
category / Birthplace (country) / Performance (medals) |
Among medal-winning
men’s amateur boxing |
Baker et al. (2014) |
Skiing, figure skating and
gymnastics. |
Various / Canada |
29,983 / 1,114 (2 studies) |
F / M |
born in 1970 or later |
(intern. compet.)/Sport/Category (Junior-Senior) |
Among most ski sports
across sexes / atypical RAE for female gymnastics |
Hollings, et al. (2014) |
Track and field |
Various |
2,924 |
F / M |
16 to 19 |
Birthdate / Sex / Sport
/Performance (ranking) / Category (Junior-Juvenile) |
Stronger among younger
division and males |
Albuquerque et al. (2015) |
Judo |
Various |
2,427 |
F / M |
not informed |
Birthdate / Sex / Weight
category |
Among male heavyweight
athletes and medalists |
Hancock et al. (2015) |
Female gymnastics |
Canada |
921 |
F |
under-15 / over-15 |
Birthdate / Performance
(competition level) |
Among under-15 / inverse
RAE among over-15 |
Romann & Cobley (2015) |
Athletic sprinting |
Swiss |
7,761 |
M |
aged 8-15 |
Age / Exact decimal age /
Birthdates / |
Across childhood to youth
(small to large) / could be removed by adjustments |
Müller et al. (2015) |
Alpine Ski Racing. |
Austria |
2,878 |
F / M |
7 to 11 and 12 to 15 |
Birthdate / Sex / Age
category (Kids- Teenager Cups) / Performance (ranking) |
Among youngest division |
Ulbricht et al. (2015) |
Tennis |
Germany |
120,851 |
M |
11 to 17 |
Birthdate / Age category /
Performance (ranking) / Physical fitness / Motor skills |
Among higher competitive
levels ( no difference in physical characteristics) |
Mueller et al. (2016) |
Various sports |
Various |
899 |
F / M |
17.1 years (SD 0.77, range
14.9-18.3). |
Birthdate / Sex /
Performance (medals) / |
Among male athletes in
strength and endurance-related sports |
Gorski et al. (2016) |
Alpine Skiers |
Swiss |
2,469 |
F / M |
11 to 19 |
(high/low level)/Age categ./Phys. fitness/Motor skills |
Influenced by performance
level among female |
Saavedra-García et al.
(2016) |
Athletics |
Spain |
3,313 |
F / M |
16 to absolute category |
Birthdate / Sex / Age
category / Performance (ranking) / Sport |
Among all athletes / less
evident for females in age category analysis |
Brazo-Sayavera et al.
(2017) |
Track and field |
Spain |
29,045 |
F / M |
14 to 17 |
Birthdate / Sex /
Performance (selected or not) |
Stronger for males and
younger (U15) / no evidence for older female (U17) |
Moreira et al. (2017) |
Tennis |
Various |
2,481 |
M |
13 to 18 |
Birth month / Birth year /
Performance (scores) |
Among all players / Birth
year contributed more to their scores |
Ferreira et al. (2017) |
Swimming |
Various |
978 |
F / M |
Average 23.1 ± 3.9 |
Birthdate / Sex /
Birthplace (continent) |
Among female and Asian
athletes |
Cobley et al. (2018) |
Swimming |
Australia |
6,014 |
F / M |
12 to 18 |
Birthdate / Sex / Style |
Among earlier age-groups /
Apparent inverse RAE by 17-18 y |
*RAE: Relative age effect. Source: Authors
Studies characteristics
Studies dates ranged from 1999 to 2018. Throughout this period, exponential growth in individual sports RAE studies’ is observed. Only one study before 2000 was retrieved (Giacomini, 1999). In the following decade (2000 to 2009) seven more were retrieved whereas 27 ones were retrieved from 2010 until February 2018.
