Use of Ergospirometry in Training and Health: Narrative Review


Kinanthropometry, an area of ​​study that seeks information about the human being, its composition, proportionality and somatotype, bringing important contributions, such as those described on the importance of kineanthropometric assessment in health parameters. This science has seen an increase over the decades in national and international research. The present narrative review study aimed to identify in the scientific literature the profile of use of the ergospirometry tool by scientists between the years 1965 and 2023 and the observations made by them about the method, and is justified by the fact that it is a tool widely used by science, which makes its knowledge extremely important for scientific society. The role of cardiorespiratory testing ranges from determining a safe and effective level for prescribing exercise for healthy people, to detecting different cardiovascular or metabolic diseases. The literature presents a clear role for ergospirometry in clinical and performance assessments. It can be concluded that ergospirometry has an important role in clinical studies and evaluations, and its use together with specific complementary tests appears as a good tool to be used by doctors, evaluators and scientists.

Keywords: Cardiorespiratory assessment, Exercice phisiology, Sports medicine


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Author Biographies

Leonardo dos Santos Macedo,

Márcio Verli,

Aníbal Monteiro de Magalhães Neto,

Luis Carlos Oliveira Gonçalves,

How to Cite
Macedo, L. dos S., Verli, M., Neto, A. M. de M., & Gonçalves, L. C. O. (2024). Use of Ergospirometry in Training and Health: Narrative Review. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(312), 204-214.
Review Articles