Studies sample size ranged from 111 to 132,538. Samples’ age ranged from 7 to 101 years. Nevertheless, seven studies (Abel, & Kruger, 2007; Albuquerque et al., 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015; Edgar, & O’Donoghue, 2005; Loffing, Schorer, & Cobley, 2010) not informed such data or informed them partially. Five other studies not informed participants’ age clearly, indicating their birth year cutoff point (Baker, Janning, Wong, Cobley, & Schorer, 2014; O’Donoghue, 2009, 2014) or not pointing out their limits’ ages.(Hancock, Starkes, & Ste-Marie, 2015; Saavedra-García, Gutiérrez-Aguilar, Sa-Marques, & Fernández-Romero, 2016) As well as age, the samples’ sex was not clearly informed in four studies.(Abel, & Kruger, 2007; Albuquerque et al., 2013; Medic, Starkes, & Young, 2007; Medic, Young, Starkes, Weir, & Grove, 2009) Most studies analyzed both sexes (n=23; 66%). Seven studies had male samples and one had female participants exclusively. (Hancock et al., 2015)
Except for one (Albuquerque et al., 2012), all studies detected RAE, whether in the whole sample or only in part of it, depending on the variable analyzed. Some studies reported reverse or atypical RAE. (Cobley et al., 2018; Delorme, 2014; Delorme, & Raspaud, 2009; Hancock et al., 2015; O’Donoghue, 2009)
Half of the studies (n=18; 51%) used data exclusively from world and/or international championships, such as the Olympic Games. Hence, most athletes’ nationality was not specified. All other studies but one in Australia (Cobley et al., 2018) took place in countries of North America and Europe.
For most studies, online databases were the main source of athletes’ data such as age (age, birthdates, and birth month or birth year), performance indicators (federations’ ranking, medals and prizes conquest, participation rates, competition levels, and others.) and sex. If applicable, studies analyzed the weight and age categories of the sport separately (n=15; 43%). Six studies (17%) analyzed physical and motor data as anthropometry (Müller, Hildebrandt, Schnitzer, & Raschner, 2016; Werneck et al., 2014), physical fitness and motor skills (Gorski, Rosser, Hoppeler, & Vogt, 2016; Ulbricht, Fernandez-Fernandez, Mendez-Villanueva, & Ferrauti, 2015), players’ style (O’Donoghue, 2014), and handedness. (Loffing et al., 2010)
Given this systematic review purpose, RAE’s presence in individual sports was found in 34 of the 35 studies analyzed. Results were statistically significant, whether fully or partially - meaning RAE was detected only in a given sample’s subgroup as early age group or in a certain category. Evidence for inverse RAE was also presented.
Most studies verified RAE in individual sports by analyzing athletes’ birthdates distribution within year quartiles. This has been a traditional formula for RAE detection since the first studies (Dudink, 1994). Although some studies persisted in reproducing such formula, expansion, and diversity of variables analyzed are observed throughout the timeline, especially among those individual sports where RAE was most investigated across the time, such as tennis, whose ten retrieved studies ranged from 1999 to 2017 (Table 2). Supposedly, tennis researchers improved their study designs accordingly to RAE’s new findings and hypothesis in that sport.
Table 2. Results of the studies ordered by sport / type
Study |
Age |
analyzed |
(detected) |
(N=10) |
et al. (2015) |
to 17 |
/ Age category / Performance (ranking) /Physical fitness / Motor skills |
higher competitive levels
(no difference in physical characteristics) |
et al. (2014) |
to 18 |
/ Age category / Performance (Top 100 / category) |
among younger divisions |
et al. (2013) |
13-14 |
/ Sex / Performance (ranking) |
males |
et al. (2017) |
to 18 |
month / Birth year/ Performance (scores) |
all players / Birth year contributed more to their scores. |
& O’Donoghue (2005) |
13 to 17/senior: not informed |
/ Sex / Age (Senior-Junior) /
Birthplace (country) / Performance (winners) |
both genders and competition levels |
et al. (2013) |
to 26 |
/ Sex / Performance (category ranking) |
14 and 18 years categories |
(1999) |
14 to £ 18 |
/ Sex / Performance (ranking) |
males in younger divisions |
(2009) |
after 1984 |
/ Sex / Performance (ranking / competition level/ Grand slam conquered) |
for "reverse RAE" (6 years of a 25-years cohort study) |
(2014) |
before 1/1/85 or on or after this date |
/ Sex / Player style (net points) |
affect male players style |
et al. (2010) |
informed |
/ Handedness / Performance (ranking) |
among left-handed |
sports (N=6) |
(2014) |
to 18 |
/ Sex / Age category / Weight category |
RAE among 18-18+ male category |
et al. (2014) |
to 35 / Average 24 (SD 3.3) |
/ Weight category / Birthplace (country) / Performance (medals) |
medal-winning men’s amateur boxing |
et al. (2012) |
informed |
/ Sex |
No |
et al. (2013) |
informed |
/ Weight category |
Heavy Weight /
over-representation in third quarter |
(2014) |
informed |
/ Sex / Fighting style (Freestyle / Greco-roman) / Performance (medals) |
males / in all styles / among freestyle medalists |
et al. (2015) |
informed |
/ Sex / Weight category |
male heavyweight athletes and medalists. |
sports (N=5) |
& Cobley (2015) |
8-15 |
/ Exact decimal age / Birthdates / |
childhood to youth (small to large) /
could be removed by adjustments |
et al. (2017) |
to 17 |
/ Sex / Performance (selected or not) |
for males and younger (U15) /
no evidence for older female (U17) |
et al. (2014) |
to 19 |
/ Sex / Sport /Performance (ranking) / Category (Junior-Juvenile) |
among younger division and males |
et al. (2016) |
to absolute category |
/ Sex / Age category / Performance (ranking) / Sport |
all athletes / less evident for females in age category analysis |
et al. (2014) |
age 28 |
/ Sex / Anthropometry / Performance (Olympic medals) |
males /Relates to winning medal |
sports (N=4) |
Young, & Medic (2011) |
to 77 |
/ Performance (participation rate) |
Yes |
et al. (2007) |
to 96 |
/ Performance (record setting and participation rate) |
the firsts years of 5-year category for athlete's performance and
participation |
et al. (2009) |
to 96 |
/ Year category (5 years range) / Sport / Performance (participation
rate) |
track and field, and swimming athletes / not for weightlifting and
rowing |
et al. (2009) |
to 101 |
/ Sex / Performance (participation rate/record setting) / Sport |
gender, from 4th life decade and in track and field and swimming |
(N=3) |
et al. (2013) |
to 18 |
/ Sex / Age category / Performance (ranking) |
males |
et al. (2018) |
to 18 |
/ Sex / Style |
earlier age-groups / Apparent reverse RAE by 17-18y |
et al. (2017) |
23.1 ± 3.9 |
/ Sex / Birthplace (continent) |
female and Asian athletes |
sports (N=2) |
et al. (2015) |
to 11 and 12 to 15 |
/ Sex / Age category (Kids- Teenager Cups) / Performance (ranking) |
youngest division |
et al. (2016) |
to 19 |
(high/low level)/ Age categ./Phys. fitness/Motor skills |
by performance level among female |
sports (N=2) |
et al. (2015) |
/ over-15 |
/ Performance (competition level) |
under-15 / reverse RAE among over-15 |
et al. (2014) |
in 1970 or later |
/ Sex /Performance (intern. compet.) / Sport / Category (Junior-Senior) |
most ski sports across sexes / atypical RAE for female gymnastics |
sports (N=2) |
& Raspaud (2009) |
11 to > 20 |
/ Sex / Performance (ranking) / Age category / Membership discontinuance |
males / "reverse RAE" in 15-17y category |
& Kruger (2007) |
informed |
/ Performance (winners) |
Yes |
sports (N=1) |
et al. (2016) |
years (SD 0.77, range 14.9-18.3). |
/ Sex / Performance (medals) / |
male athletes in strength and endurance-related sports |
*RAE: Relative age effect. Source: Authors
Dudink (1994) highlighted social and psychological factors as often ignored or underestimated in organized sports, where talent is considered predominantly in terms of physical skills. For this reason, it is interesting to note that in a chronological analysis, the third and the fourth retrieved studies investigated RAE in unlikely publics: NASCAR racers and Master athletes, respectively (Abel, & Kruger, 2007; Medic et al., 2007). Attempting to eliminate physical skills demands (NASCAR) and maturation advantages (Masters Sports) from the equation, both studies yet detected RAE.
In Masters Sports, athletes are separated into 5-year age categories. Therefore, RAE was found comparing athletes in the first years of a 5-year age category with athletes in its last years. Aging process and lack of motivation in athletes in the last years’ category were pointed as factors that possibly influence RAE in Masters Sports. As for the NASCAR study, its results extended RAE for a sport that does not rely on superior strength or increased size (Abel, & Kruger, 2007), but brought no hypothesis for such a result.
Aligned with the non-physical sports investigation, Delorme, & Raspaud (2009) detected RAE among young male athletes in shooting sports, pushing researchers to look over exogenous factors, such as parental authorization and sport migration driven by failure in other sports.
The relation between RAE and physical variables such as athletes’ physical fitness, anthropometric and motor skills were verified by six studies (Gorski et al., 2016; Loffing et al., 2010; Müller et al., 2016; O’Donoghue, 2014; Ulbricht et al., 2015; Werneck et al., 2014). All of them were carried out in the last decade, indicating that researchers moved from the assumption of maturation process influence over RAE to stating its real correlation. Ulbricht et al. (2015) detected RAE among higher competitive level tennis players, but no differences in their physical characteristics. An approach to motor skills reveals RAE not influenced left-handed male tennis players (Loffing et al., 2010) but may affect tennis senior players’ style since play style is developed during junior years. (O’Donoghue, 2014)
Despite that, most studies (n=29; 83%) mainly described the percentage of athletes born in each year quartile and its relation to athletes’ performance data, revealing the scarcity of studies that have advanced to an in-depth understanding of RAE in face of growth, development, maturation, performance and talent identification processes in individual sports.
As aforementioned, social factors in organized sports are often ignored (Dudink, 1994). This can be verified by the low attention given to athletes’ birthplaces. Only three studies considered this item as an important variable to analyze (Edgar, & O’Donoghue, 2005; Edginton, Gibson, & Connelly, 2014; Ferreira et al., 2017). Although not exclusively related to individual sports, Côté et al. (2006) pointed out that contextual factors associated with birthplace contribute more influentially to the achievement of an elite level of sports performance than relative age. However, the author states that these factors are independent in their influences on expertise development. It is worth noting to remember that half of the studies (n=18; 51%) used data exclusively from world and/or international championships, generally analyzing athletes from worldwide as a homogenous population. Thus, future studies of RAE in individual sports should explore such variable.
For female athletes, RAE in individual sports was less evident. Six studies detected RAE in their female sample, either exclusively or together with their male sample. Gorski et al. (2016) stated that the high popularity of a sport could increase competition between athletes at the very early stages of their careers, driving towards a boosted RAE. Stronger RAE for males is often attributed to the higher number of athletes competing, taking to higher pressure on selection processes (Müller, Hildebrandt, & Raschner, 2015). However, such statements are not enough to assume the absence of RAE in the female universe of individual sports, and hence ignore it. On the contrary, studying this scenario could bring other comprehensions of RAE impacts on individual sports, such as the one found by Hancock et al. (2015), where inverse RAE was present among over-15-year gymnastics.
Evidence of inverse RAE was found in four more studies (Cobley et al., 2018; Delorme, 2014; Delorme, & Raspaud, 2009; O’Donoghue, 2009). Before proceeding, it is important to stress that inverse RAE means an over-representation of athletes born in the third or fourth quartile of the year, and an under-representation of those born in the first or second ones. A similar effect was labeled as ‘atypical’ by Baker et al. (2014) since the highest percentage of the female gymnastics athletes sample was born in the second quartile whilst RAE default is the highest percentage born in the first one.
The analysis of the studies of RAE in individual sports allows stating that critical variables that could help explain RAE manifestation were not included in their designs. Studies considering relations between RAE and sexual maturation, hormonal index, stature's speed peak, bone maturation, creativity, decision-making, and other variables were not observed.
RAE descriptive studies suggesting young people born in the first months of the year have advantages throughout selection and promotion talent processes usually infer that their more advanced growth and biological maturation degree, higher cognitive development stage, larger experiences repertoire due to longer lifetime and higher acquired competence could boost their performance when compared to those born in last months of the same year. Since most studies of RAE in individual sports did not take into account such variables, their results are quite limited to background RAE understanding.
Therefore, is fundamental that future research on RAE in individual sports cover a larger set of critical variables, which supports an in-depth and integrated explanation of RAE's phenomenon.
Through this systematic review, it was sought to comprehend and present the range of variables analyzed in RAE studies in order to establish if such variables, as well as study designs and their findings, are appropriate to be used as reliable scientific support by coaches and their peers.
Furthermore, by spotlighting RAE complexity it was intended to help out prevent its occurrence, as an outcome of a better athletes' evaluation and follow-up throughout their career development. That stated, the review results lead to the following conclusions:
RAE is present in individual sports, although not in the studies’ whole samples but mostly in its subgroups.
Most studies investigated only the percentage distribution of athletes born in each quartile of the year, collecting their data - especially athletes’ birthdates - mainly from websites of sports committees, federations, or from sports teams/clubs files. Mostly, their findings confirm RAE presence in individual sports, however, bring no breakthroughs or help explain RAE relations with other variables which are part of athletes’ developing process context.
Few studies investigated and tested which are the real relations between RAE and growth, development, maturation and performance variables. When designing this sort of study, researchers’ approach to sports facilities and training process on a long-term basis is fundamental, so they can interact with the data collection process. The lack of such approach explains the scarcity of studies with the design upper mentioned.
These systematic review findings reveal the theme problematic and reinforce the importance of new studies aiming to verify the relation of RAE with sports talent identification and development processes in individual sports.
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Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, Vol. 28, Núm. 308, Ene. (2024)